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The cherry blossom girl (3) Il y a une semaine, j’ai eu l’immense chance de rencontrer Charlotte Olympia, la créatrice d’accessoires et souliers à la touche inimitable, à la fois drôle et glamour.

The cherry blossom girl (3)

Etant vraiment fan de son travail, et collectionneuse de ses créations ( j’attends toujours chaque collection avec impatience ! ), ça a été vraiment sympa de pouvoir parler un peu avec elle. Charlotte est pleine d’idées, et ça se voit dans ses souliers ! Mon dernier coup de coeur ( après le sac téléphone que vous avez dû apercevoir dans mes derniers articles ), c’est les escarpins Ice Cream !

J’ai eu carte blanche de la part de la marque pour réaliser un petit article, et les mettre en scène. Alors quoi de mieux pour des gourmandises que de les ramener dans leur habitat naturel ? How to do rag curls. When searching the web for rag curl directions, I came across creepy child beauty pageant blogs that said "cut some fabric, wet your hair, roll it up, tie it".

How to do rag curls

Do that and you will cry from the result. After quite a while of doing rag curls on myself from chin length hair, to past shoulder length, I can show you the the the little things to know only learned from trial and error. So here is the correct way to do rag curls. You will need:Strips of cotton fabric. Around 2" X 5" works well.A comb.Mousse or something similar.A brush. Maegan: * Leather Lanyard Bracelet Maeg-it Yourself *... If you went to Summer Camp as a kid, you’ll totally remember making lanyard keychains with that brightly colored plastic lace {I had tons of them!} Maegan: * Leather Lanyard Bracelet Maeg-it Yourself *...

…so I thought, why not do it with leather lace? And I did. And I love them! Pair them with stacks of other bangles and bracelets to add a little texture! How To: DIY Leopard Print Nails. Flipping through the September issues of the magazines this year, a feeling of déjà vu has been creeping over me.

How To: DIY Leopard Print Nails

Hot as the hob of hell for Autumn/Winter 2010 fashion: kitten heels. Wholesale - mac cosmetics wholesale, wholesale mac cosetics from... 50 Uses for Vaseline. This is one of my favorite products from Vaseline, their Vitalizing Gel Body Oil.

50 Uses for Vaseline

I keep it by the tub, and use it on my wet body before I dry off. It leaves you totally smooth and very nice and moisturized without being greasy (after a very few minutes anyway). Wacky beauty tips that work. Cosmopolitan Subscribe Look Inside! Subscribe and save Subscribe to Cosmopolitan and get three issues for just $6! Order now For a daily fix of awesomeness that fits perfectly on your phone, just go to on your mobile. How To Put Your Hair Up In A Cute Bun.

Comb your hair carefully to eliminate any tangles or knots.Take some hair from the top of your head. 3.

How To Put Your Hair Up In A Cute Bun

Tie off this hair with a hair elastic. 25 Creative Uses of Cosmetics: Pics, Videos, Links, News. 5 Foods You Have In Your Kitchen That Should Be In Your Hair. Baking soda should be in your hair if it has build-up.

5 Foods You Have In Your Kitchen That Should Be In Your Hair

Let’s make a pact today. You and me. Gyaru-kei. Advanced Style: Age and Beauty. We're having a senior moment: From textile mogul Iris Apfel in her trademark owl spectacles to artist Ilona Royce Smithkin in DIY orange eyelashes, the stars of photographer Ari Seth Cohen’s Advanced Style blog represent the most fashionable older ladies and gentlemen of New York and beyond.

25 Fashion & Style Tips to Brighten Your Day - College Fashion. The weather is awfully depressing in the northeast right now, and it’s enough to make anyone feel down!

25 Fashion & Style Tips to Brighten Your Day - College Fashion

Fortunately, dressing up and looking fabulous always seems to make a bad mood disappear. That’s what inspired me to create this list. Tips & Tricks - Beauty Secrets. Power of Makeup. It’s just incredible what makeup can do… Cosmetics are substances used to enhance the appearance or odor of the human body. Cosmetics include skin-care creams, lotions, powders, perfumes, lipsticks, fingernail and toe nail polish, eye and facial makeup, towelettes, permanent waves, colored contact lenses, hair colors, hair sprays and gels, deodorants, hand sanitizer, baby products, bath oils, bubble baths, bath salts, butters and many other types of products.

A subset of cosmetics is called “make-up,” which refers primarily to colored products intended to alter the user’s appearance. Many manufacturers distinguish between decorative cosmetics and care cosmetics. The manufacture of cosmetics is currently dominated by a small number of multinational corporations that originated in the early 20th century, but the distribution and sale of cosmetics is spread among a wide range of different businesses. Cosmetic use was frowned upon at many points in Western history. 50 All Natural Beauty Products You Can Make Yourself - Planet Green.

Inexpensive Beauty Secrets. Brown Sugar Scrub. Mary Magdalene|メアリーマグダレン. DIY Projects to Cure the Winter Break Boredom Blues - College Fashion. Get the look - how-to create your favorite makeup looks. 101 Hairstyle Tutorials. Girls, because we all have our sad/bad/mad hair moments when we *desperately* wish our hair were more this or less that (insert personal hair hell here), I wanted us to have a huge list of hairstyle resources that we could turn to for ideas and inspiration.

101 Hairstyle Tutorials

So here are 101 hairstyle tips and tutorials, each one easy to follow and well selected to help your hair go from 0-60 in the time it takes you to get ready for work. DIY - MAKE YOUR OWN WAX FOR HAIR REMOVAL - Fashion + Beauty on Shine. I was chatting with someone on my flight back from my vacation.

DIY - MAKE YOUR OWN WAX FOR HAIR REMOVAL - Fashion + Beauty on Shine