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DIY Vegetable Gardens | Cheep Ideas. Tips for a Raised-Bed Vegetable Garden. Raised-bed gardening is a great way to grow vegetables -- especially if the garden soil is poor or compacted or has poor drainage. And there's no bending over to pull weeds or harvest vegetables. Raised beds take very little space, and can be built right over a concrete patio. Drainage in a raised bed is superior to that in an in-ground garden bed. A 12"-deep bed provides ample room for most vegetable roots. The soil in raised beds warms up more quickly in spring so planting can be done earlier.

And if the bed is narrow, 3' or less, there will be no need to step on the soil and thus it prevents compaction. It's much easier for roots to grow in loose soil. Don't build a raised bed on a wooden deck: when the bed is full of soil and water, its weight could cause structural damage. If the raised bed sits directly on the soil, line the planting bed with hardware cloth or chicken wire at building time to prevent visits from burrowing animals such as gophers and moles. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

How to Build a Raised Vegetable Garden | Step-by-Step | Family Projects | This Old House - Introduction. How to Build a Square Foot Garden. Update! Check out our new Square Foot Gardening Infographic for even more tips, diagrams, a plant list and much more. I recently stumbled upon a book (All New Square Foot Gardening: Grow More in Less Space! By Mel Bartholomew) with an interesting gardening method called square foot gardening, and decided we would give it a try. I’ve always thought the idea of having a vegetable garden would be a lot of fun.

I know just enough about gardening to know that I am not very good at it, and that it is a lot of work. What is Square Foot Gardening? The idea behind square foot gardening is that you can plant fruits, vegetables and flowers in raised beds, above infertile soil and even out of the reach of pets. Materials Needed to Set Up a Square Foot Garden Material costs are variable, depending on the size of garden you plan to build. . (1) Sheet untreated plywood – $0.00 (leftover scrap from a previous home improvement project) I buy our seeds from Burpee Seed Company. Total Start-up Cost: $42.02. Vegetable Garden: Planning and Layout. Growing your own vegetables is both rewarding and healthy.

Growing vegetables can be a great way to save money, improve your diet, get exercise, and enjoy the outdoors. And the best part about vegetable gardening is that you can do as much or as little as you want – from one happy tomato plant to a row of squash that will have you sneaking baskets onto neighbors’ porches in the dead of night. Location, Location, Location The first and most important step to planting a vegetable garden is choosing a location that will allow the plants to flourish. Fruiting plants must have adequate light, water, and nutrients in order to produce fruits and vegetables. Here are a few tips to help you plan and prepare the perfect site for your vegetable garden. Choose a sunny, well-drained area for your vegetable garden.

Light Most vegetables need about 8 hours of sunlight a day. A young broccoli plant soaking up the sunshine. Water Drip irrigation is an efficient way to water a vegetable garden. Soil Layout.