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Funny+Now+you+can+Call+any+Girls+based+on+their+Body+Structure.jpg (700×495) Make your OWN eyeshadow primer! I have been using Urban Decay Primer Potion for years. I love the stuff. It is awesome. The problem is when I go to Sephora to get it, I get lost in a sea of sparkling new glosses and shadows and treasures I NEED to try, suddenly eyeshadow primer doesn’t seem very exciting. I start trying to rationalize. Together we set out to make our own! After much trial and error we finally found a potion that WORKS! Admittedly, Urban Decay is still the best, but as you can see, the difference is minimal.

Get a clean container. Recipe/Formula (you can double or triple this based on the size of your container) 1/2 Teaspoon All Natural Chapstick 1 Teaspoon Cornstarch 1 1/2 Teaspoon Liquid Foundation (whatever you have on hand) Run the chapstick under warm water for a minute before you add it so it mixes easier. And you should look like this: Hallelujah! Photo 1- You Totally Got This: 4 Easy Braids For Rookies. Feb 24, 2014 Even if you've landed your dream job and work in the coolest office ever, it's easy to fall into the business-as-usual rut when it comes to your beauty routine. There isn't anything wrong with alternating…read Feb 18, 2014 If we ruled the world, our first decree would be to make daily braid wearing mandatory.

And, we wouldn't expect any complaints — braids are just so darn versatile, we'd bet there's a variation out there…read Nov 22, 2013 It's not that we hate Emily Schuman because she's beautiful (although she is). What She Wore 365. Lace. Fashion Essentials for The Everygirl. Looks That Land the Job: What to Wear to (Any!) Interview. “What the (bleep) am I going to wear today?” This question is never more important than the day of a job interview. Yes, yes, it’s your personality and skills that really matter, but your appearance is often what your interviewer will notice first—and it can go a long way in showing her that you’re ambitious, professional, and most importantly, a great fit for the company. Which means—there’s no one-suit-fits-all approach for what to wear.

From your jacket to your shoes to even your accessories, you’ll want to consider the culture of the place you're applying before you pick out your ensemble. So before you start shopping, check out our guide to four common company types—and what to wear for each. Corporate Classics For companies that have a business or business casual dress code, keep your look basic and conservative for the first interview. Business Casual, Interview Style Startup Style But that doesn’t mean you should channel your inner hipster, either.

The Interviewer Wears Prada. Wicked Clothes. How to Find Your Perfect Colors. Photo by Sir_Fish If you've ever picked up the latest issue of Vogue, and read about this season's "new black", you know that "it colors" come and go in fashion. For example, last spring the hot shade in fashion was yellow, and this winter, the "it" color is purple. But if you've ever tried to wear one of those colors and found that you just didn't look right, you need to keep reading. Regardless of what the trendy colors are, there are some shades that are always going to look good on you, and some that aren't. No color looks good on everyone, and it's just a fact. This has to do with your coloring, or the way your eye color, hair, and skin tone combine to give you a look.

Your coloring makes the difference between whether you can wear gold or silver jewelry, whether that bright red halter top will look fabulous or horrible on you, and even what shades of makeup you can pull off. So how can you figure out what colors look best on you? What is Color Analysis? So which season are you? 1. 2. Polyvore.