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Inicio. Las inundaciones ponen en jaque a la provincia de Buenos Aires - Informacion General. El nivel de las aguas en los partidos del centro, sur y sudeste bonaerense, afectados por la crecida de arroyos por las intensas lluvias de los últimos días, comenzó a bajar en forma lenta en la mayoría de los distritos, aunque aún persisten 700 pobladores evacuados. Las precipitaciones ponen en peligro a unas 200 mil cabezas de ganado en Balcarce, Azul y Necochea. "No se puede cuantificar puntualmente la cantidad de cabezas que están bajo el agua o comprometidas, estimamos que el número puede superar las 200 mil, pero es incierto. Las pérdidas son enormes y los productores, especialmente de la zona más baja, están muy preocupados por esta situación", indicó el titular de la Sociedad Rural de Balcarce, Fermín Echeverría.

En 15 días cayeron 180 milímetros de agua, cuando agosto generalmente no presenta demasiadas lluvias. Crítico panorama para Azul. "Si bien es estable la situación en la ciudad, el agua tardará en escurrir. The Meaning Of A Pentagram. The Pentagram is a symbol of a star encased in a circle. Always with 5 points (one pointing upward), each has its own meaning.

The upward point of the star is representative of the spirit. The other four points all represent an element; earth, air, fire, and water. All these things contibutite to life and are a part of each of us. To wear a pentagram necklace or other form of jewelry, is to say you feel the connection with the elements and respect the earth. The number 5 The number 5 has always been regarded as mystical and magical, yet essentially 'human'. The number 5 is associated with Mars. Five were the virtues of the medieval knight - generosity, courtesy, chastity, chivalry and piety as symbolised in the pentagram device of Sir Gawain. The number 5 is prime. Human stars Expressing the saying Every man and every woman is a star, we can juxtapose Man on a pentagram with head and four limbs at the points and the genitalia exactly central. The Golden Proportion Protection against evil. Kuler.

The 6 Creepiest Places on Earth. It doesn't matter whether or not you believe in ghosts, there are some places in which none of us would want to spend a night. These places have well earned their reputations as being so creepy, tragic or mysterious (or all three) that they definitely qualify as "haunted. " Places like... Aokigahara is a woodland at the base of Mount Fuji in Japan that makes The Blair Witch Project forest look like Winnie the Pooh's Hundred Acre Wood.

It probably has something to do with all the dead bodies scattered around. What Niagara Falls is to weddings, Aokigahara is to suicide. How many suicides does it takes for a place to get that reputation? More than 500 fucking people have taken their own lives in Aokigahara since the 1950s. The trend has supposedly started after Seicho Matsumoto published his novel Kuroi Kaiju (Black Sea of Trees) where two of his characters commit suicide there. Also skulls. "If you commit suicide here, bears will poop on your corpse. " Winchester Mystery House Oh, bitch...! S List of Famous Unsolved Codes and Ciphers. LibraryGhost - Powered by AMERICAN HAUNTINGS OVERNIGHT EXCURSIONS -- ROAD TRIPS, EXCURSIONS & INVESTIGATIONS!