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Hey - please help build the anon tree by adding more pages videos and info. It isn't as detailed as the other areas. Thanks

AnonymousLegionOps: Anonymous hacks Bureau of Justice and leaks 1.7GB of data. What Is Anonymous. What is Anonymous? What is "The Plan"? Anonymous- Operation Peace - Countering The Media War Against Iran. Anonymous - Operation Paparazzi. ANONYMOUS Revolution 2012 New Message What we are capable of! ANONYMOUS We The People VETO The NDAA.

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Anon Plus Main Page. Anti-Sec. What Is The Plan? Lulz. Anonymous. ANONYMOUS UK. Anonymous ~ West Midlands UK. A message from Anonymous (UK) to The Metropolitan Police Service. ANONYMOUS UK violently ejected from 'The Bull Ring' centre, Birmingham, for offering free hugs. Anonymous UK. Anonymous (youranonnews)