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Richard Hambleton: The Godfather of Street Art. Before Banksy and Blek le Rat, in a heady era of 80s street art, a new counterculture hit New York City. Their brand of guerrilla art heralded social activism through street culture. The East Village art movement was spurred on by a new version of creative mass media, using concrete as their blank canvas.

Whilst its better-known members, such Keith Haring and Jean-Michel Basquiat, have become art icons, a new London exhibition shows the complete works of Richard Hambleton, the last surviving member of the gang. Hambleton imposed his artistic ideology throughout New York's streets using the urban landscape to showcase his ideals. Pedestrians were unknowing spectators without seeing his face, name or identity. Witnessing first-hand the drugs and discord of falling into a high-profile, the incognito artist decidedly slipped below the radar. Richard Hambleton: The Godfather of Street Art, The Dairy, 7 Wakefield Street, London WC1N 1PG, until December 3, 2010. Roa's Big Bird on Hanbury Street, Brick Lane, London. SUSO33 Videoart. EUPHORIC BOOTLEG.

BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU. Biosphere: Man With A Movie Camera. MAID BETTY PAGE. Make Up Your Mind. Robert Wilson Video Portrait Subjects | Dissident USA. Student Academy Award Gold Medal Award short film " VIOLA: The Traveling Rooms of a Little Giant " La mémoire d'Anna - installation multimédia. Tokujin yoshioka: 'snow' for sensing nature exhibition. The Fashion Body - SHOWstudio. Inspired by the concept of exploring and celebrating the human body through a unique combination of fashion and moving image, The Fashion Body was first commissioned to feature as part of the 2009 exhibition SHOWstudio: Fashion Revolution.

Over forty creatives—including designers, photographers, models, filmmakers and stylists—were challenged to contribute a personal and distinctive fashion film to this season. Each focused on a different and distinct area of the body, using fashion items from the latest collections to adorn it. Alongside the forty-two final films, a series of essays explored our notions of fashionability and the body through the individual voices of almost thirty journalists, authors and academics. Not only functioning as distinct cinematic entities, the individual Fashion Body films are each a vital part of a larger panorama of fashion-focused moving image, built up organically over time to mirror the human body's own growth.