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How the Mind Works | Video channel on LIving with ADHD: A day in the life by Janssen-Cilag Ltd. Recent Research: “First Direct Genetic Link” (Maybe) The study’s lead investigator, Professor Anita Thapar, explains the important new research behind the headlines. Congratulations and gratitude go to the hardworking scientists who teased out this discovery.

As for the reporting of this research, ADHD Cyber Command finds that some did better than others, especially in implying that until now we had no evidence that ADHD wasn’t caused by bad parenting or that this is the first news of a genetic link to ADHD. What? You say you already knew that ADHD is highly genetic? Meanwhile, here’s a sampling of how various news organizations covered the study, some of them as if stuck in a time warp from, oh, 30 years ago: New Scientist: Have gene findings taken the stigma from ADHD? For the first time, evidence has emerged of genetic mutations linked to attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

(the report includes this question) But the researchers found the CNVs in only 16 per cent of the ADHD kids. Possibly. HealthDay/ Bloomberg BusinessWeek: Reuters. Best Motivation Video Ever. Dr. Edward Hallowell on adult Attention Deficit Disorder -fs‬‏ More Attention, Less Deficit: Success Strategies for Adults with ADHD.