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Vodcast, podcast, screencasting

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Vocaroo. Audacity. WeVideo. YouTube. Blogger. Snipping Tool. Community Clips. I like free stuff. Especially free stuff that does cool things. Capturing screen captures on your computer can be helpful to show others your work or how to start a program, and so forth. One of the things I recommend to my students is that they use Community Clips for screen capture of their work. Once you use Community Clips to capture your work, you then use Live Essentials to edit your work. Pretty cool. Here is a link you can directly download Community Clips from. There isn’t a lot of instructions on how to use it. If you save the video file, then you can also edit it in Live Essentials Movie Maker, I will blog about that in the future.

To download the free Live Essentials Movie Maker go to: Skype.