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Heal Your Gut, Heal Your Mind. Skillet.lifehacker. There's even more evidence that one type of diet is the best for your body and brain. Temporal trends in sperm count: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis. Skip to Main Content Sign In Register Advanced Search Online ISSN 1460-2369 Print ISSN 1355-4786 Copyright © 2017 Human Reproduction Update Connect Resources Explore Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford.

Temporal trends in sperm count: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis

This Feature Is Available To Subscribers Only Sign In or Create an Account This PDF is available to Subscribers Only View Article Abstract & Purchase Options For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. Share. The importance of selenium to human health. What Is Dimethylpolysiloxane and Why Is It In Our Food? - Granola Police. SiOWfa14 Science in Our World: Certainty and Cont. Picture this: waking up in the morning after a long night out in search for that perfect bowl of cereal.

SiOWfa14 Science in Our World: Certainty and Cont

Who doesn’t love a nice big bowl of cereal to start you day off right? What we don’t know about these delicious grains is what they are really made out of. Cereal is made by a process called extrusion. Louisa Enright's Blog. Mainely Tipping Points 30 Cold cereal with milk and, maybe, some orange juice on the side–we think this breakfast is nourishing, right?

Louisa Enright's Blog

Well, let’s take a look at the individual ingredients. Sally Fallon Morell provides such analysis in “Dirty Secrets of the Food Processing Industry,” recently updated and reprinted in Well Being Journal, March/April 2011, 11-19. Report suggests more US businesses offering unregulated, possibly harmful stem cell 'treatments' A new report suggests more clinics in the United States are offering potentially ineffective or harmful stem cell “treatments” without regulation from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Report suggests more US businesses offering unregulated, possibly harmful stem cell 'treatments'

Researchers at the University of California and the University of Minnesota identified 351 U.S. companies marketing unapproved stem cell procedures at 570 individual clinics. Procedures include interventions for orthopedic injuries, neurological disorders, cardiac diseases, immunological conditions, pulmonary disorders, injured spinal cords, and cosmetic indications, according to a news release on the findings, which were published Thursday in the journal Cell Stem Cell. The study authors, bioethicist Leigh Turner and stem cell researcher Paul Knoepfler, wrote in their report that it was unclear whether federal authorities, like the FDA, and state medical boards have underestimated the scope of the issue or whether they are taking minimal action despite their awareness.

How Psychedelic Drugs Could Help Treat Addiction. Psychedelic drugs have been flirting with mainstream respectability lately, mainly thanks to scientific studies that have used them as tools to do things like illuminate the workings of the brain and treat depression.

How Psychedelic Drugs Could Help Treat Addiction

Another step toward mainstream medical acceptance of formerly “out-there” substances such as psilocybin, LSD, and MDMA, may involve turning them against other drugs. Across the US and UK, new clinical trials are using psychedelics in an attempt to treat addiction to everything from controlled substances including cocaine to alcohol and cigarettes. Even though it’s still not clear exactly how these drugs work in the brain, researchers think that the psychedelic experience itself could help people change their perspective, and their behavior, when it comes to drug addiction. A Huge Study Found Less than Half of Psychology Findings Were Reproducible. Scientists love a good study of studies, but a new paper in Science takes this investigative thoroughness to a particularly high level: It features 270 researchers attempting to replicate a whopping 100 experiments from previously published psychology studies.

A Huge Study Found Less than Half of Psychology Findings Were Reproducible

The point was to see if the studies, which are published in well-respected journals, were generally reproducible. By copying the same experiment with the same method, do you get the same results? In many cases: no. Why Two Decades of Brain Research Could Be Seriously Flawed. It’s often said, a bit hyperbolically perhaps, that the human brain is the most complex structure in the known universe.

Why Two Decades of Brain Research Could Be Seriously Flawed

For thousands of years, we’ve wanted to peep inside and see what it’s doing—through trepanation, through CT scans, or through a technique that’s been in favour over the last two decades or so: functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) which measures blood flow (and, indirectly, activity) inside the brain. fMRI is an amazing tool that’s spawned a whole new field of research, not to mention an endless series of studies on how the brain works. Arepas ~ Venezuelan Corn Flour Flatbreads. All of us, at one time or another, have had food made from ground corn, be it cornbread, corn tortillas, tortilla chips, tamales or polenta.

