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Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow Show

Hardball: Inclusion, equality highlighted in Obama’s inaugural address now playing Bundy doubles down on controversial commentsup next How will the Bundy saga wind down? Jeopardy contestants forget Herman Cain Running on, not away, from Obamacare Boehner mocks GOP over immigration reform The He-Coon who changed Jeb Bush’s future GOP leaders back away from Bundy Stewart, Hannity feud over Bundy heats up Ted Cruz, Mike Lee take shopping trip What did Hillary Clinton accomplish at State? Hope for a world one day without AIDS Kornacki on Hillary Clinton’s smartest move A look into the latest Bridgegate subpoenas Christie takes swipe at Letterman Rand Paul’s ‘inconvenient’ truth about Reagan Stewart vs Hannity over the Bundy Ranch New polls show tight races in Southern states Kornacki: Give Rand Paul some credit Reid: SCOTUS’ conservative path to injustice Memorable ads fill 2014 campaign cycle Tea party posed to strike big in 2014? The push to run on, not away from, Obamacare

IT University Online Up w/ Chris Hayes: The key force in the Obama administration: Joe Biden now playing NBA investigating authenticity of tapeup next Can GOP win over more women voters? Will abortion drive the gender gap in 2014? How one billboard could change campaigns Has Cuomo alienated the Democratic base? How economic liberalism is fueling Democrats Unions and tea party find common ground What’s driving GOP opposition to common core? The South rises again... for Democrats? What we now know
