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Le Blog. Groupes de travail. Imagination for People hosts and animates collaborative groups focusing on various issues and topics related to social innovation. These groups are organized by theme such as Hybrid Business Models (fr), Fab Labs (fr), Collaborative Animation (fr) or Correspondants InnovAfrica (fr). Others belong to geographic locations like IP Burkina Faso (fr), Rhone-Alpes (fr) and Montreal Creative (fr/en). The Imagination for People team also uses the groups to interact with members of the community interested in helping us improve the platform. Today, two bilingual groups (English & French) have been created. Design - This group works on the UI/UX aspect of the platform. While most of our groups so far are directed to a French-speaking community, rest assured that English (and eventually Spanish or even Arabic) language based groups will be coming shortly.

You can access all the French-based groups here. FabLab Fr. AnimFr. Réseau Correspondants InnovAfrica. Tiers-Lieux. Ajouter un projet. Projets. Se connecter | S'inscrire 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ... | 115 | 116 | 117 | 118 suivant Trier par: Effacer les filtres Étiquettes Localisation Catégories État de la fiche best-of Présentement en cours d'édition Complet progression équipe État du projet Concept En démarrage En développement Mature Green Xchange États-Unis Web-based marketplace for companies to ... At the beginning of 2010, 10 leading organizations announced the launch of the GreenXchange (GX), a Web-based marketplace where companies can collaborate and share intellectual property (IP) which can lead to new sustainability business models and ... Le béton cellulaire Maroc Matériau très écologique et durable Le béton cellulaire est un matériau de construction destiné au gros œuvre.

Calculateur 28 Sénégal Envoi par SMS des dates importantes de ... Le Calculateur 28 est un outil de calcul des dates importantes du cycle féminin, et notamment de la période de fécondité. Collporterre La collaboration au service du développement ... Canada Inde.