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7th grade math

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Expressions and Equations

Illustrativemathematics. Illustrated Standards Count to 100 by ones and by tens.


(see illustrations) Count forward beginning from a given number within the known sequence (instead of having to begin at 1). (see illustrations) Common Core Grade 7 Math - Honors - Mathematics. Explore Lessons. Open-Ended Math Problems. Open-Ended Math Problems This site is for the specific purpose of preparing Middle School students for OPEN-ENDED problem solving on standardized tests.

Open-Ended Math Problems

We have divided each month into the five strands from the Philadelphia math standards:Number Theory Measurement Geometry Patterns, Algebra, and Functions Data, Statistics, and Probability There are three levels of difficulty for each standard. We have written and chosen problems from different sources that lend themselves to more than one way of solving. It is our hope that if these are done on a consistent, weekly basis, the students will feel more confident and comfortable at test time. To better prepare for the tests, students should answer with a picture, diagram, or paragraph explaining the solution and how they determined their answers.


Currituck Co. 6th-8th Curriculum Resources. Math Games Arcade. MAP Assessment Tasks (Draft) Graphic organizers. Math wiki page. Ratios and Proportions. The Math Projects Journal. 7th. Number sense.