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Using custom authentication. Creating mp3 player with RobotLegs (basics tutorial) Flash Player Version - What version of the Flash Player Plugin do I have installed? Best Practices - GitHub. Documentation for Robotlegs v1.1.2 don’t get caught up in the supposed to of this Best Practices.

Best Practices - GitHub

They are meant to be a simple guide that covers the basic patterns you need to make use of Robotlegs in your application. It is not an exhaustive list of every pattern you are “allowed” to use. If it was, then it would be much longer! Robotlegs is as flexible as you could hope for; allowing you to develop how you need. Flex Conferences — Home to news for 360. Robotlegs AS3 Micro-Architecture - Home. Previews, prereleases and beta software from Adobe. Links to 160 robotlegs articles, examples, demos, utilities and tutorials / Examples / Discussion Area - Robotlegs Support.