Arepas ~ Venezuelan Corn Flour Flatbreads

In my pantry there is a new kid on the block called pre-cooked white maize meal or “harina de maiz blanco precocida”, which is what I used to make my arepas. The first time I made them, it was a totally new tasting experience for me. Nothing like cornbread or corn tortillas. Arepas taste like corn on the cob, ground up and fried in patties. Crispy on the outside, soft and fresh corn flavored on the inside. Fuck-yeah-fitness: muffintop-less: Now by no... - Healthy Minds;Fit Bodies. Buckwheat for your health. The common misconception about Buckwheat is that it is though off as a wheat because of its name.

Buckwheat for your health

Buckwheat is not a wheat, neither is it a grain although it is enjoyed in a similar fashion like a true grain. Buckwheat is actually a fruit seed. The World of Gluten-Free Bread: Improved Gluten Free Sandwich Bread Recipe. From what I have been seeing over the past year, just like cars and technology, gluten free bread is being upgraded with new and improved recipes.

The World of Gluten-Free Bread: Improved Gluten Free Sandwich Bread Recipe.

Curious as I am to this and always fine tuning my own recipe, I embarked on a trial and error series of several recipes that I had drafted together. I gathered my research from recipes I had been studying that used ingredients I hadn't tried in gluten free bread baking. But after seeing such great and successful results I had to try these recipes out for myself. The recipe I have settled with (for now) is adapted from Fork and Beans Gluten-Free Vegan Bread recipe. I followed the recipe near true to form with the change of flour blend and binders. So without further delay, here is my new and improved gluten free bread recipe. Gluten Free Sandwich Bread Wet Ingredients: 240 ml warm soymilk 240 ml warm water 3 tbsp vegetable oil 2 tsp white vinegar.

The World of Gluten-Free Bread. 10 Superfoods for Type 2 Diabetes - Diabetes. Controlled trials of inositol in psychiatry. Controlled trials of inositol in psychiatry. Brains Do It: Lust, Attraction, and Attachment. Here Is What Your Hair And Scalp Say About Your Health. Hair is produced by hair follicles situated in the deepest layer of the skin and is composed mostly of dead protein and pigment. The quality, thickness and texture of the hair is reflected in the changes in the body’s metabolism.

Listed are a few signs of what your hair and scalp say about your health. 1. Gray hair: Gray hair usually isn’t a sign of poor health, though anemia, thyroid issues, vitamin B-12 deficiency, and vitiligo can cause premature graying. 2. Veratrum californicum. Varieties[1] Veratrum californicum var. californicum - from Washington to DurangoVeratrum californicum var. caudatum (A.Heller) C.L.Hitchc. - Idaho, Washington, Oregon, N California Teratogenic effects[edit] True teeth care - re-enamalize naturally. Printer-friendly version Send to friend Letter from Gerard F.

Judd , Ph. D. , Chemist, Researcher for 18 years and Professor of Chemistry for 33 yrs. April 2002 Dear Government Executive and Employee: THE CURE FOR CANCER - WE SHOULD ALL KNOW THIS. The virus targets cancer cells, but does not harm normal cells, researchers said. Cancer Diseases WASHINGTON -- A common virus that is harmless to people can destroy cancerous cells in the body and might be developed into a new cancer therapy, US researchers said.

VIDEO: Is It Ok To Crack Your Knuckles? VIDEO: Didn't Get Enough Sleep? This Is What Happens. Oxalic acid excretion after intravenous ascorbic acid administration. Comparing Real Salt to Himalayan or Celtic. Readers’ Corner: Can My Doctor Get Into Big Legal Trouble by Offering Natural Health Treatments? A reader asks an important question about the laws threatening integrative doctors. Acid/Alkaline Balance and Paleo: Myth or Truth? Acid-forming foods: it definitely sounds alarming, and readers of Loren Cordain’s original book, The Paleo Diet, might remember the importance of an acid-base balance as something connected to avoiding modern illness. Carnivore vs. Herbivore vs. Omnivore « Pet Food Nutrition. Red Cabbage Smoothie - According to Elle. Breakfast + Healthy Choices + Juice & Smoothies + Snacks.

