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Control Your Dreams With Your iPhone. Uncover Your World with the Google Search app. Une appli conçue par Nestlé Singapour pour mieux faire son tri sélectif ! C’est à Singapour certes.

Une appli conçue par Nestlé Singapour pour mieux faire son tri sélectif !

Donc loin de nos marchés "matures". Mais l’idée est tout de même séduisante. Nestlé ou du moins un de ses ingénieurs, a tout simplement conçu une application gratuite, téléchargeable sur iPhone et Android pour conseiller le quidam dans son acte de recyclage. Qui ne s’est pas retrouvé devant sa poubelle avec une bouteille en verre d’un côté et son bouchon plastique de l’autre ? Pour donner des réponses claires à ce casse-tête du tri sélectif, Yves Soppelsa, ingénieur principal au centre de recherche Nestlé à Singapour, a imaginé l’appli Recycler 123. Recycler 123 donne des instructions détaillées.


Photos. Jeux. Utilitaires. IF i Die Facebook App - Death Can Catch You Anywhere, Anytime. “Singles Finder” App for  Ogilvy Argentina have created this ‘Singles Finders’ app for

“Singles Finder” App for 

Developed in Buenos Aires under the tagline “Love is out there. If we get organised, there’s plenty for all”, Ogilvy Interactive launched “Singles Finder”, an app to assist single people with finding the perfect date. “Singles Finder” is a free Smartphone App accessible from the iTunes Store that tells users the exact amount of single people in each location. Aimed at giving single people the chance to find out where the most single people are before they enter the club or bar. What do you think of this idea? Be Sociable, Share! Buenos aires, iPhone App, itunes, Ogilvy Argentina, singles finders, smartphone app,

Application food

Best Buy Mobile: Excuse Clock - Interactive (image) Excuse Clock for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store. Pringles Crunch Band. Articles sur appli. KR Media et Michelin inaugurent un nouveau format publicitaire d'Orange Advertising Network sur l'iPhone. FullForesome: Simplify your golf life. LikeJournal - Social Bookmarking for the Facebook Like Button.

4 Fresh Apps For Your Weekend Enjoyment. Givey. Create instant classified ads right from your phone. Fast and FREE.

Applications voyages

Glastonbury 2011 App from Orange UK‬‏ 4 Fresh Apps For Your Weekend Enjoyment. The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. Each weekend, Mashable handpicks a few startups that we think are building interesting, unique or niche products.

This time we've chosen applications and services specifically for the foodies, travelers, deal-lovers and nightlife-goers among us. If you're traveling this summer, why not take a trip to Fortnighter's website first for a custom travel itinerary written just for you by one of the site's contributing travel writers? Those staycationing instead might appreciate the deals and food information on venues just down the street as provided by Poggled or Foodstream.

And whatever your wants and desires may be, you can use Want! Fortnighter: Made-To-Order Travel Guides From Experts Foodstream: Food Data & Deals on Your iPhone Foodstream is built by San Jose-based startup Chevia. Tiffany & Co. Releases User-Generated Map of World's Romantic Moments. Tiffany has launched a multimedia-rich microsite and iPhone app designed to be the "go-to resource" for romantics everywhere.

Tiffany & Co. Releases User-Generated Map of World's Romantic Moments

After a short film entitled Will You Marry Me? By director Edward Burns, which features proposal stories from various couples, the site and app invite users to browse four sections: "Love Stories," a collection of audio slideshows; "Tiffany's New York," a guide to the city's gardens, museums and upscale restaurants; "The Art of Romance," a playlist of romantic songs and films, as well as advice for couples; and our personal favorite, "Love Is Everywhere," which invites users to tag the globe with their most romantic memories.

The last of these is a simple, elegant and interactive feature that enables all visitors to participate in a personal, emotionally resounding way — the best kind of interactive marketing, in our opinion.