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How to Make White Chocolate in Less Than 5 Minutes. You can make white chocolate from scratch – at home, in your microwave, with no special tools (not even a candy thermometer). You may think that making candy is completely out of your league. I assure you that making white chocolate is something you can definitely do and it will look like the white chocolate in my picture (or fancier if you use a different mold). Making white chocolate takes under five minutes of your time and, even if you don’t typically enjoy white chocolate, this homemade white chocolate might change your mind. Most store-bought white chocolate is so sweet that the sugar and added vanilla flavor is pretty much all you taste. I’m not a fan. When you make your own white chocolate, the subtle chocolate flavor from the cocoa butter (the main ingredient in white chocolate) will come through along with whatever flavor(s) you choose to add.

When I crave chocolate, I’m still going to reach for a quality piece of dark chocolate like Patric or Amano . How To Make White Chocolate. Real Easter Bunnies Don’t Lay Eggs. They make chocolates instead. Really, doesn’t it just make more sense? For such mammals to lay eggs is a biological impossibility, but the cleverest of rabbits explore their creative talents and craft cacao into treats for children- Now that sounds downright reasonable in comparison. I can see it now: Gifted little bunnies across the globe secreting away sugar and cocoa in their homely burrows, creating magic for the good little boys and girls everywhere, much like Santa might prepare for Christmas. At least, that’s what I’d like to believe. It’s much more optimistic than labeling the inclusion of so much cheap candy as merely a thinly disguised marketing ploy, capitalizing on yet another holiday that might prompt parents to spend ungodly amounts of money on unnecessary junk.

Indeed, I’ve been a very busy bunny this year, working hard to appease the younger (and older!) And thus, I present a sweet and simple method for homemade “milk” chocolate. Soy-Milk Chocolate Makes 2 2.5-Ounce Bars. Pastelitos. Vegan Tiramisu. For weeks I obsessed about vegan tiramisu. I'd tried vegan recipes in the past and came up with nothing good. This last time I was determined. Now there is a recipe floating around online for vegan tiramisu already and I gave that a shot first but here is what happened:- the sponge cake came out kind of bitter and crumbly, even though it cooled a long time, cutting it caused it to break up. - the "mascarpone" came out really runny. So I tweaked that recipe and combined it with some other recipes and here is my successful version of vegan tiramisu.

First make all the components of the recipe as follows. Sponge Cake:(Based on recipe I found online by Candace Naomi Sakuda)2 cups all purpose flour 1 cup sugar 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon cornstarch1 teaspoon vanilla 1/4 cup plus 2 Tablespoons canola oil 1 1/3 cups water Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and mix until smooth and free of lumps. Coffee/Liquor Dip 1 cup expresso3 tablespoons amaretto3 tablespoons sugar. Irish soda bread with fennel & cinnamon. Friday March 20, 2009 Heavy, dense, tasteless, dry. Often these are words used to describe the brick-of-a-loaf also known as Irish soda bread. Its bad rap had me wary but I overcame it when I saw Buff Chickpea’s lovely looking loaf. The fact that it looked like a perfect vehicle for butter had me sold. This bread is a quick bread, meaning there’s no yeast to bother with. It’s a snap to put together…if you can make a biscuit or a scone, this is no different.

Plus, there are no eggs, so if you sub in the required non-dairies, you’ve got a great vegan bread. It is a dense bread, but I didn’t mind that one bit, and I definitely did not find this bread too dry. Gibassier. After reading in 'Baking Artisan Pastries & Breads Sweet and Savory Baking for Breakfast, Brunch, and Beyond' Ciril Hitz forward by Peter Reinhart> Gibassier - This little-known breakfast bread hails from the Provence region in France and is, in CH wife's opinion, one of the best breakfast breads ever to have graced our table.

She is not alone, most everyone that has been lucky enough to taste a gibassier falls in love instantly. Perhaps it is the light, buttery texture of the aroma of orange blossom water mixed with the selicate hint of aniseed. Whatever it is, this little baked gem has the potential for a cultlike following among bakers everywhere....and it goes on...well I just couldn't wait to give it a try.

Pre-ferment (Biga) Yield - apx. one dozen individual loaves - 1. 2. 3. Dough 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Night before baking Combine all the pre-ferment ingredients in the bowl of a 5-quart stand mixer and mix at low speed until a smooth consistency is achieved. Free Recipes | GFG.

Walnut-Strawberry Quick Bread. Vegan KD 1.0. Ah, KD. The food of my youth. Back in my teen years when grew about a foot every night, I would come home from school, eat an entire box of KD, then eat dinner a few hours later. And I never gained a pound. Man, those were the days. This is my first attempt (hence version 1.0) to recreate that peculiar KD look and taste. INGREDIENTS- 1 large red pepper roasted, peeled, and seeded- 3 cups macaroni- 3/4 cup raw cashews- 1 1/2 cup water- 1/2 cup nutritional yeast- 1 tbsp Dijon mustard- 2 tsp onion powder- 1/4 tsp garlic powder- 1/2 tsp tumeric- 1 tsp salt- 1 tbsp flour- 1/4 cup margarine- soy milk METHOD1.