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Blog: Writing Tips

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By Regina [for infopreneurs + independents] Soooo, let’s take a deep dive into how to create an email course (correction: an epic email course) that you can use as an opt-in for your email list to grow it wildly and to impress your savvy audience. And yo, the first thing to note, is that there’s a 3-day online bootcamp this weekend (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday) that is free for you, complete with live video, worksheets, guest appearances by Kory Woodard, and more . . . all focused on helping you create an epic email course (planning, content, design, promotion, etc.).

I’ll tell you more about it at the end of this post, but you can also hop over to and RSVP for it. It will only be available over the weened and for a short replay time after that. Okay, let’s get started with the 18 steps of creating an epic email course that people go insane for. Really, Regina? 18 steps. Are they truly necessary? Yes, my email ninja friend, they are. 1.

For Freelancers: 1. Legit. 2. 3. Wait. For Coaches:4. BUT. 6. 7. 2. 3. Blogging Blues: Tips For Getting Over Your Slump. I have ups and downs in my blogging life. Times where I can’t get the words onto my computer fast enough and times when I can’t muster the strength to even open my laptop or snap another photo. Can you relate? Have you struggled with any stumbling blocks or a personal lack of motivation? Yes? You have battled the blogging blues.

Biggest signs of blogging blues You feel you don’t have time to do anything.You feel stale (no fresh ideas)! Let’s fix the blogging blues Turn your “lack of” and your “feelings” around. Do you feel like nobody is reading? Write to the ones you DO have rather than wishing you had more. Here is your thought: “I only had 30 pageviews today. Here is my challenge to you: If 30 people walked through your front door and crammed their way into your living room (sitting on the couch, coffee table, floor, leaning against the wall), wouldn’t you feel as though you had a captive audience? Do you feel stale? Here are my go-to steps for combatting writer’s block: Don’t have time? Simple Plan For Writing One Powerful Piece Of Content Per Week. 5 Headline Templates That Grab Readers | Michael Hyatt - Intentional Leadership. Your readers decide whether your blog post is worth their time within a few seconds. Most of that decision is based on the post title (or “headline”).

Some of the highest paying work in the copywriting business is creating headlines for magazine covers and tabloids. Think about it. Aren’t you sometimes at least tempted to pick up those magazines in the grocery store line? That’s the power of a great headline at work. Effective headlines tend to follow a pattern. The “How-To” Headline.The key to making this particular headline work is that you need to tie it to a benefit your reader cares about (related to your content, of course). One final piece of advice. Using these five headline templates, you should have more people reading your posts and commenting on your blog. 11 Essential Ingredients Every Blog Post Needs [Infographic] Creating and writing blogs has become a main staple for many teachers, either to use as a tool for their own reflections; opinions; or as a tool to inspire pupils to writing.

Demian Farnworth has created a useful infographic reminding of eleven essential ingredients for writing engaging content within a blog, useful for teachers and students alike. A PDF Version of the list is available here. Like this infographic? Get content marketing advice that works from Copyblogger. 9 Steps To Creating A Successful e-Course.