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Andrew K. Miller - Educational Consultant. School Leadership in the Digital Age: An Interview with 2013 Digital Principal Ryan Imbriale. New technologies are dramatically changing how people learn.

School Leadership in the Digital Age: An Interview with 2013 Digital Principal Ryan Imbriale

Unfortunately, many schools are moving far too slowly to adopt them, with classrooms today organized in much the same way they were in the 1950s. We in public education must do a better job incorporating new technologies into teaching and learning to prepare students for success in the changing world that awaits them. But what does it look like when schools step into the digital age? And what can school leaders do to ensure students are learning in new ways? We recently had the opportunity to hear about these issues from an expert, Ryan Imbriale, Principal of Patapsco High School and Center for the Arts in Baltimore, one of NASSP’s 2013 Digital Principals and a PDK 2013 Emerging Leader. Public School Insights (PSI): Before we discuss your school in particular, I want to ask a couple overarching questions. Imbriale: Well, a digital principal is actually real – it’s not some sort of virtual person.

Genius hour

Allen Learning Walks - Secondary. Resources and Downloads for Collaborative Learning. Educators from The College Preparatory School in Oakland, California, have provided these resources and tools for collaborative learning.

Resources and Downloads for Collaborative Learning

Students work collaboratively in many ways to reinforce learning at The College Preparatory School (right), such as working together outside (above) on geometry concepts they learned the previous day in the classroom. Credit: Zachary Fink Tips for downloading: PDF files can be viewed on a wide variety of platforms -- both as a browser plug-in or a stand-alone application -- with Adobe's free Acrobat Reader program.

Click here to download the latest version of Adobe Reader. Collaborative Learning Resources At The College Preparatory School (College Prep) in Oakland, California, student collaboration happens on a daily basis, from group-centered math assignments, to student-led discussions in English. English English classes at College Prep are conducted around a large, oval table called a Harkness Table. Student Teaching Days Math. #RemakeClass Photo Sweepstakes. 3 Conversation Starters for the School Year. Last year, as I documented some of the crucial things that we needed to discuss to further innovative practices in our school, I feel more prepared to have some crucial conversations in my role this year.

3 Conversation Starters for the School Year

I wrote a few blog posts to help guide my own learning but I wanted to put them on one post as a focus for next year. Below are some posts that I am hoping others can use as conversation starters with staff as they prepare for the 2013-2014 school year. 1. Is your digital citizenship practice a pass or fail? Several schools are looking at improving the opportunities for “digital citizenship” in schools, yet are sometimes missing crucial elements. Hopefully, this rubrics is beneficial to see where your school is at, while also sparking some necessary conversations. 2. 4 Guiding questions for your IT department I love the following quote from Harriet Rubin: “Freedom is actually a bigger game than power. How does this improve learning? 3.

Tips and tools

Numbered Wallpapers. How to Save and Set Wallpaper The wallpapers are stored on my Copy account.

Numbered Wallpapers

Copy gives you 15 GB of free storage space (plus 5 extra if you sign up through this link). Compare that to the 2 GB Dropbox offers for free. My Dropbox space is getting low, so I decided to put some of that Copy space to good use. After you follow the wallpaper link or scan the QR code, the gallery page from Copy will be displayed. If you're using iOS, open the Photos app. If you're using Android, open Settings and choose Display. Now the device has brand new wallpaper that identifies it! If possible, have students help set the wallpapers–it will take a lot less time when you have help. Students as Wallpaper Designers Even if each of your students have a device or bring their own, I think having identifying wallpaper is important, and there are lots of ways student can make their own wallpapers. Everything Teachers Need to Know about BYOT Policy. BYOD is also sometimes known as BYOT (bring your own technology) or referred to as “the consumerization of IT.”

Everything Teachers Need to Know about BYOT Policy

Within education, it refers to the practice of allowing students to bring their own mobile devices to school that are capable of connecting to the Internet, and can include everything from laptops tonetbooks, tablets, smartphones, PDAs, e-readers and gaming devices. “It’s letting kids use the tools of their generation to accelerate learning,” says Bailey Mitchell, chief technology and information officer for Forsyth CountySchools in Georgia, which has offered a BYOT program for four years.