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Synthetic / in vitro meat. TEDxBrainport 2011 - Mark Post - Meet the new meat. Would You Eat Synthetic Meat? Meat The Future. GM 2.0: A new kind of wheat - Science - News. The field trial, however, is also one of several "second generation" GM crops that scientists hope will be more acceptable to the British public who resoundingly rejected the first generation of commercial GM crops – such as herbicide-tolerant cereals – which are nevertheless grown extensively outside Europe.

GM 2.0: A new kind of wheat - Science - News

The first commercial GM crop was developed in the early 1990s. It was a tomato that would remain fresh after picking and although consumed in the United States, it was never sold in the UK. Monsanto, the multinational agrochemicals company based in St Louis, Missouri, then came up with a herbicide-tolerant soybean plant. The crop could grow even if sprayed by a weedkiller, which was conveniently made by the same company. Advancing Rejuvenation Biotechnologies. Aubrey de Grey at TEDMED 2009.