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Why Religious People Are Scared of Atheists | Belief. December 16, 2010 | Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. What, exactly, do religious believers want from atheists? If you follow the atheism debates in op-ed pieces and whatnot, you'll see that critiques of the so-called New Atheist movement are often aimed at our tone. But if you follow atheism in the news, you begin to see a very different story. You begin to see that atheists are regularly criticized -- vilified, even -- simply for existing. Or, to be more accurate, for existing in the open. Case in point: In Bryan/ College Station, Texas, the Brazos Valley Vuvuzela Atheist Marching Band recently marched in the annual Christmas parade.

Which was enough, apparently, to send many Christians into fits. And she was hardly alone. "There was one entry that should not have been in the parade. "We let people make a mockery out of us!!!!! "You have no idea what this holiday means for those of use who believe in a greater being. Index - Welcome. Atheists for Jesus - Richard Dawkins. The Future of Atheism: Beyond the Question of God. December 3, 2010 Host: Chris Mooney Recently at Pomona College in California, three atheists—one of them a Point of Inquiry host—got together to debate the future of the movement.

And some sparks flew. Topics raised included the rise of the so-called "nones" (those professing "no religion" in surveys), the lack of representation for atheists in the U.S. Congress, and the debate between moderate or "live-and-let-live" atheism as opposed to a louder and more aggressive version. Despite their disagreement, it was clear that it’s an exciting time for the movement, as atheism becomes more visible in American life.

The students in the packed audience have that in their hands. Panel participants were: David Silverman, president of American Atheists. Hemant Mehta writes the "Friendly Atheist" blog and serves on the board of directors of the Foundation Beyond Belief and the Secular Student Alliance. Chris Mooney is a host of Point of Inquiry. Comments from the CFI Forums Sorry about that. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Brights' Net - Home Page. American Atheists | Welcome Free Thinkers.