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How to make Jim Beam Whiskey Meatballs. Colin Joliat It’s tough to improve on the meatball, but I found a way. Whiskey and pretzels. No, you won’t be snacking and drinking with dinner. Those are the two secret ingredients in Whiskey Meatballs. You’ve probably noticed lately I’ve been using chipotle peppers quite a bit for the Guyism Grill. I’m still working my way through the first can, and why let them go to waste? Plus, bringing a little heat to the table is always a good idea. Bread crumbs are for losers The idea, albeit certainly not an original one, came to me while watching a Wendy’s commercial featuring their new pretzel bun. Before cooking After cooking The BBQ sauce simmers while the meatballs cook, and when those little nuggets of heaven are done, drop them into the pot. I wouldn’t recommend wasting precious time stacking meatballs on a plate.

Don’t be unnerved by the idea of making your own meatballs. You’re also welcome to use frozen meatball if you really want. IngredientsMeatballs Sauce Directions. Installing / Updating Python on OS X | Wolf Paulus. While Python comes pre-installed on OS X, Apple doesn’t do a good job on keeping the Python runtime environment up to date. Currently, on Mac OS X 10.7.4 “Lion”, entering python -V returns Python 2.7.1. Even worse, Mac OS X 10.6 “Snow Leopard” is still on a Python 2.6 release. While the latest Python releases are always available on updating a Mac isn’t a simple, straight forward process. Follow along and update your Mac to Python 2.7.3, or 3.3.0 or whatever the newest 2.x and 3.x release might be, when you read this.

To update your Mac to something like Python 2.7.3, I assume that your Mac-User account is setup as an “Administrator” account.your Mac already has this folder: /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/ To read about how to upgrade to Python 3.3, jump to the very bottom of this post. 1. Go to and pick the most recent Python 2.x release: 2.

This will delete Python 2.7. 3. 4. 5. 5.1. 5.2. 6. 7. Visual Git History Log in Terminal Window. My friend Joshua Kalis just showed me this cool trick which allows you to see a visual history (e.g. merges) in your terminal. Normally I bust out GitX-L every time I want to see a visual git history (this is akin to running Photoshop to select a color), but this technique is much more convenient. Edit your ~/.gitconfig file, and add the following lines: [alias] lg = log --graph --pretty=format:'%C(red)%h%C(reset) -%C(yellow)%d%C(reset) %s %C(green)(%cr) %C(blue)<%an>%C(reset)' --abbrev-commit --date=relative This will add a convenient git alias to your repertoire, in this case `lg` (accessible by using `git lg`). Personally, I like having even shorter aliases, so I edited my ~/.bash_profile file and added the following: alias glg='git lg' This lets me simply type `glg` and get a pretty output.

Alternatively, you could just add this to your bash profile and get the same effect: Rethinkdb on 2013-09-06 – irclogger – Freenode IRC logs. 02:19 joshontheweb joined 04:20 joshontheweb joined 04:31 cinderblock_away joined 13:14 <ReQL-Bot> Today we're having Moroccan from Casablanca. On the menu is: 13:14 <ReQL-Bot> - Grilled Chermoula Chicken: Chicken marinated in garlic, cilantro, paprika, lemon juice and olive oil, and served grilled 13:14 <ReQL-Bot> - Grilled Chermoula Chicken: Chicken marinated in garlic, cilantro, paprika, lemon juice and olive oil, and served grilled 13:14 <ReQL-Bot> - Casablanca Tajine: Beef sirloin slow-cooked with whole prunes and honey 13:14 <ReQL-Bot> - Yogurt Dip: Yogurt blended with lime juice, parsley, and basil 13:14 <ReQL-Bot> - Couscous with Raisins and Vegetables 13:14 <ReQL-Bot> - Moroccan Trio Salad: Grilled eggplant with garlic and cumin; shredded carrot marinated in orange juice; roasted beets with lemon juice and red onion 13:17 <turnersr> Hi, I am confused about the pros and cons of rethinkdb clusters. 13:23 <srh> This is because a table's shard will only take advantage of 4 cores.

