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Aspects of the New World Order

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Welcome to Aspects Of The New World Order:
I look forward to your participation and input based on aspects of the emerging NWO system: Topics of interest Esoteric Roots of the United Nations, Secret Society's, Technology and the Police State, Deep Green Environmentalism, The Transformation of the Educational System.

Knowledge is key to liberating the mind so lets cultivate our Pearltree of Knowledge and help our Team grow. Please keep the Pearltree neat. Thank You. DRUDGE REPORT 2011® The truth news and information they dont want you to know about. AdamVsTheManRT's Channel‬‏ Rachel Maddow Show. Fabian4Liberty's Channel. Map - Your Local Fusion Center | Are We Safer? | FRONTLINE. Fusion centers -- places for state, local and federal officials to share and analyze information -- sprang up at the local level in the wake of the post-9/11 complaints about the failure to "connect the dots. " In 2003, the federal government began contributing funding; to date, the Department of Homeland Security has provided more than $420 million in funding to 72 fusion centers across the country, but some localities have funded additional centers.

Fusion centers are built upon the idea of cops on a beat -- local authorities will recognize potential threats to their communities and feed the system with intelligence about possible terrorists. But critics charge that the imperative to gather as much information as possible can lead to abuses and misinformation that can get into national databases. Here is a map of state-level fusion centers, click on a point to learn more. Map Data Map data ©2014 Google, INEGI Map Sources The Washington Post, ACLU.

Facebook, the CIA, and You. // Brainsturbator. After over a decade of being immersed in the conspiracy theory culture—and I’m still there wether I like it or not—my core beef remains the same. It’s not something unique to conspiracy research. It’s a universal problem with all true believers: exaggeration for dramatic effect. Subtlety is interesting. Details are brainfood. Overstatements are good for getting people alarmed and worked up, but what happens when people start realizing they were decieved? Is Facebook a CIA front, devoted to identifying, tracking and crushing dissent in the college generation?

In short, this is a great angle to sneak a peek one of the most hidden, and profitable, sectors of the US economy. We may use information about you that we collect from other sources, including but not limited to newspapers and Internet sources such as blogs, instant messaging services and other users of Facebook, to supplement your profile.” Let’s start right there. Just Kids Being Kids Speaking of Venture Capitalism Stay Skeptical. Depopulation of Planet Earth - Despoblación del Planeta Tierra. American Thinker: Useless Eaters. While Americans worry over government insurance plans, longer waits for treatment, and "healthcare rationing," a more sinister agenda lurks in the shadows of the healthcare bill now before the House of Representatives.

Today's Medicare recipients could be the first to experience our government's new solution to America's "useless eaters. " Section 1233 of HR 3200, the healthcare reform measure under consideration, mandates "Advance Care Planning Consultation. " Under the proposal, all senior citizens receiving government medical care would be required to undergo these counseling sessions every five years. Further reading of the law reveals that these sessions are nothing more than a not-so-veiled attempt to convince the elderly to forego treatment.

HR 3200 calls outright for these compulsory consultations to recommend "palliative care and hospice. " These are typically administered in the place of treatment intended to prolong life, and instead focus on pain relief until death. Power Line - The Global Warming Hoax: A Summary. Global warming alarmism is not science. It is a toxic combination of pseudo-religion and totalitarian politics. To the extent that there is any debate over climate science–the alarmists run from debate like vampires fleeing garlic–the “skeptics” always win.

If you want to follow climate science controversies in a rigorous but accessible fashion, check out the Science and Environmental Policy Project’s web site. Among other things, it features a weekly update on matters relating to the global warming debate.This week’s SEPP newsletter includes an excellent piece by Dr. Harrison “Jack” Schmitt, a former United States Senator from New Mexico as well as a geologist and former Apollo astronaut who currently is an aerospace consultant. Dr. Policy makers at the head of government in the United States and elsewhere apparently want to believe, and to have others believe, that human use of fossil fuels accelerates global warming. Dr. Know the TRUTH about the Government Health Care Bill H.R.3200 - Key Points. University Presents: Useless Eaters. Disability as Genocidal Marker in Nazi Germany The methods used for mass extermination in the Nazi death camps originated and were perfected in earlier use against people with physical, emotional, and intellectual disabilities.

Developed from the article by Dr. Mark Mostert, this website describes the historical context of attitudes toward people with disabilities in Germany and how this context produced mass murder of people with disabilities prior to and during the early years of World War II. Click on the image to the left to enter the site, or read the full article text by Dr.

Mark Mostert. Site requirements: Flash Player 7 Broadband recommended. The Green Agenda - The Earth Charter. “The real goal of the Earth Charter is that it willin fact become like the Ten Commandments.”- Maurice Strong The Earth Charter – Humanity’s Covenant with the Earth In 1992 Maurice Strong was the Secretary General of the historic United Nations Earth Summit in Rio. In order to ensure the success of the Summit, Strong’s wife, Hanne, held a vigil with the Wisdom-keepers, a group of "global transformationalists. " Through round-the-clock sacred fire, drumbeat, and meditation, the group “held the energy pattern" for the duration of the gathering. As described in my previous article Agenda 21 was the primary output of the Summit. It was stated at the time that this ‘blueprint for the 21st century’ would lay the necessary foundation for a subsequent “new global covenant between humanity and the Earth.”

Shortly after the Earth Summit concluded Strong formed the Earth Council, a group of “environmental visionaries and philosophers”, and set about drafting this “new global covenant”. Genocidalism disguised as environmentalism -- Webster Tarpley. A Poisoned World - Pt1 - Big Pharma & the FDA. Against School, by John Taylor Gatto. The Daily Sheeple - News, Commentary, Headlies and Truth. The Antipsychiatry Coalition.

25 Reasons Psychiatry Must Be Abolished. By Don Weitz 1. Because psychiatrists frequently cause harm, permanent disabilities, death - death of the body-mind-spirit. 2. Because psychiatrists frequently violate the Hippocratic Oath which orders all physicians "First Do No Harm. " 3. Because psychiatrists patronize and disempower people, especially their patients. 4. Because psychiatry is not a medical science. 5. 2011 Biometric Consortium Conference and Technology Expo. Mobile Prison Guard Towers Coming to a Walmart near You! Unbelievable. Google GMail Privacy. Google is Watching you. 2015:Google Takes Over The World!!(DOCUMENTARY)

Lucis Trust for An One World Religion. Republic Broadcasting Network. Amerikan Exposé with Chris Gerner. The COMING NEW AGE- ONE WORLD RELIGION-1. Amerikan Expose | Hegelian Dialectic. Why is it important for you to understand the subject of the Hegelian Dialectic? Because it is the process by which all change is being accomplished in society today.

More importantly, it is the tool that the globalists are utilizing to manipulate the minds of the average American to accept that change, where ordinarily they would refuse it. The Hegelian Dialectic is, in short, the critical process by which the ruling elite create a problem, anticipating in advance the reaction that the population will have to the given crisis, and thus conditioning the people that a change is needed. When the population is properly conditioned, the desired agenda of the ruling elite is presented as the solution. The solution isn't intended to solve the problem, but rather to serve as the basis for a new problem or exacerbate the existing one. When the newly inflamed difficulty reaches the boiling point of a crisis, it becomes the foundation upon which arguments may again be made for change.

ProblemReactionSolution. The New Group of World Servers. The New Group of World Servers Let us drop our antagonisms and our antipathies, and think in terms of the one family, the one life, and the one humanity. Humanity is not following a haphazard or uncharted course--there is a Plan. Humanity determines the speed of its own evolution and the fulfilling of its own destiny under the Plan.The success of the Plan depends upon the intelligent co-operation of all men and women of goodwill everywhere in the world. Men of goodwill who co-operate form part of the New Group of World Servers which is working to implement the Plan. The leaders of the New Group of World Servers are those who initiate and carry forward activities which benefit humanity as a whole. These leaders are known by their harmless, constructive and inclusive qualities. Behind these leaders and the co-operating men of goodwill are the Custodians of the Plan, "the inner spiritual Government of the Planet.

" The Fact of Their Existence Who are They? The Immediate World Problem Summation. Constitution: UNESCO. Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Adopted in London on 16 November 1945 and amended by the General Conference at its 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th and 31st sessions. The Governments of the States Parties to this Constitution on behalf of their peoples declare: That since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed; That ignorance of each other’s ways and lives has been a common cause, throughout the history of mankind, of that suspicion and mistrust between the peoples of the world through which their differences have all too often broken into war; That the wide diffusion of culture, and the education of humanity for justice and liberty and peace are indispensable to the dignity of man and constitute a sacred duty which all the nations must fulfil in a spirit of mutual assistance and concern; 1. -- Where Reality Shatters Illusion. Blavatsky Study Center:  Website on H.P. Blavatsky & Theosophy including Blavatsky Archives. Dennis Cuddy -- Statue of Liberty: Part 3. By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D. May 31, 2010 The Statue of Liberty (SL) has seven pointed rays of light emanating from her head. As mentioned in previous Parts of this series, seven pointed rays of light are important in various ancient traditions, such as the Assyrian/Babylonian Semiramis, Roman Mithraic Mysteries, and Gnostic.

