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Base documentaire en ligne du Centre de Documentation de l'Ecole Nationale de Formation Agronomique. Catalogue général - Recherche simple. Search. BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine. BASE is one of the world's most voluminous search engines especially for academic open access web resources.

BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine

BASE is operated by Bielefeld University Library. As the open access movement grows and prospers, more and more repository servers come into being which use the "Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting" (OAI-PMH) for providing their contents. BASE collects, normalises, and indexes these data. BASE provides more than 80 million documents from more than 4,000 sources. Mir@bel - Recherche de revues. A Triple-Isotope Approach to Predict the Breeding Origins of European Bats. Directory of Open Access Journals. Remove all search values and settings by clicking the X icon at the left of the search box above.

Directory of Open Access Journals

Partial matches with wildcard can be performed by using the asterisk * wildcard. For example, einste*, *nstei*. Fuzzy matches can be performed using tilde ~. For example, einsten~ may help find einstein. Exact matches can be performed with " double quotes. ISIDORE - Accès aux données et services numériques de SHS. Science, health and medical journals, full text articles and books. Results for 'maupassant' : livres, DVD, jeux vidéo, MP3, high-tech, informatique, jouets, chaussures, vêtements, sport, maison et plus encore !

Supagro Florac.