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Apple iTunes Posts Record $1.9 Billion Quarter - Peter Kafka - Media. Apple is really in the hardware business, not the software business — it just uses the sales of apps, music, movies, etc., to help sell gadgets.

Apple iTunes Posts Record $1.9 Billion Quarter - Peter Kafka - Media

But boy does it sell a lot of software: iTunes sales came in at $1.9 billion last quarter, which puts the digital store at a run rate of $8 billion. That’s up 35 percent from a year ago, when iTunes did $1.4 billion. During Apple’s conference call today, CFO Peter Oppenheimer answered a query about delays getting new content into iTunes with a boast about the depth of the store’s music and video catalog.

But as always, my assumption is that the bulk of that growth is fueled by app sales, not traditional media sales. iTunes dépasse le milliard de chiffre d’affaires en Europe. iTunes, le magasin en ligne du géant américain Apple a, pour la première fois de son existence, dépassé le cap du milliard d’euros de chiffre d’affaires en Europe lors du dernier exercice fiscal s’étendant de septembre 2010 à septembre 2011.

iTunes dépasse le milliard de chiffre d’affaires en Europe

C’est ce qui ressort des derniers comptes annuels publiés par la filiale européenne d’Apple basée au Luxembourg dont Le Soir a pu prendre connaissance. Au total, iTunes a engrangé des ventes à hauteur de 1,04 milliard d’euros durant cet exercice soit 41,4 % de plus qu’en 2009-2010. Durant la même période, il a réalisé un bénéfice de 63 millions contre 46 millions un an auparavant (+37 %). Le Luxembourg est le seul pays du Vieux-Continent à bénéficier de la manne financière gagnée par Apple dans tous les pays européens. Les caisses de l’État ont prélevé 26 millions en taxes contre 17 l’année précédente. Réagissez sur le forum. Retail Therapy: Inside the Apple Store: Let’s Get Ready to Rumble. An Apple employee is never supposed to point when giving directions in their store.

Retail Therapy: Inside the Apple Store: Let’s Get Ready to Rumble.

For example, when asked where the iPhone cases are sold, a specialist should either gesture with an open hand or, preferably, walk the customer to the proper location. Why? When formulating the philosophy behind Apple Retail, brainstorming executives tried to recall their most exemplary customer service experience, which turned out to be hospitality at the Ritz Carlton. Time Warner Cable Asks Court to Rule on iPad App. The Data Digest: Which Type Of Apps Do Europeans Download Most? Pizza Express lets customers pay via app. Online-Werbung: Apple ist DeutschlandsTop-Spender. Digital.

Online-Werbung: Apple ist DeutschlandsTop-Spender

How Apple Lost the Next iPhone - Leak - Gizmodo. Apple App Store Has Lost $450 Million To Piracy (Update), What A. Website Vimov says that Apple, Inc (NASDAQ: AAPL) iPad apps may create a billion dollar industry by 2012.

Apple App Store Has Lost $450 Million To Piracy (Update), What A

Vimov writes, “if the iPad App Store were to be like the iPhone’s, then 40-60% of the sales are occurring internationally, so on average that figure could be become more than $272 million per year with the international launch.” That is, unless there is significant piracy of iPad apps. 24/7 Wall St.’s earlier look at the app piracy problem: January 13, 2010 Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) and the companies that sell software for the iPhone and iPod touch at the App Store have lost over $450 million to piracy since the store opened in July 2008 according to an analysis by 24/7 Wall St. There have been over 3 billion applications downloaded since the App program began. However, behind all this success lies an insidious force that has plagued the music, software, and movie industry for decades.

Most iPhone users have not jailbroken their phones. Garrett W. How Apple Dodges Billions In Taxes. W&CIE - le blog : L'App Store en quelques chiffres  Is That a Real New York Times App, or a Fake? Apple Doesn’t Want. Has the New York Times finally started charging people to read its news online?

Is That a Real New York Times App, or a Fake? Apple Doesn’t Want

Not yet. But it sure looks like the Times is charging online readers if you visit Apple’s iTunes Store, which is selling two different New York Times (NYT) iPhone apps at 99 cents a pop. The Times has nothing to do with either app, both of which are called the “New York Times Mobile Reader.” And both are supposed to do the same thing: Spit out the paper, along with other Web content like podcasts, in iPhone-friendly form. You’d think the Times would want Apple (AAPL) to remove the miniprograms, if only to protect the value of the paper’s own app, which is both free and very good.

When I pointed out the apps to a Times spokeswoman on Tuesday, she asked around and later confirmed that the two apps “are not authorized and our legal department is looking into the matter.” Quelques articles sur l'iPad. Presse et musique, contenus les plus recherchés sur l'iPad. On en riait encore il y a quelques mois.

Presse et musique, contenus les plus recherchés sur l'iPad

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