Rethinkdb on 2013-09-06 – irclogger – Freenode IRC logs. Environment Variables. There are a handful of environment variables that you can set that will have an effect on your ability to compile software. These are: For compiling C code: CC, CFLAGS For compiling C++ code: CXX, CPPFLAGS For the linking stage: LDFLAGS For compiling any code: TMPDIR After the code is compiled: LD_LIBRARY_PATH export CC CFLAGS CXX CPPFLAGS TMPDIR LDFLAGS LD_LIBRARY_PATH You don't have to set environment variables for GCC to use them. . There is one more option to passing variables to gcc and that's to use the variable CONFIG_SITE.

Let's take a look at what each of these do: CC=gcc, tells configure that your C Compiler (CC) is gcc. CC=/usr/sfw/bin/gcc CFLAGS=-O3 (oh three), tells configure that you want the compiler to use the following optimization flag. If you are currently running SPARC hardware it is strongly suggested that you set at least -mv8 so GCC can use some hardware registers that it otherwise would not be able to use. CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include LDFLAGS="-L/usr/sfw/lib -R/usr/sfw/lib" The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python! — The Hitchhiker. Greetings, Earthling! Welcome to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python. This is a living, breathing guide. If you’d like to contribute, fork us on GitHub! This handcrafted guide exists to provide both novice and expert Python developers a best practice handbook to the installation, configuration, and usage of Python on a daily basis.

This guide is opinionated in a way that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike Python’s official documentation. You won’t find a list of every Python web framework available here. Let’s get started! Getting Started with Python New to Python? Properly Install Python Writing Great Python Code This part of the guide focuses on the best-practices for writing Python code. Scenario Guide for Python Applications This part of the guide focuses on tool and module advice based on different scenarios. Shipping Great Python Code This part of the guide focuses on deploying your Python code. Python Development Environments Additional Notes Note. Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner.

Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner. How gzip compression works - Make the Web Faster. Authors: Kevin Khaw & Eric Higgins, Google Webmasters Recommended experience: Working knowledge of HTTP and HTML High level overview of a browser request with and without gzip compression Server without gzip: Browser: Connects to server and requests page.Server that browser supports gzip "Accept-Encoding: gzip".Server:No gzip support. Ignores gzip request. Server with gzip: Connects to server.Notifies server that browser supports gzip "Accept-Encoding: gzip".Server:Acknowledges gzip support.Sends gzip encoded page with header "Content-Encoding: gzip".Browser:Receive page.Decode gzip encoded page based on header "Content-Encoding: gzip".Display page. How gzip compresses Simply put, gzip compression works by finding similar strings within a text file, and replacing those strings temporarily to make the overall file size smaller.

Example In this example, I'll demonstrate how using identical tags will compress a snippet of code further than using different tags. Additional resources. NVD3.js :: re-usable charts for d3.js. Basic Branching and Merging. Let’s go through a simple example of branching and merging with a workflow that you might use in the real world. You’ll follow these steps: Do work on a web site.Create a branch for a new story you’re working on.Do some work in that branch. At this stage, you’ll receive a call that another issue is critical and you need a hotfix. You’ll do the following: Switch to your production branch.Create a branch to add the hotfix.After it’s tested, merge the hotfix branch, and push to production.Switch back to your original story and continue working. Basic Branching First, let’s say you’re working on your project and have a couple of commits already.

You’ve decided that you’re going to work on issue #53 in whatever issue-tracking system your company uses. . $ git checkout -b iss53 Switched to a new branch "iss53" This is shorthand for: $ git branch iss53 $ git checkout iss53 You work on your web site and do some commits. . $ vim index.html $ git commit -a -m 'added a new footer [issue 53]' Basic Merging Note. Soundslice: Tabs have never sounded so good. How to perform Ajax in Flask for Python Code Example - Runnable. Git - Pull new updates from original Github repository into forked Github repository. CrowdFunding/CrowdSourcing.

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