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12 Puzzle and Quiz Creation tools for teachers. There are many different sites on the internet that allow you to create your own puzzles and games to use either directly in class, or which can be linked to/embedded into your VLE.

12 Puzzle and Quiz Creation tools for teachers

I’ve been doing some trawling ahead of a training session I am running soon, and here are a few of the best ones that I’ve found. There are others out there, but the focus specifically for my session was KS4 and 5, so these links are aimed at older students. If you have any other favourites, please add them to the comments! 1. Classtools Net Classtools is already one of my favourite websites, home of the Countdown Timer and Random Word Picker. 2. Content generator’s templates allow anyone to generate their own e-Learning quizzes, games and applications through our custom software – no coding required. 3. is dedicated to providing technology tools for teaching that are quick and easy to download, learn, and start using in your classroom. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Also worth a look: 8. 9. 10. 11. 36 Visual Content Creation Tools the Pros Can't Live Without. Are you wanting to create more visual content but don’t know where to start?

36 Visual Content Creation Tools the Pros Can't Live Without

I asked 19 visual social media experts about their favourite, go-to, can’t-live-without visual content tools. What follows is their best of the best picks, all wrapped up into a post for you. Our 19 experts don’t just “talk” about visual content online. They create visual content on a daily basis. They are in the trenches creating everything from images to infographics for their businesses, websites, blogs and social media channels. They know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to visual content creation tools. People With Real Life Super Powers? - 8 People With Supposed Real Life SuperPowers Have you ever dreamed about super powers or becoming a superhero?

People With Real Life Super Powers? -

Of course you have and it is something that most people yearn for. The people listed below get their superpowers from genetic mutations that they are born with which allows them to do things that most ordinary people cannot. These individuals will leave you amazed. Take a look at some of the real life superpowers and how the individuals got them! ARTISKIT - Tutoriel - Plateau de jeu - CH-J. French Vocabulary. French Introductory Lesson Plans. When it comes to designing French introductory lesson plans, remember it is going to take you a lot more time to prepare the lesson than it is going to take you to teach it.

French Introductory Lesson Plans

This is why getting in the habit of keeping all your materials organized is a good idea; you will undoubtedly want to use your lessons again and again and if you make notes on your lesson plans right after you've taught them, you'll know what small changes need to be made next time you teach the same lesson. Focus on Vocabulary Beginning French learners need lots of vocabulary. Without knowing the words for things, learning the structure of the language is useless. This is the reason why beginner French classes usually have a heavy vocabulary component. Translation The traditional way of teaching vocabulary was to teach the translations of words and expressions from the native language to the foreign language.

Top 10 eLearning Resources You May Not Have Thought Of. Guest post by Robert Morris.

Top 10 eLearning Resources You May Not Have Thought Of

The upswing of the eLearning industry is showing no signs of slowing down. An increased number of educators, organizations, institutions, and individuals of various industries are creating online courses that enable them to grow as professionals and gain more knowledge. If you are trying to design an eLearning course, you need to keep the entire process as organized as possible. The following eLearning resources will help you stay focused and productive during the course development.

Beginner's Guide. Log In. 10 Easy French Lessons on Commands for All Grade Levels. Collection of French Lesson Plans for All Ages, From Beginner to Advanced Student. French is not always a language that appeals to everyone, but with the right lesson plans in place, even reluctant learners will stand a better-than-average chance at gaining an interest and improving their language skills.

Collection of French Lesson Plans for All Ages, From Beginner to Advanced Student

Our guide covers all experience levels and, in fact, we begin (rather appropriately) with beginner and young learners, continuing on to the intermediate and advanced levels. Of course, there are many lessons in other sections that may suit these learners too. Grammar, for example, is a crucial element of learning any language but is a very dry subject matter and can be hard to teach. If you combine it with one of the other lessons though, the whole affair can be much more rewarding. French Lesson Plans.

Excellent Tools for Creating Videos Without Installing Software. Over the years I've published some lists and reviews of free tools for creating videos online.

Excellent Tools for Creating Videos Without Installing Software

Quite a few of those tools have been for creating simple videos that are really just automated, audio slideshows. See Animoto for an example of this. PowToon, free business presentation software animated video maker and PowerPoint alternative. PowToon - Brings Awesomeness to Your Presentations. Wideo - Make animated online videos free. Excellent Tools for Creating Videos Without Installing Software. Free vector icons - SVG, PSD, PNG, EPS & Icon Font - Thousands of Free Icons. Registration - Online Language Education with private teachers.

Pro -Edublogs – education blogs for teachers, students and schools. Microsoft Educator Network - Resources : Free Tools For Teachers. Fastest Way to Create Comic Strips and Cartoons - Toondoo. Sign in. 321 Free Tools for Teachers - Free Educational Technology. Outils pour la lecture CP. Un nouvel article pour répondre à une question qui est revenue plusieurs fois.Je vais tenter d'expliquer de manière claire et synthétique comment je procède, non pas pour faire des séances de littérature, mais comment d'un point de vue "technique" je parviens à donner des textes à lire à mes élèves.Je ne prétends pas donner de recettes miracles, je n'ai qu'un an d'ancienneté en CP, mais je me suis assez creusé la tête à ce sujet cette année, alors si ça peut donner des idées à certains, ça sera déjà pas mal !

Outils pour la lecture CP

Comme je l'ai déjà expliqué, j'étudie quelques albums en cours d'année. C'est pour moi primordial et j'ai choisi ma méthode de lecture pour avoir la liberté de choisir les albums étudiés (méthode syllabique Taoki - pour plus de détails voir ici).Si vous consultez mon emploi du temps, vous constaterez que tous les matins il y a une large plage intitulée "Phonologie" qui correspond au travail sur Taoki, puis une plage "Littérature" de 45 minutes le mardi après-midi. 1.