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Groupama iPhone app is customer self-service in the smartphone era. I am disappointed and somewhat ashamed. In America, land of the iPhone and Android. The cradle of Facebook and Twitter. Home of prestigious institutions like the Harvard Business School and MIT. Here in the U.S. where countless SMEs and technologists on customer service share ideas and strategize using blogs, tweets, and newsletters… Yet no company in the U.S. had created what Groupama — one of the biggest insurance companies in Europe — did to leverage all existing technologies to focus squarely on the customer self-service experience. Have you heard of the Groupama interactive VISUAL Callback Response? According to iTunes, version 1.0.5 of the app was just posted on November 29, 2010 so not many people have seen it yet. Visual menus? Wait times for all available services?

Forget waiting — call me back? Live alerts? Content to engage users? Clearly Groupama did not just settle with any contact center implementation. Journée Zéro Tracas - MMA - zéro tracas - traquons les tracas. Zéro Tracas, MMA. #15 State Farm – “On the move” widget | Brand Utility, another way of thinking marketing and brand content. #21 – Visa – Pay Wave | Brand Utility, another way of thinking marketing and brand content.