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Health Infographs

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Apps-mhealth.jpg (JPEG Image, 600 × 3385 pixels) Mapping The Next Three Decades of Health Technology. When science fiction films depict the future, the best writers and directors are often less concerned with accurately predicting how specific technologies might reshape the world than they are with confronting the moral or philosophical quandaries of present day. It’s what makes those stories compelling--and relatable. When futurists attempt to tell us how (and when) technology leaps will occur, they’re not only speculating about what we’re capable of achieving in the coming decades but also imploring us to prepare--scientifically and psychologically--for those events. Envisioning Technology, the firm behind the massive infographic explorations of the future of emerging technology and the future of education technology, is, as you might guess, run by a futurist: Michell Zappa.

His most recent visualization maps the next three decades of health technology, charting how regeneration, augmentation, diagnostics, treatments, biogerontology, and telemedicine will change over time. How-Patients-Learn-in-the-Digital-Age-Infographic.png (PNG Image, 700 × 4186 pixels) Waarom-Office-365-in-Zorg-Sociaal-Intranet-en-Digital-Mobile-Workplace-Health-Care-Rapid-Circle-Microsoft-v31.jpg (JPEG Image, 900 × 6889 pixels) Understanding Pharma Patents. Tell your story visually before December 31st and get a free iPad Air! * The holidays are a great time to tell your brand story. From Black Friday trends and Mobile Shopping guides to the Best and Worst Times to Book Travel and Thanksgiving etiquette, the Visually team will help you craft your brand's unique stories and raise your social profile during the noisy holiday season.

*Requires $10k minimum purchase.

Infographic Making Websites

Healthcare. Facts about cancer – infographic. Mesothelioma_facts.jpg (JPEG Image, 1000 × 2459 pixels) Patient Adherence Infographic Sept 12.jpg (JPEG Image, 800 × 1200 pixels) - Scaled (73%)