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Brand utility presentations

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De l’utilité des recommandations sociales. Après l’article d’investigation des Inrocks (concernant le business des faux avis en ligne) et tandis que TripAdvisor vient tout juste de passer le seuil des 50 millions d’avis publiés sur sa plateforme, il est temps aujourd’hui de s’interroger sur la nécessité du partage des avis sur les médias sociaux. De l'utilité des recommandations sociales Après avoir été victime d’un manque de professionnalisme affligeant de la part d’un restaurant sur le quai de Saint-Cloud (voir le billet de Mymy les bons tuyaux à ce sujet), nous avions envie de nous exprimer, chacun à notre façon, pour dire à quel point il est primordial pour les clients et futurs consommateurs, de partager leurs expériences grâce aux médias sociaux. En effet, je ne pense pas être le seul à penser que le web social se doit d’être utile : les recommandations sont une des réponses possibles dans cette quête perpétuelle de l’utilité. Un élément stratégique à exploiter pour les marques cliquez sur l'image pour voir l'infographie.

Ideas idea ideas: strategy talk with MAS. The idea ecosystem | Brand Utility, another way of thinking marketing. Most brands getting on social media are reproducing the same things they used to do on TV or radio… They adapt their famous 360° marketing plan and eventually invest in a bigger media plan. Here, Heidi Hackemer gives 3 main parameters for a great idea today (slide 31) : Aim for platforms, a long term commitment to the people who appreciate (or will appreciate) your brand, something which will give a rich experience. These platforms often appear in contexts where a brand can add value, Nike+, the Diageo Bar or the North Face iPhone app are some perfect examples.Aim for brilliant one-off tactics, a special event to create the buzz.Don’t settle just for just a campaign, remember it’s a commitment, not a one-night shot.

This graph (slide 39) perfectly illustrates how your idea must appear… With all this interesting ideas, you’ll find some interesting tips to find and develop new and relevant ones. Tagged: brand utility, context marketing, engagement, ideas, modern marketing, useful. Your reputation matters more than your image | Brand Utility, another way of thinking marketing and brand content.

Simon Sinek : “People don’t buy what you do, they buy it why you do it” Why talking about “brand content” is useless ? | Brand Utility, another way of thinking marketing and brand content. “Content is no longer enough” Inspirational vs. Aspirational audience. You might have noticed that in our definition of Brand Utility, we prefer to talk about users than customers, when it is about people who benefit from it.

We believe that Brand Utility should not be limited to people who are likely to buy your product. In the mobile application era, the marginal cost of a user tends to zero, so why giving the exclusivity of your service to your target? Griffin Farley, in its propagation brief, makes the distinction between aspirational audience and inspirational audience. Your aspirational audience is the one who buys your products or services, who helps you to reach your business objectives.

Your inspirational audience, on the contrary, is the one who will engage with your creative assets and who is likely to influence the aspirational audience in a positive way. So when you believe that your brand should be limited to your buyers, think about other people that could do good to you without buying anything. The definition of brand. The Unimportance Of Brands And Why All Good Marketing Content Has Utility.

Connect everything else | Brand Utility, another way of thinking marketing and brand content. Here is a new Helge Tenno’s presentation. Connect everything else shows us clearly how the brands should use the Internet and the new technologies in general. The deal is not anymore in buying short term exposure, people do not remember anymore what you’re saying and they don’t look to your ads to decide which product they will buy, they look for what theirs peers say about a product, a service or a situation on Google, that’s why your reputation matters more than your image. I particularly appreciate the way Helge explains the different opportunities and this missing link (slide 3).

It’s just the beginning of a new technology and we can invent everything. “It’s not about attention, but offering something valuable” The innovation can come from anywhere but most of the time you need to rethink your business model (slide 20). Then, Helge talks about the myths of online strategies. Finally, the author proposes some great ideas for some Norwegian brands (slide 55). The smart brands in the connected age. 24/7 on Social Media. Technology and Brand Utility: A love affair. Is that really what a branded app should look like ?

Well…a love affair according to us, but more of a divorce according to most brands. Technical advance in the IT sector is completely reshaping the way businesses and brands interact with their customers. It creates new marketing practices and gives opportunities for new business models. Computers and the Internet have changed many things in the behaviours of brands as well as the ones of their users. On the Internet, the speech of an individual can be worth as much as the one of a company. On another hand, new technology enabled people to be constantly connected, whatever the place of the time, with mobile devices such as laptops, smartphones or tablets. has surveyed 150 students to get insights on how brands can be more useful to them on mobile devices, and how this added value affects their attitudes towards the brands. The study is available for download on Scribd or Slideshare.

“Humanism and Profits, link them to make sense” Consider the business model canvas | Brand Utility, another way of thinking marketing and brand content. From linear to circular economy. 10 business models that rocked 2010 - by @nickdemey ( A little history of brand utility. The big idea : Creating Shared Value.

What’s the ROI of your mother? "What's the ROI of your mother?" a presentation about ROI and Social Media. Marketing changed - brand utility. Do something. What’s a good planner today? Stop marketing to people. Another great presentation about contextual marketing | Brand Utility, another way of thinking marketing and brand content.