'World's oldest Torah' scroll found in Italy. 28 May 2013Last updated at 15:16 ET This Torah scroll may be more than 850 years old The University of Bologna in Italy has found what it says may be the oldest complete scroll of Judaism's most important text, the Torah.
The scroll was in the university library but had been mislabelled, a professor at the university says. It was previously thought the scroll was no more that a few hundred years old. However, after carbon dating tests, the university has said the text may have been written more than 850 years ago. The university's Professor of Hebrew Mauro Perani says this would make it the oldest complete text of the Torah known to exist, and an object of extraordinary worth. The university says that in 1889 one of its librarians, Leonello Modona, had examined the scroll and dated it to the 17th Century.
La Bible en ligne. Les secrets révélés de la Bible. 1500-Year-Old Bible Discovered In Turkey Indicates Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified. Les évangiles apocryphes : l'autre visage de Jésus - Les livres interdits. Quand on pense à Jésus, les premiers textes venant à l’esprit sont les quatre évangiles.
Cependant, d’autres textes non présents dans la Bible canonique témoignent de la vie du Christ. Interdits ou tout simplement oubliés pendant des siècles, ils apportent une autre vision de Jésus, de son enseignement, et plus généralement des fondements du Christianisme. Les Évangiles apocryphes : kesako ? D’après la bible canonique (officiellement reconnue par l’Église catholique romaine*), la vie de Jésus est directement relatée via les récits de quatre de ses apôtres.
Il s’agit des évangiles de Matthieu, Marc, Luc et Jean. Cependant, d’autres évangiles, non validés par l’Église, racontent la vie du Christ et ses enseignements. De quoi parlent ces textes ? Le Saint Coran. Lire le Coran en Arabe Francais sur Internet - Lecture Saint Quran en Ligne. Les textes sacrés de l'Inde. Ancient Tablet Discovered that Could Rewrite the History of Language.
You might think this would be bigger news, but like most things that threaten the mainstream version of history, it's been almost entirely ignored.
Just goes to show how little we really know about the past, from Archaeology News Network: Back in 1993, in a Neolithic lakeshore settlement that occupied an artificial island near the modern village of Dispilio on Lake Kastoria in the Kastoria Prefecture, professor George Hourmouziadis and his team unearthed the Dispilio Tablet (also known as the Dispilio Scripture or the Dispilio Disk), a wooden tablet bearing inscribed markings (charagmata) that has been carbon 14-dated to about 7300 BP (5260 BC).
Les Tablettes d'Emeraude de Thoth l'Atlante. Je suis THOTH, l'Atlante, maître des mystères, gardien de la Mémoire ancestrale, Roi, Sage et Mage.
Je suis celui qui survit d'une génération à l'autre et qui s'apprête à entrer dans la Chambre de l'Amenti pour guider ceux qui me suivront dans les souvenirs de la grande Atlantide. J'ai débuté cette série d'incarnations dans la grande métropole de KEOR, sur l'île de UNDAL, à une époque très lointaine où les mages de l'Atlantide vivaient et mourraient, non pas comme les petits hommes de cette période obscure, mais en renouvelant leur vie dans la Chambre de l'Amenti ; là où la rivière de la vie coule éternellement vers l'infini. Cent fois dix j'ai parcouru la voie obscure qui même à la lumière et autant de fois j'ai traversé l'obscurité pour régénérer mon pouvoir et ma force grâce à mon ascension dans la lumière.
Et maintenant, me voici à nouveau avec vous, pour un temps, jusqu'au moment où le peuple de KEM (nom ancien de l'Egypte) ne me reconnaîtra plus. Ô Hermès le Trois fois né. The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean. The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean Translation & Interpretation by Doreal (Originally published in mimeographed form in the 1930s by a mysterious "Dr.
Doreal," these writings quickly became an underground sensation among esotoricists of the time. Tablets 1-13 are part of the original work; tablets 14 and 15 are supplemental. The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean - 1. Dr.
Doreal , who has a connection with the Great White Lodge , which also works through the Pyramid Priest-hood, was instructed to recover and return to the Great Pyramid, these Ancient Tablets . This was accomplished, but before returning them, Doreal was given permission to translate and retain a copy of the wisdom engraved on the Tablets. This was done in 1925, and now, permission has been given for this translation by Doreal to be published solely through the Brotherhood of the White Temple . This is the only authorized, original and true rendition of these Emerald Tablets.
When Thoth , the Atlantean and Master raised the people of Khem ( Egypt ) to a great civilization, and when the time came for him to leave Egypt, he erected The Great Pyramid over the entrance of the Great Halls of Amenti . His writings consist of twelve Tablets of Emerald Green formed from a substance created through alchemical transmutation. Dr. Translation & Interpretation by Doreal.