Protein for Vegetarians (& the myth of incomplete proteins) Protein for Vegetarians (& the myth of incomplete proteins) 25 Delicious Vegan Sources of Protein (The Ultimate Guide!) High Protein Vegetarian Foods. The Connection Between Tonsil Stones and Other Illnesses. Are White Potatoes Bad for Dogs? As with many pet food trends, certain ingredients tend to become ostracized (or promoted) due to marketing initiatives and inaccurate rumor mills. Can I Give My Dog Potatoes? Sweet Wormwood & Iron Kill 98% of Breast Cancer Cells in 16 Hours. DIY + Fashion + Lifestyle. Phase 1 trial of dichloroacetate (DCA) in adults with recurrent malignant brain tumors. Scientists cure cancer, but no one takes notice. Dichloroacetate: University of Alberta Doctors Discover A Cure For Cancer. The Truth About Saturated Fats and The Coconut Oil Benefits. 17 Reasons Why You Need a Mango Every Day. Depression, Tryptophan and P5P. Evolutionary Psychiatry: Phytic Acid - Mineral-grubbing Nuisance or Magic Food?

De-Mystifying Myo-Inositol - PCOS Diva. Protection against cancer by dietary IP6 and inositol. J. Nutr. 2012 Scheid jn.112.166371. Why Do Not Your Supplements Work? (Lidtke Letter vol 1. 7) The First Line of Treatment for Insomnia That’ll Surprise You. Controlled trials of inositol in ps... [Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 1997] Sleep Hacking Part 3: Fall Asleep Fast with Biochemistry. Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) Dosing.

11 Reasons You Should Go Outside. Singing Changes Your Brain. The Death of the Raw Food Diet. Customer Reviews: The 80/10/10 Diet. How Much Protein Do You Really Need? The Official Position Of The International Society Of Sports Nutrition. Amaranth Pancakes Recipe. So Apparently, We've Been Eating Apples All Wrong [VIDEO]  Your gut is telling you what to eat — and you're not listening. What Is Health: Seafood and Vitamin K2. All About Vitamin K2. Does Soaking Beans Affect Nutritional Value? - PlenteousVeg. Evaluation of the effect of processing techniques on the nutrient and antinutrient contents of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) seeds. Ultrasound technology can regrow teeth, say Canadian scientists.

Scientists Use Lasers To Regrow Teeth From Stem Cells. Scientists Have Figured Out How to Regenerate Teeth With Lasers. Low Intensity Pulsed Ultra Sound. Low Intensity Pulsed Ultra Sound. The End of Fillings? New "Liquid Enamel" Could Rescue Teeth - Discoblog : Discoblog. Stuff I learned from my botany professor regarding strawberries and dates. Gluten Intolerant? You May Just Be Intolerant of Monsanto Weed Killer. Wheat Gluten - Peter R. Shewry, Arthur S. Tatham. Eating Cardboard is “Healthier” Than Breakfast Cereal. Why Antidepressants Don't Work for Treating Depression  Smart Nutrition Can Enhance Muscle Strength. Healed by Light. 20121205-121849.jpg (JPEG Image, 500 × 500 pixels) Health.jpg (JPEG Image, 310 × 320 pixels) Medicine-copy-1024x1024.jpg (JPEG Image, 1024 × 1024 pixels) - Scaled (97%) 1a3613032394071f05c5952d5a9a9e7f.jpg (JPEG Image, 736 × 551 pixels) 20121205-121849.jpg (JPEG Image, 500 × 500 pixels)

Gluten-free Kasha (buckwheat) Pancakes. Subway: Stop Using Dangerous Chemicals In Your Bread. I'm Not Crazy, But I Did Just Spend Two Weeks Living by Nothing but Candlelight in the Name of Good Health. Measuring caloric intake, and caloric requirement in humans. Date seed consumption. Yup, it's Vegan. Iron. Role of iron, iron effects and iron supplements. Gluten-free Flatbread.