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The Book of the Law. Sacred texts Thelema sub figura CCXX as delivered by XCIII = 418 to DCLXVI Chapter I 1.

The Book of the Law

Had! C.G. Jung - The Seven Sermons to the Dead (Septem Sermones ad Mortuos) (Seven Sermons to the Dead) C.G.

C.G. Jung - The Seven Sermons to the Dead (Septem Sermones ad Mortuos)

Jung, 1916 (Translation by H. G. Baynes) Sermo I. /x/ - Paranormal - Catalog. Massive /x/ Dump: Dumping a massive list of /x/ related links + recommendations..

/x/ - Paranormal - Catalog

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Even if the universe ends, the period of time between it ending and a new one beginning would be 0 seconds, because if the universe ends time ends with it. Dr. Okay /x/ give me some Ancient religions and cults. Why do I feel like crying when I read the Quran? Hey /x/. Coincidences: This is strange /x/. /x/ - Paranormal. Chaos Matrix - [] Liber AL vel Legis. Liber ALvelLegis sub figurâ CCXX as delivered byXCIII = 418toDCLXVI A∴A∴ Publication in Class A Introduction IThe Book 1.

Liber AL vel Legis

The Author called himself Aiwass, and claimed to be “the minister of Hoor-Paar-Kraat”; that is, a messenger from the forces ruling this earth at present, as will be explained later on. How could he prove that he was in fact a being of a kind superior to any of the human race, and so entitled to speak with authority? 2. The study of these passages necessarily demands supreme human scholarship to interpret— it needs years of intense application. This matter is best studied under the Master Therion, whose years of arduous research have led him to enlightenment. On the other hand, the language of most of the Book is admirably simple, clear and vigorous. 3. 4. IIThe Universe This Book explains the Universe. The elements are Nuit— Space— that is, the total of possibilities of every kind— and Hadit, any point which has experience of these possibilities. IIIThe Law of Thelema*

Early Christian Writings: New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, Ch.