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The Real Life Social Network v2

The Real Life Social Network v2

Lexique Définitions (sommairement présentées ici) des principaux termes, notions et concepts présents dans la thèse (et le carnet de recherche). Authentification Processus par lequel une entité prouve son identité (par exemple : saisie d’un mot de passe). Bénéficiaire Entité qui tire le bénéfice du traitement des données personnelles. Certification Processus par lequel une entité C assure à B l’ identité de A. Commensuration Concept des sciences cognitives : « la commensuration implique l’utilisation de nombres pour créer des relations entre les choses. Dispositif (semi) automatique de collecte, traitement et consultation des données à caractère personnel ( DACTCDCP ) Ensemble composé d’appareils, d’interface, de processus et d’agents (publics ou privés, voir industrie ) permettant la saisie ( endogène si l’agent est le titulaire ) des données à caractère personnel d’une entité , ainsi que leur traitement (par filtre ou calcul) et leur consultation (parfois en dehors de l’ espace privatif ). Entité

How to work with “stupid” people On Quora today I saw a question to the effect of: How do I put up with the stupid people I inevitably find myself working with? Here’s my answer: I consider myself reasonably intelligent, yet I have had no problem surrounding myself with people at or above my intellectual level. I’ve also had good relationships with co-workers at all levels of intelligence. I’ll assume that you’re not just lashing out at others as a defense mechanism against your own insecurities (although you need honestly ask yourself that). But what you’re really evaluating is their judgment. Here’s a guide for what to do instead: Before you even decide that you disagree with someone, work to understand their judgment. Do you fully understand what they’re saying? Ask questions, make sure you understand them fully. If you decide that you disagree, work to understand their thinking process: What are the reasons for their conclusion? Ask them (and learn to do it without threatening or intimidating them).

Why Developers Won’t Quit Facebook: Glassdoor Grows Registered Users 10X in 90 Days By Sarah Lacy On August 23, 2012 Like the arid Oakland hills, the blogosphere has spent the summer ablaze with developer anger, as it dawns on everyone what it means to build a company dependent on someone else’s platform. News flash: They have you by the cojones. But the reality is Twitter can put up as many two-by-two matrixes as it likes; Dalton Caldwell can write flame posts on Facebook’s untoward intentions with developers all day long. This isn’t really a debate about how developers would like to be treated. Consider Glassdoor, the site that lets you peer into the walls of companies to see how much they pay and how they treat employees. So back in April, it launched something called Inside Connections on top of Facebook. Think about that for a minute.

Chen Guangcheng has a posse and Ai Weiwei is everywhere: Memes as dissent in China Memes are “the street art of the social web,” says An Xiao Mina, a designer and artist in Los Angeles. But in China, a country that represses speech and the press, the lulz can turn deadly serious. “Memes are a way of circumventing all the controls out there on the Chinese web,” she told me this weekend. “Not only do they remix fast, they’re very obscure.” Mina got the attention of the Chinese artist Ai Weiwei in 2011, when she helped create a community-powered Twitter feed that translates his tweets into English. On the day she arrived, Jan. 12, Chinese authorities had demolished Ai’s Shanghai studio. “Obviously, it was a very scary time. She stumbled upon “Crack Sunflower Seeds,” an animated video that depicts boys and girls trying to tell the story of a sunflower-seed seller before a black hand sweeps them away. “It became a meme for a while, people posting pictures,” Mina told me. The panel, moderated by Ethan Zuckerman, reminded us that Western meme culture is America-focused.

Contributions envirnnment num fonctinnmt psy Crédit Image : sid clicks par nathaniel s L’être humain se développe au contact de deux types d’environnements. Le premier est l’environnement humain. Ce sont les personnes qui prennent soin de lui dans son enfance, puis ses partenaires de jeu et de travail. Les espaces numériques constituent un troisième environnement sur lequel nous pouvons appuyer notre fonctionnement psychique. Il nous faut maintenant reconnaitre et explorer la part la plus importante. Cette reconnaissance nous est difficile pour au moins deux raisons. L’environnement est défini comme ce qui entoure et contribue aux besoins d’un individu ou d’une espèce ou plus généralement comme les conditions susceptibles d’agir sur les organismes vivants. L’environnement numérique contribue au développement psychologique normal de plusieurs façons. La première contribution que les espaces numériques apportent au développement normal est qu’ils sont d’un abord plus simple que l’environnement humain. WordPress: J'aime chargement…

Theme Playground | Who’s Who in WordPress (50+ people you should be following) I’ve said before that what makes WordPress so powerful is the community behind it. I’ve pushed the importance of getting to know your WordPress developers before, and would like to think I’m doing my part in publishing interviews with members of the community as well. This time around, I’d like to publish my own “Who’s Who” of WordPress. This list is intended to direct you toward the most influential members of the WordPress community. If you’re reading this page, it’s because you’re interested in getting involved. Update: For more great WordPress community/news resources, see my list of suggested news sources , all of them straight from my own feedreader. The Core I’m making a distinction here between “the core” members of WordPress and the rest of the community. ( Note: This “core” list isn’t intended to be comprehensive. The Community Who’s making tides in the WordPress ocean, besides the big dogs TM ? Still reading?

How Your Wireless Carrier Overcharges You When your wireless carrier charges you for the amount of data you used on your cell phone in a given month, how do you know the bill is accurate? It very well might not be, according to a new study. This question is more important to consumers than ever. Working with three colleagues at the University of California, Los Angeles, computer science PhD researcher Chunyi Peng probed the systems of two large U.S. cell-phone networks. The researchers determined that even typical use of a phone could lead the data to be overcounted by 5 to 7 percent, Peng says. The problem stems from the way networks count data use. The problem affects video and audio streaming apps in particular because they use protocols that don’t require the receiving device to acknowledge the receipt of every chunk of data, or halt data transmission immediately, as Web browsers or many other apps do. The researchers also found that data use can be hidden from the two cellular networks they tested.

Krulwich Wonders: Is The 'Right To Be Forgotten' The 'Biggest Threat to Free Speech On The Internet'? But if you live in Argentina, you can't look at her. Put Yesica's name in Yahoo! Argentina and what do you get? Yesica and her lawyers have exercised a legal right now dubbed "The Right to Be Forgotten" that allows you to remove embarrassing pictures or information you put on the web — and do it permanently, totally. Yesica demanded that Yahoo! Argentina is not the only place with a Right to be Forgotten. Dangerous, DANGEROUS...Don't! Immediately, lawyers, especially American lawyers, and particularly lawyers who defend free speech, began to holler. What? Well, here's the argument. Let's start with those who favor the law: Vivian Reding, vice president of the European Commission, argues that everything we do — our emails, our blog comments, our e-purchases, our porn watching, the tickets we buy, the photos we share — all of it is sitting in data bases controlled in the great "Cloud." Because, says Jeffrey Rosen, this law when made operational, very quickly runs amuck. Now what?
