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Facebook, twitter : le fast-food du web

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The Real Life Social Network v2. Walled-in: Life Without Facebook. Simplify the Internet. By Leo Babauta The Internet is overwhelming for many people — it never ends, and our connection to it is consuming more and more of our time. When things get overwhelming, my advice is always the same: simplify. But how do you simplify such a complicated beast as the Internet? It’s impossible! Actually, no, it’s doable, but it takes a willingness to let go. Without letting go, there is no simplicity.

Let’s take a look at some ways to simplify the Internet. The Complications How you simplify depends a lot on what you do on a regular basis, and that’s different for everyone. Whew! Let’s see if we can simplify. Simplify Social Let’s start by saying that no, we don’t need to be connected on social networks as much as many people think they need to be. So here are some ways to simplify (you don’t have to do all of them): Quit Facebook. Simplify Reading There are a handful of sources of news and interesting reads that I open on a regular basis. Pick a handful of sources. Simplify Email All the Rest. Spokeo People Search | White Pages | Find People. Delete Your Account - All Sites. The Slow Web Movement — A Truly Progressive Way Forwards.