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George Orwell - The Orwell Prize. 25 Great Thinkers Every College Student Should Read. By Donna Scott College is for expanding one’s intellectual horizons. Unfortunately, drinking and having fun, can distract from learning about history’s great thinkers. From Mark Twain to Confucius, an educated individual should posses some knowledge of certain philosophers, artists and thinkers. Here are 25 great thinkers every college student should read, even if professors don’t assign them. Western Philosophers Western universities understandably tend to focus on Western philosophers and thinkers. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Born in Boston, Massachusetts, Emerson was an influential figure in the first recognized American school of philosophical thought. Eastern Thinkers Eastern philosophies have proven influential on figures throughout history from Marco Polo to the Beatles. Statesman Polls show few people trust politicians. Winston Churchill: In his nation’s darkest hour, Winston Churchill served as a beacon of inspiration and support.

Writers and Artists. L'invisible omniprésence de l'analyse de données. Quelle relation y a-t-il entre la prévision de la qualité d'un millésime viticole, le diagnostic médical, l'écriture de scénarios de films à succès, la fidélisation des clients d'une compagnie aérienne, et la lutte contre les discriminations raciales ? Ce sont, d'après ce livre, quelques uns des nombreux domaines qui ont été ou sont en train d'être transformés radicalement par les méthodes modernes d'analyse statistique et de traitement des données. L'auteur, Ian Ayres, est un représentant éminent d'une catégorie peu connue en France : c'est un juriste-statisticien. Professeur de droit et de gestion à l'Université de Yale, il travaille à l'interface du droit et de l'économétrie. Il est bien connu entre autres pour avoir mis en évidence dès les années 80, grâce à des analyses statistiques, un vaste phénomène de discrimination dans les ventes de voitures aux Etats-Unis : les femmes et les noirs se voyaient appliquer des tarifs supérieurs aux hommes blancs.

Les causes d'une révolution. Very Short Introductions. Guest Blog: A Year of Non-Fiction? by Emily « Nadia Lee :: Romance Writer - Blog. I have been utterly and completely turned off reading fiction. I'm not sure why, but I just don't wanna. I've been to the library a couple of times since I got back home -- and god, I love the public libraries here in Singapore! -- and I always walk away empty-handed from the fiction section. I go to bookstores, and wander out again, not having spent a single, precious penny. Which means I'm spending a ridiculous amount of cash on needlework stash and I really don't need any more -- FYI, my TBR pile is usually about 10 books and I have already achieved what we stitchers call SABLE: Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy. Do you know what amount of monstrous effort that would normally require of me? Do you have any idea? I'm someone who usually reads upwards of 200 novels each year.

Now I can't remember the last time I read a novel. It's depressing, is what it is. I watch some TV. So I'm thinking. An enforced year of reading only non-fiction. It might kill me. Essays. The World’s Top 20 Public Intellectuals. Rankings are an inherently dangerous business. Whether offering a hierarchy of countries, cities, or colleges, any such list -- at least any such list worth compiling -- is likely to generate a fair amount of debate.

In the last issue, when we asked readers to vote for their picks of the world’s top public intellectuals, we imagined many people would want to make their opinions known. But no one expected the avalanche of voters who came forward. During nearly four weeks of voting, more than 500,000 people came to to cast ballots. Such an outpouring reveals something unique about the power of the men and women we chose to rank. No one spread the word as effectively as the man who tops the list. 1. An Islamic scholar with a global network of millions of followers, Gülen is both revered and reviled in his native Turkey. 2. More than 30 years ago, Yunus loaned several dozen poor entrepreneurs in his native Bangladesh a total of $27. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. I Love You Christopher Hitchens, You Irritating Bastard. Christopher Hitchens, along with Robert Hughes and Spy magazine's Michèle Bennett, first started me imagining that I would like someday to be a journalist and critic.

These jaundiced observers of the follies of the late 1980s and early 1990s had in common an elegant style of attack, and a positive relish in the peppering, roasting, carving and dishing up of sacred cows. Hughes, by far the most scholarly of the three, went on to produce magnificent books and documentaries (and to survive the terrible injuries he sustained in a super-hairy car crash in 1999); Bennett's true identity has never been revealed, but I hope he or she is thriving, and writing still.

I like to imagine I've been enjoying the Bennett oeuvre all along, under some other august byline. But Christopher Hitchens! Ach, Christopher Hitchens. How I have loved him, despite the ordeals he has put me through. In this VF piece Hitchens recounted with unmistakable delight the media rumpus occasioned by Hell's Angel. Really!