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Temps modernes 1453 /1789

Science & Vie : 536 Année maudite. 'Who Discovered America?': Controversial historian Gavin Menzies claims Chinese reached New World first. Gavin Menzies, a British historian, claims Chiense Admiral Zheng He set up colonies and sailed round South America before ColumbusMenzies' new book, 'Who Discovered America?

'Who Discovered America?': Controversial historian Gavin Menzies claims Chinese reached New World first

' also claims the Chinese have been sailing to the New World since 40,000 BC across the Pacific OceanHis theories are not widely accepted by academia and he has been labeled a 'pseudo-historian' By Michael Zennie Published: 12:42 GMT, 8 October 2013 | Updated: 14:06 GMT, 9 October 2013 A copy of a 600-year-old map found in a second-hand book shop is the key to proving that the Chinese, not Christopher Columbus, were the first to discover the New World, a controversial British historian claims. The document is purportedly an 18th century copy of a 1418 map charted by Chinese Admiral Zheng He, which appears to show the New World in some detail. ‘The traditional story of Columbus discovering the New World is absolute fantasy, it’s fairy tales,’ Mr Menzies told MailOnline. Enlarge ‘Who Discovered America?’ L'AMERIQUE a été découverte par les MUSULMANS bien avant Christophe Colomb.

Archaeologists Discover Mysterious Elongated Skulls in France. Ancient Origins seeks to uncover, what we believe, is one of the most important pieces of knowledge we can acquire as human beings – our beginnings.

Archaeologists Discover Mysterious Elongated Skulls in France

While many believe that we already hold such knowledge, our view is that there still exists a multitude of anomalies and mysteries in humanity's past that deserve further examination. We therefore wish to foster an open community that is dedicated to investigating, understanding and explaining the origins of our species on planet earth. To this end, we aim to organize, support and even finance efforts in this direction. Our aim is to move beyond theories and to present a thorough examination of current research and evidence and to offer alternative viewpoints and explanations to those currently held by mainstream science and archaeology. Come with us on a journey to explore lost civilisations, sacred writings, ancient places, unexplained artefacts and scientific mysteries while we seek to reconstruct and retell the story of our beginnings.

Découverte rare d'un crâne allongé vieux de 1500 ans en Alsace. Des chercheurs ont annoncé fin octobre avoir fait la découverte d’un crâne volontairement allongé sur un chantier archéologique à Obernai dans le Bas-Rhin.

Découverte rare d'un crâne allongé vieux de 1500 ans en Alsace

Il s’agirait du crâne d’une adolescente de l’élite barbare du Ve siècle. La découverte est plutôt rare en Europe où l’on ne recense que quelques dizaines de crânes allongés selon Philippe Lefranc de l’Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives (Inrap). Le crâne qui a été découvert avec du mobilier funéraire devait appartenir à une riche femme de l’élite barbare. Elle se trouvait dans une nécropole mérovingienne qui regroupait 18 sépultures.

L’allongement de son crâne s’expliquerait par une volonté de « se différencier par un aspect physique visible de tout un chacun » explique Éric Boes, adjoint scientifique et technique de l’Inrap en Alsace et auteur d’un article sur les déformations crâniennes. Un second crâne retrouvé sur le site pourrait également présenter une forme allongée. Source : AFP. Archaeologists Discover Mysterious Elongated Skulls in France. These Ancient Elongated Skulls Are NOT HUMAN. Are you ready to be confronted with evidence that will directly contradict the version of “world history” that you were taught in school?

These Ancient Elongated Skulls Are NOT HUMAN

In recent years, hundreds of extremely bizarre skulls have been discovered all over the planet. Scientific tests that have been conducted on some of them conclusively prove that these ancient elongated skulls are NOT HUMAN. Many people are not able to accept what you are about to see because it is too radical for them. But the truth is that ancient texts have been telling us about these “hybrid beings” for thousands of years. There are even some ancient Indian traditions that claim that these creatures were in North America before the Indians were. Down in Peru, particularly on the Paracas peninsula, researchers have been finding some very large elongated skulls that are extremely ancient.

Another specimen with red hair was just recently discovered. These elongated skulls are much, much larger than normal human skulls would be. What about you?