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Discover, Evaluate, and Monitor Your Professional Online Brand. The 7 signs of failure for internet startups. Bjoern Lasse Herrmann is a co-founder of Blackbox, which runs a startup accelerator program and Startup Genome, a research and development project for uncovering the mechanics of startups.

The 7 signs of failure for internet startups

Two months ago, my team at Blackbox set out on a mission to crack the innovation code of Silicon Valley and share it with the rest of the world. Now we are releasing a report based on the results of our first survey. We want to thank Sandbox, FastCompany, Inc., ReadWriteWeb, Hackernews, youngupstarts, and many more who helped us spread the word and gather a total of 650+ survey results.

For Some Internet Start-Ups, a Failure Is Just the Beginning. Business Names - Free Business Name Generators. Choosing a business name can be one of the easiest parts of starting a business, or it can be one of the most difficult.

Business Names - Free Business Name Generators

If you fall into the second category and are struggling to identify the perfect business name, there is help available. Here are seven business name generators that can help you brainstorm, think creatively and break through the mental block to find the best possible name for your business. 1. BizNameWiz Tim Robberts/The Image Bank/Getty Images. 10 Tips for Better Startup Marketing. Scott Gerber is a serial entrepreneur, internationally syndicated columnist and TV host, and the founder of the Young Entrepreneur Council.

10 Tips for Better Startup Marketing

He is also an active angel investor and author of the book Never Get a "Real" Job. Many aspiring entrepreneurs foolishly believe that all they need to do is sign up for a Twitter account, blog about special offers, and hand out a flashy looking brochure, whereupon leads will come pouring in. This couldn’t be further from the truth. These are unfortunate social media fantasies and free marketing delusions. The mere existence of a market for your product or service does not guarantee anyone will listen to or care about your brand. In order for your business to avoid getting lost among the glut of content already clogging direct marketing channels, your promotions and tactics must be highly creative, contain a quality message and fit the audience you are targeting.

10 Kinds of Headlines to Try On Your Blog. The message is loud and clear: Search is social.

10 Kinds of Headlines to Try On Your Blog

So when it comes to creating content that generates traffic and ranks for your target search terms, it’s not just a matter of optimizing your blog posts for the right keywords. Your content must be intriguing enough for your audience to click those little Shareaholic icons and spread your content to their social networks. It all starts by hooking your readers’ interest with a great headline. What makes a great headline? It’s similar to writing a great subject line for email marketing. Useful: Why is the blog post valuable? Consider all four of these qualities in every headline that you write. Here 10 ways to achieve a headline that is truly shareable. How to ________“How to” articles show that there is something actionable to take away from the post. LaunchRock - Set up a “Launching Soon” page in minutes. NewStartUps.

Grü - Infos für Gründer, Unternehmer, StartUps. 10 Content Ideas That Generate Engagement on Social Media. Generate Engagement The livelihood of your Facebook post or tweet depends on how people engage with your content.

10 Content Ideas That Generate Engagement on Social Media

Is your post ignored by numerous followers, or are people actually liking your posts, commenting, +1-ing, retweeting or sharing it. This post shows you 10 simple ways to generate engagement with your audience on Social Media. Remember though, not all engagement is created equal. So to get the results you want, have your content be related to the results you want to get. 1. Does your company blog? 2. Ask a question on Twitter, LinkedIn, Quora or Facebook and then share the answers you get. 3. Let your customers do the marketing for you! Gewusst wie - das 1x1 der Pressearbeit. Wie baue ich mir passives Einkommen auf? Viele Leute wünschen sich ein Einkommen, dass automatisch aufs Konto kommt, ohne dass man dafür etwas tun muss.

Wie baue ich mir passives Einkommen auf?

Die meisten schlagen jedoch am Anfang den falschen Weg ein, das passive Einkommen zu erzielen. Sie folgen zum Beispiel Werbungen, die bis zu 1000 € im Monat nebenbei versprechen, dafür, dass man Reklame auf seinem Auto kleben hat. Oft ist das nur Bauernfängerei. Die angegebene Telefonnummer ist eine kosten aufwändige 0190- Nummer, oder man muss einem Verein beitreten und eine Gebühr bezahlen. Zu der Reklame auf dem Auto kommt es jedoch nie. Existenzgründung ABC - Alles rund um die Existenzgründung. Online-Kurs für Existenzgründerinnen. 10 Laws of Productivity. You might think that creatives as diverse as Internet entrepreneur Jack Dorsey, industrial design firm Studio 7.5, and bestselling Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami would have little in common.

10 Laws of Productivity

In fact, the tenets that guide how they – and exceptionally productive creatives across the board – make ideas happen are incredibly similar. Here are 10 laws of productivity we’ve consistently observed among serial idea executors: 1. Break the seal of hesitation. A bias toward action is the most common trait we’ve found across the hundreds of creative professionals and entrepreneurs we’ve interviewed. Online Social Crowdfunding Networks. Unternehmensgründung / Startup.