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Gallery of free HTML snippets for Twitter Bootstrap. Twitter Bootstrap 101: Introduction. Twitter's Bootstrap is an excellent set of carefully crafted user interface elements, layouts, and javascript tools, freely available to use in your next web design project.

Twitter Bootstrap 101: Introduction

This video series aims to introduce you to Bootstrap; taking you all the way from downloading the resources, to building a complete Bootstrap-based website. When Mark Otto (@mdo) and Jacob Thornton (@fat) released Twitter Bootstrap to the world in August 2011, their announcement explained what its value would be: empowering front-end developers to kickstart projects more efficiently and effectively.

The Bootstrap stylesheet provides an easy-to-implement 960 grid for efficient layout, as well as expertly crafted styles for typography, navigation, tables, forms, buttons, and more. To take care of everyday JavaScript touches, Bootstrap provides a well built set of jQuery plugins for drop-down menus, tabs, modal boxes, tooltips, alert messages, and more.