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Luxury & Contemporary Furniture, Property, Travel & Interiors. Singita, Luxury African Game Reserve Singita, meaning place of miracles, is a group of world-renowned games reserves in Africa which provide a positive balance of hospitality, conservation and community for all of their guests.

Luxury & Contemporary Furniture, Property, Travel & Interiors

The luxury lodges contain an eclectic mix of African heritage and European contemporary furniture which adds a luxury feel to this unique African game reserve. About Richard Barker Love Interior Design & Exotic Travel? Follow us.. May 25, 2010 | South Africa Travel | View comments. Houseboat? Hah! Buy a Full Floating Cabin, Porch & Garden. A houseboat sounds like a liberating place to live – but limiting as well for those who like to relax on the front porch, sun on the back deck or tend to growing plants in a garden.

Houseboat? Hah! Buy a Full Floating Cabin, Porch & Garden

This floating homestead blows traditional boat-based homes out of the water, so to speak. How much to buy it? Tent Cities in America: Unin(Tented) (Sub)Urban Centers. Tent cities are an uncanny and urban design phenomena – in most cases their creation is neither officially planned nor sanctioned by a city from the outset, but in many instances cities quickly realize they have no alternative but to let them be.

Tent Cities in America: Unin(Tented) (Sub)Urban Centers

With recent economic troubles around the USA existing ones have grown and entirely new tent cities have been created. But what does it mean to be forced to live a makeshift lifestyle that no one really designed? As a culture historically obsessed with caravans, we glorify the flexibility of mobile living and imagine freedom to be found portable houses that can go anywhere and are not limited by building codes and conventions. In reality, of course, those who cannot afford to live in modern mobile homes and are forced to camp in makeshift groups have difficulty finding not only privacy but in many cases good access to clean water for bathing and drinking as well.

Micro-Home Concept Turns Electric Cars into Spare Spaces. This car runs on ‘empty’ in more ways than one.

Micro-Home Concept Turns Electric Cars into Spare Spaces

It charges up on solar and wind energy when docked at home while also doubling as an extra room, creating rather than displacing space as a typical vehicle would do sitting idle inside a garage. Civic Camouflage: A WWII Neighborhood that Never Existed. The destruction of a lesser-known Seattle pseudo-suburb is underway.

Civic Camouflage: A WWII Neighborhood that Never Existed

This series of a dozen square blocks was lofted forty feet in the air but, despite looking picture-perfect (a series of pristine streets, homes, yards and trees) it was never intended for human habitation. A little anomaly dates back to World War II, this whole fake neighborhood built atop a Boeing factory south of downtown Seattle, meant to hide the presence of airplane production facilities below … the cumulative size of eight football fields. “Houses, streets and plants were assembled like stage props out of plywood, clapboard, chicken wire and burlap, covering the plant’s roof during World War II. If any Japanese bombers made it this far east, the hope was that their pilots would mistake this for a quiet residential neighborhood.”

Despite the proximity of faux overhead homes, workers from the plane plant took an entirely opposite route to get out, heading down instead of up. New Manufactured Mobile Box Home (Retro)Fits Old Spaces. Modern Nomadic DIY: Wild & Woolly Crochet-a-Yurt Project. Crocheting brings to mind simple craft projects – a hat, scarf or some woolly winter mittens.

Modern Nomadic DIY: Wild & Woolly Crochet-a-Yurt Project

Suburban Nomad: Hybrid Igloo, Yurt, Tent + Tipi Home Idea. The juxtaposition of such lifestyle extremes – fixed-space suburban living and nomadic world-travel dwelling – makes for a fascinating conceptual challenge.

Suburban Nomad: Hybrid Igloo, Yurt, Tent + Tipi Home Idea

It was, in fact, similarly neighboring opposites that gave rise to the idea in the mid of design student living on a lovely nature-filled campus but surrounded by suburbia on all sides. John Paananen took it upon himself to discover what would happen if he were to make over one of the most mobile kinds of traditional buildings – the tipi, with inspiration from its yurt, tent and igloo cousins – turning it into a stationary home with all of the creature comforts to be found in contemporary suburbs. Dream-Like Desert Home Design for Wide Open-Air Spaces. Frank Lloyd Wright would be proud to see this future student of his school, experimenting with architecture that responds to the landscape but is expressive, unique and livable as well.

Dream-Like Desert Home Design for Wide Open-Air Spaces

Simon de Aguero created this project for the FLW School of Architecture and almost entirely from found scrap, waste and local materials including discarded steel, desert earth and forgotten concrete-shaping forms. The core structure is built out of rammed earth, rising jagged like natural rocks from the ground. Post-Apocalyptic Art: 7 City Landscapes at World’s End. Forget the science fiction and fantasy film versions for the moment: what would day-to-day life really be like after the catastrophic end of the world as we know it?

Post-Apocalyptic Art: 7 City Landscapes at World’s End

More lifelike than most post-apocalyptic movies, these art cities are grounded in compelling (and creepy) ways. From Studio Lindfors via BldgBlog – the same visionaries who have rendered vibrant images of cloud cities and futuristic floating suburbs – comes a flooded world conceived as a real place, complete with resurrected forms of archaic water transportation. Realistic cities are rendered as semi-submerged, emerging as partial ruins from the risen seas and oceans now covering each urban landscape. Writers, filmmakers and television producers have given us many dazzling glimpses of possible futures. Some such novels, movies and TV series feature idealized utopian visions while others show a world after ‘the fall’ – cities unlike any we have ever seen.