In The Natural Genesis (circa 1881), Gerald Massey hypothesized that they "Seven-rayed Sun-god of the Gnostic stones" was also the "Serpent Chnubis" and "the second beast in the Book of Revelation. " Madame Blavatsky, also mentioned in previous Parts of this series, wrote in The Secret Doctrine (1888) that "the seven rays of the Chaldean Heptakis or Iao, on the Gnostic stones," represent the seven large stars of the Egyptian "Great Bear" Constellation and the Hindu "7 Rishis. " The SL was given to the Masons of America by the Grand Orient Freemasons of France, who were instrumental in bringing about the French Revolution of 1789. H. Advertisement. Seven Ray Institute.

Education.pdf (application/pdf Object) Spirituality in Education. The spiritual poverty of much contemporary education provides few opportunities for today's youth to quench their deep thirst for meaning and wholeness. Misguided, or unconscious attempts by students to attain some sense of fulfilment often result in varying degrees of addictive behaviour toward activities, substances or relationships - all of which make teaching and learning difficult, if not impossible.

Compulsive or reckless activity, substance abuse, and empty sexuality can result from students trying to escape the pain of an inner emptiness. In the classroom this can manifest as lack of interest, lack of self-worth, lack of compassion, lack of self-discipline and lack of spirit. A more 'soulful' education seeks to open the mind, warm the heart and awaken the spirit of each student. A spiritualised curriculum values physical, mental and spiritual knowledge and skills. Schools, Institutes and web sites. The Rainbow Swastika - Education for the New Age. By Hannah Newman Philologos Religious Online Books by Hannah Newman -- "We need change agents in charge of those schools,not preservers of entrenched interests and encrusted practices. "(Vanderbilt University Professor Chester Finn, Jr. H. The above quote from Professor Chester Finn was published in 1991, in his article, "Reinventing Local Control" (_Education Week_, Jan.23, 1991, p.40) Under the Bush (Sr.) administration, Finn was given a mandate to "fix" American education; his efforts were seen as successful enough to earn him the title, "The Wizard of Education" (name of article by Thomas Toch, _US News and World Report_, Jul.15, 1991, p.46) While the choice of a moniker associated with witchcraft may [or may not] have been unintentional, his call for "change agents" is both deliberate and prophetic regarding the U.S.

Alice Bailey wrote an entire volume on this subject: _Education in the New Age_. 1. 2. 2a. 2b. 2c. 3. Transnational Advocacy, Global Civil Society. Transnational Advocacy, Global Civil Society? Emerging Evidence from the Field of Education By Karen Mundy and Lynn Murphy (send comments to: or Introduction It is now possible to speak of an international system of influence powerful enough to bind up the educational destinies of the world’s peoples.

If such a network of global influence limits the discretion of peoples to shape their own educational destinies and imposes its own solution to the material-moral dilemma facing educational policy, then it is worthy of investigation (Jones 1992, xiv.) We shall know a new era has begun not when a new elite holds power or a new constitution appears, but when ordinary people begin contending for their interests in new ways (Charles Tilly). Our goals in this paper are twofold. Transnational Advocacy Networks and Global Civil Society: Towards A Conceptual Framework Today, that sense of insignificance has evaporated, for two broad reasons.

Chronology of U.S. Education. Three main themes flowing through this chronology: Purge the beliefs, values, individualism, independence and free enterprise that made this nation unique. Promote global beliefs and interdependence, universal values, a managed economy, and controlled human capital--even at the cost of constitutional rights and personal freedom. Implement the psycho-social strategies of Mastery Learning to modify beliefs and behavior to match the needs of a global economy. The massive effort to accomplish these three goals through public education has made a difference. America has changed. We were "a nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. " We have become a divided nation with many gods and eroding liberties for those who refuse to conform. As you read, notice the powerful people, organizations and foundations that inspire, plan, and fund the transformation.

I want to thank Dennis Laurence Cuddy, Ph.D., former Senior Associate in the U.S. 1905. 1908. 1919. 1933. 1934. Your Childs Schooling And ARK. Seven Basic Constructs of Psychosynthesis. Psychosynthesis. Share International on the Reappearance of Maitreya the World Teacher. Spiritual Anarchy_Rev1.pdf (application/pdf Object) Taurus and the New Group of World Servers: Vehicle of the Aquarian Christ.

Alice Bailey and Lucis Trust. The New Group of World Servers. What is the Matrix - distraction from what is important. Zeitgeist 2 & Lucis Trust Lies pt.2-2. Zeitgeist 2 & Lucis Trust Lies pt.1-2. Lucis Trust One World Religion 2009 Part 2/2. KL2_10.pdf (application/pdf Object) Toward Soviet America. BEFORE THE STORM! Diana, Agenda 21 & the NWO. Draconian Michigan Bill Promoted by Major Corporations. Crossroad. The Earth Charter - Agenda for Totalitarianism. Sustainable Development – Earth Charter Initiative.

THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL AGENDA TO WORLD GOVERNMENT AND RELIGION. Author Larry Bell: Greed Fuels Global Warming Hoax. Green Earth Foundation.