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Resultats de Recherche pour CALCULATRICE TRICOT. Système de pourcentage. Elizabeth’s Percentage System Elizabeth Zimmermann, timeless knitting guru, is the founder of a series of equations related to sweater construction.

système de pourcentage

She refers to these mathematical ratios as Elizabeth’s Percentage System or EPS. The system asserts that the ratios between elements of a well-fitted sweater are proportional and can be used to create ideal garments time and again. The basics of her “unvention” are explained below. The percentage system is based on two general sweater shapes: the yoke and the drop shoulder. All calculations are based on the number represented by the variable K. There are many wonderful things about this system. Below are Elizabeth Zimmermann books and DVDs that can be consulted for additional information and suggestions concerning EPS (Elizabeth ’s Percentage System).

First let us take a look at the yoke version of the percentage system. Next, consider the drop shoulder version of the example sweater. Tricot Calculatrice de point. Have you ever found a wonderful wool and then went searching for the perfect pattern only to find one you love but it used a different type of wool?

Tricot Calculatrice de point

Tartan Designer - Tartan Maker - Tartan générateur de motif d'arrière-plan. Comment adapter un modèle tricot au fil à tricoter de son choix et à sa taille. La première question à se poser, c'est : le nouveau fil est-il adapté ?

Comment adapter un modèle tricot au fil à tricoter de son choix et à sa taille

Pour éviter les surprises, il vaut mieux remplacer un fil par un autre le plus semblable possible ! Techniques, trucs et astuces. Tricot Calculator - le calcul des exigences de fil pour une variété de projets à Jimmy Beans Wool. Calculateurs en ligne pour le tricot. Calcul et estimation des quantités de fil. Calcul et estimation des quantités de fil 2. La calculatrice de formule magique.

Design Page. Tricot à partir de votre cachette: tirer le meilleur parti de votre fils! While most people spend the first few weeks of January thinking about diet- and exercise-related resolutions for the new year, we knitters have all resolved to buy less yarn and to knit only from our stashes.

Tricot à partir de votre cachette: tirer le meilleur parti de votre fils!

Am I right? You did, didn’t you? Of course, like all resolutions, these intentions will be abandoned by March 1; however, while we dig around in and rediscover our lovely stashes, I thought I would put together a quick tutorial on how to use up every last bit of sock yarn, for the stashbusting inclined. I love to knit from my stash, and not because it’s a great haul.

I do not own many highly coveted yarns; rather, my stash is full of prickly, workhorse, go-to yarns like Berroco Ultra Alpaca, Brown Sheep Nature Spun Sport, and Harrisville Designs New England Shetland. Getting Started. Nouvelle ligne outil de tricotage: taille Calculator Shaping. So it's Friday.

Nouvelle ligne outil de tricotage: taille Calculator Shaping

It's Spring. Don't you think we all deserve a little teensy goodie today? Yup. We do. That's why here in the Knitting Daily offices, we've spent part of this week cooking up a spring surprise for you: The Knitting Daily Online Waist Shaping Calculator! This little wonder widget takes you through the steps we've been talking about in our Waist Shaping 101 mini-course and does the math for you! A few notes on how to use the calculator: You can use either inches or centimeters in this calculator--but be sure to be consistent throughout! You can use either negative ease or positive ease.

Hover your mouse over the little question marks for a definition of that item. Tour de taille Calculator Shaping. "Tableau de multiples augmentations et diminutions" I had a great time this week speaking at the Around the Bay Knitters' Guild, in Dundas, Ontario.

"Tableau de multiples augmentations et diminutions"

We had a fun discussion on Sizing and Fit. The most interesting part of the evening, however, was a handout offered to the rest of the membership by the lovely and clever Anne, a long-standing member of the group. The handout is the Machine Knitter's "Chart for Multiple Increases and Decreases". It's a very clever sheet that provides a mostly math-free way of figuring out how to evenly distribute decreases across a row.

It's not quite as simple for increases, but for decreases it's handy and rather amusing. Click on the image to see a larger version. It's all based on the ratio of target sts to original sts: divide the smaller number by the bigger number. So to take any group of 100 sts and reduce it to 50, just repeat k2tog across the row. And if you have 100 sts and need 90, 90/100 = .9. Clever, eh? The three-legged stool symbol is a double decrease, e.g. s2kpo. Strickrechner - Startseite Strickrechner Strickrechner_Startseite. <div class="global-site-notice"><div class="notice-inner" style="margin-bottom: 51px;"><p><strong>JavaScript scheint in Ihrem Browser deaktiviert zu sein.

Strickrechner - Startseite Strickrechner Strickrechner_Startseite

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Biscuits et des confitures