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Apple Product Design: 35 Years of Consumer Electronics [INFOGRAPHIC] When it comes to industrial design, few consumer electronics or computer makers have the legacy or influence of Apple, Inc.

Apple Product Design: 35 Years of Consumer Electronics [INFOGRAPHIC]

In the last 35 years, Apple has introduced a myriad of products and devices, some very successful, some, not so much. Artist Mike Vasilev created this infographic for Mashable, highlighting the major Apple product releases and design changes from 1976 through 2011. With rumors of the iPhone 5, iPhone 6 and a smaller, lower-cost iPhone all spreading through the technosphere, we feel certain that at least one more item will be added to the "redesign" list before 2011 closes out. What is your favorite Apple design of all time? Let us know in the comments. Graphic created by Mike Vasilev. Anatomy of Apple Design.


Pourquoi Apple ne veut pas du Flash sur ses terminaux ? C’est un des points saillant de l’annonce de l’iPad d’Apple : lors de la démo, par Steve Jobs, quand il surf sur les sites, on voit un grand blanc à la place des espaces Flash.

Pourquoi Apple ne veut pas du Flash sur ses terminaux ?

Pourquoi Apple bloque-t-il le flash ? En fait, le moteur d’interface, présent dans les iPhone, iPod et iPad, est concurrent du Flash. The Evolution of the Apple Mouse [PICS] Apple's product design is legendary in the industry for innovation, inspiration and imagination, but it's often the more glamorous products such as the MacBooks, iPhones and iPods that get all the attention.

The Evolution of the Apple Mouse [PICS]

With this in mind, we thought we'd take a look at Apple's input device — the humble mouse — to see how the design has changed from way back in the early 80s right up to today. The evolution of the Apple mouse makes for an interesting design journey that includes the loss of its tail, moving from a single button to touch, and of course going from beige to multi-colored and back to a monotone. Click through the gallery below to journey through the mouse's history and let us know any memories you have (fond or not!) Of any of the devices in the comments. Apple achète Quattro Wirelesss pour 275 millions de dollars. Apple rachète le site de streaming Apple a confirmé, dimanche 6 décembre, avoir racheté l'entreprise, une start-up californienne spécialisée dans la diffusion de musique en streaming sur Internet (sans téléchargement).

Apple rachète le site de streaming

Le service n'est pour l'instant disponible que pour les Etats-Unis, en raison de restrictions sur les droits d'auteur. Jusqu'à présent, Apple, leader sur le marché de la musique numérique grâce à son Apple Store, ne propose que de la musique en téléchargement. Le rachat de semble indiquer que la firme envisage le lancement d'un service de streaming, un système de diffusion en plein essor utilisé notamment par des sites comme Deezer. possède plusieurs technologies qui pourraient s'avérer utiles à Apple. Le site a développé une application pour iPhone qui permet d'écouter des morceaux en streaming, au prix de dix cents par morceau. Le montant de la transaction n'a pas été communiqué. Attaque en règle de Steve Jobs contre Google.

Mobile Apple

Evolution des Logos de Marques. 30 most awesome Apple inspired concept designs. 30 most awesome Apple inspired concept designs Posted by Richie on Saturday, February 27, 2010 · 30 Comments Whenever it comes to flawless designs, Apple has never disappointed us.

30 most awesome Apple inspired concept designs

Right from being the pioneer in modern computers (with the Macintosh); to the leader in the phone industry (with the iPhone), Apple has created wonders of the gadget world, or rather engineering marvels. This has inspired artists to design their own version of Apple products to show their love towards their favorite “Star”. We saw how Apple mesmerized us with the iPad, although some of us might think that it was not really as exciting as the other Apple products, considering the hype that was present around it. In terms of the design and aesthetic value, it is beyond discussion or doubt that Apple creates some of the finest and the most creative designs for their products. In this article, I have compiled some of the coolest and the most creative Apple inspired concept designs. Mac Mini. The Apple Museum - 30 years in 2 minutes.

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Communication. Actu Apple. Steve Jobs.