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The 10 golden rules of Twitter | Times Opinion on Tumblr. The Great Twitter Unfollow Experiment of 2011. This week, I unfollowed everyone on Twitter. That was over 131,000 people. I didn’t do it manually, but rather, with some help (ask @jesse, if you need custom help like that). My reason was that I’d started receiving over 200 direct message spams a day. (These messages said things like “lol, look at this funny photo,” with a link that would enslave my account to send similar messages.)

I learned a few things in the process. People React Before They Investigate Because I knew some people might notice that I had unfollowed them on Twitter, I posted SEVERAL times a message to my stream that stated what I was doing, why I was doing it, and that I’d slowly follow people back. I still received dozens of emails and several dozen messages on Twitter (and one really long and angry rant on Google+ that was surprising in the depth of what else she didn’t like about me, this person who believed it would be great to judge her perception of my life in 360 degrees).

People Want the Channel Open. 8 Sure-Fire Ways To Tick Off the Twitterverse. When you’re starting out with Twitter it is easy to make mistakes and put potential followers off-side. In this post Jenny Cromie (follow her at @JennyCromie) explores 8 ways to tick off other Twitter users. Image by ohhector Have you ever been to a social networking event and watched someone make a complete fool out of themselves? It’s like watching a car wreck in slow motion. Or like listening to a violinist who doesn’t know the difference between an A flat and and A sharp. The whole point of a social networking event is to get to know people and build relationships. To the uninitiated, Twitter may seem like a collection of random conversations and annoying mini marketing campaigns. People new to the Twitterverse can’t help it if they make a few social gaffes now and then. But there are others who have been milling around the Twitterverse for a while and they clearly should know better. 15 Most Annoying Types of Twitter Users.

Update: This article from last year deserves another look, so we’re moving it forward for your enjoyment. It can be argued that those of us who tweet links to content on the web are the most annoying of Twitter users. That is the “category” that I fit in, so it makes sense that I would exclude my personal type from this list. Otherwise, there are probably dozens of other types that are just as annoying. This is, of course, a partial list, but we’ll be expanding the post once more annoying Twitter types come to light. 1.

With as much money as people are apparently making on FOREX, it’s amazing that they have time to work their Twitter accounts. 2. When you post links to stories, you really should make sure that everyone can see what the story says rather than link to your own site and expect people to click through from your site to the source content. 3. 4. Unlike many, I have nothing against the games on Twitter like SpyMaster, Mafia, Ninja, whatever. 5. 6. I know. 7. It’s the Internet. Twitter : les 10 commandements. Un peu de détente avant ce long week-end…;) Vous en rêviez, voici les 10 commandements de Twitter, que tout bon utilisateur se doit de respecter. 1. Tu ne pratiqueras pas la politique du follow / unfollow the day after if no followback 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Si vous voyez d’autres commandements à ajouter à la liste, n’hésitez pas à les ajouter en commentaires ! Même si je suis moralisateur, je ne suis pas pour autant dogmatique, et il est donc tout à fait envisageable d’avoir plus de 10 commandements ;) Like this: J'aime chargement…