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The Scientific 7-Minute Workout Doesn't Require Equipment. How to make and use homemade oral rehydration solution for diarrhea - by Nicole Evans M.D. By Nicole Evans M.D.

How to make and use homemade oral rehydration solution for diarrhea - by Nicole Evans M.D.

Created on : May 01, 2010 Last Updated : February 16, 2013 Any child or adult that is experiencing diarrhea, no matter the cause, can easily become dehydrated. The fluid lost with each liquid bowel movement during a bout of diarrhea can be quite significant. It is essential that individuals with diarrhea replace their fluid losses. One effective way of replacing fluid lost during diarrhea is with an oral rehydration solution. An oral rehydration solution, or ORS, can be purchased or made at home. Oral rehydration solutions for diarrhea can be easily made at home. Mistakenly adding too much of the sugar component of an oral rehydration solution made at home can actually worsen the diarrhea. The following recipe for homemade oral rehydration solution is one of the most complete versions of ORS that can be concocted at home in order to maintain the fluid status of individuals with diarrhea.

Recipe for home made oral rehydration solution: Source: Lin G. Granma's Attic ...Old Time Beauty and Health Tips. Two tablespoons of sesame oil, one tablespoon olive oil, two tablespoons avocado oil, two tablespoons almond oil, 2000 IU vitamin E (D-Alpha Tocopherol), 100Thousand USP units vitamin A, a drop or two of your favorite perfume.

Granma's Attic ...Old Time Beauty and Health Tips

(optional) Pour the oils into a small jar or empty bottle. Take 10 gelcaps of vitamin E (200 IU ea) and 4 caps vitamin A (25,000 units ea). Puncture the capsules with a needle, and squeeze out the contents into your container. Perfume (optional). This formula is especially useful for those who have badly deteriorated complexion and prematurely aged or dry lifeless skin. Home Remedy for Cough. By Bonnie K. McMillen, R.N, B.S.N., College Health Nurse, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, Bradford, PA, For the adventurous and independent sort, here's a homemade cough syrup recipe that really works. The ingredients are a combination of spices and nutrients with no unpleasant medicinal side effects -- no drowsiness, no dry mucous membranes, no cautions about using machinery or driving. The recipe is from Herbally Yours by Penny C.

Royal, 3rd Edition, June 1982. One of our international students recently told me that her mother in India used to give her a cough medicine with similar ingredients. It soothes an irritated throat and relieves chest congestion and phlegm. 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger 1 Tablespoon honey 1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar 2 Tablespoons water Mix and take by the teaspoon. The recipe doesn't indicate how much to take. Consider the beneficial effects of the individual ingredients: E-Mail From Our Readers Dear Ms. Three-Week Body Makeover.

The secret to dropping pounds and inches quickly is high-intensity walking workouts.

Three-Week Body Makeover

But don't panic—you don't have to run for miles or lift 50-pound dumbbells. What's high intensity for someone who's less fit may be low for you, or vice versa. The point is to push out of your comfort zone so you boost your calorie burn an extra 25 to 50 percent in the same amount of time—and incinerate another 75 calories over the course of the day to boot. This firm-up plan consists of three parts: a walking workout to burn fat, body shaping with weights, and tummy-toning calisthenics. The walking workout includes four walks (easy, interval, speed, and long), and the weight workout includes three routines (basic, light, and heavy). Firm Up Plan At-a-GlanceHere is an overview of what you'll be doing. Chart Your ProgressMake tracking your 21-day fitness plan easier by hanging a fitness log in plain sight—and using it. Week 1: 30 minutes Week 2: 35 minutes Week 3: 40 minutes Ad Keywords: