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We the People: Your Voice in Our Government. How Small Groups Can Put Social Networks to Use - Social Good. Allison Fine Building a social-media strategy from scratch can be a daunting challenge, especially for smaller organizations that have limited money and employee time.

How Small Groups Can Put Social Networks to Use - Social Good

But Tracy Viselli and Aaron Steinberg are proving that it is possible for even the smallest groups to create effective online strategies. Ms. Viselli, a community manager at Action Alexandria, is working with a group of small, local nonprofits in Alexandria, Va., to build successful online fund-raising campaigns. Mr. In this episode of Social Good, Allison Fine, the host, talks with Ms. 9 Fatal Mistakes to Avoid When Using Twitter to Market Your Nonprofit Cause. Twitter can be an excellent tool for marketing your cause and bringing in new supporters, but we’ve been noticing many organizations that are making mistakes that could easily be avoided.

9 Fatal Mistakes to Avoid When Using Twitter to Market Your Nonprofit Cause

Now of course we don’t want to point out exactly whom the offenders are, but we would like to share the 9 fatal mistakes to avoid when using Twitter to market your cause so you don’t fall into the same trap. Nine Ways Networked Nonprofits Use Slideshare. Tell Congress Not To Hurt U.S. Nonprofits - Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media - frogloop. Everyone knows we've got to reduce the nation's budget deficit.

Tell Congress Not To Hurt U.S. Nonprofits - Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media - frogloop

But some members of Congress and the Obama administration are seriously considering a wrongheaded proposal to cut the deficit in part by hurting nonprofit organizations. The proposal would reduce the tax incentive received by many individual Americans when they donate to charities. It's a dumb idea, considering how vital these contributions are to nonprofit organizations, which receive up to one half of all of their individual donations from the very same taxpayers who would be affected by this new law. Untitled. Katya's Non-Profit Marketing Blog. Thu, May 26 2011 Filed under: Marketing essentials • Eight in ten American women strongly believe in the power of individuals to make a difference by supporting causes, while their male counterparts are more likely to view supporting causes as a fad.

Katya's Non-Profit Marketing Blog

This is according to new data from Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide and Georgetown University’s Center for Social Impact Communication. In addition, American women are more likely than men to believe that supporting causes creates a sense of purpose and meaning in life, makes them feel good about themselves and makes them feel like part of a community. More than four in ten Americans (45%) are actively involved with supporting causes, and women make up a significantly larger part of this group than men. “Men and women are generally in agreement when it comes to which particular causes they choose to support.

Here are some additional interesting findings. Presents the Supporter Journey. How Nonprofits Can Keep Their Edge in the Digital Era - Live Discussions. A Chronicle Live Discussion Nonprofits need to rethink their management and fund-raising approaches in the era of Facebook and Twitter, say the authors of a new book, The Future of Nonprofits: Innovate and Thrive in the Digital Age.

How Nonprofits Can Keep Their Edge in the Digital Era - Live Discussions

The rise of social-media tools have changed how donors, volunteers, and employees think as well as what it takes for a nonprofit to thrive, say the authors. Mission-Critical Facebook Tactics for Non-Profit Organizations. Facebook is best known for its ability to connect people.

Mission-Critical Facebook Tactics for Non-Profit Organizations

Designing Campaigns for Impact - Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media - frogloop. Whether it's political or personal, global or local, funded or a grassroots effort, organizations and communities are campaigning for change in many ways, all of the time.

Designing Campaigns for Impact - Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media - frogloop

Unfortunately, there are times when we lose focus on our ultimate goals for change and instead fixate on the campaign itself or let a concept for engagement overshadow our real calls to action. When we do that, we can compromise the relationship we have with our supporters and donors, and limit our capacity for building momentum towards action and a movement for our cause.

But, it doesn't have to be that way! Start with Metrics When building a campaign and exploring your options for the structure, actions and engagement pieces, look first at your organizational metrics. Comcast Pulls Funding To Filmmakers After Tweet. Comcast donated $18,000 to a non-profit filmmaker’s group, the ReelGrrls, dedicated to giving young girls a voice and more confidence through film-making.

Comcast Pulls Funding To Filmmakers After Tweet

One of the members expressed concern over the upcoming NBC/Comcast merger on Twitter, stating her disbelief that the FCC Commissioner Meredith Baker just quit to move to Comcast after approving the merger. Almost immediately one of Comcast’s media relations people, Steve Kipp, pulled the funding: Given the fact that Comcast has been a major supporter of Reel Grrls for several years now, I am frankly shocked that your organization is slamming us on Twitter. I cannot in good conscience continue to provide you with funding — especially when there are so many other deserving nonprofits in town.” Bang.

Luckily, according to the Washington Post, someone higher up at Comcast contacted the group and, explaining that Steve was wrong, said: Swab Stories‬‏


Email Marketing. Facebook. Google for Nonprofits. Disaster Relief. RealGrrls / Comcast. Blog Picks of the Week - Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media - frogloop. The blogosphere has been bursting with valuable resources and tips this week.

Blog Picks of the Week - Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media - frogloop

Here’s a compilation of what’s on our radar that How Five Nonprofits Are Innovating With Mobile With the rapidly changing world of technology, it’s now more important than ever that nonprofits understand the power of mobile and the shifting patterns in how people interact, get information, and share it. Holly Ross, Executive Director at NTEN did a great post over at Mashable that highlighted five nonprofits who are innovating with mobile. “And it doesn’t take an expensive investment in a custom built application to make mobile work,” said Ross. Campaigns that Ross highlighted include the WNYC and NYT Bird Map, a texting campaign by California Teacher’s Association that connects supporters with state legislator and the Alliance for Climate Education, where students text in a pledge about one thing they will do to make the environment better.

Ten steps to get more out of Foursquare Specials. Foursquare Specials is a promotional marketing tool within Foursquare that allows business owners to reward their customers when they check in to their venue on Foursquare.

Ten steps to get more out of Foursquare Specials

Now, using Foursquare Specials as an effective part of your marketing strategy requires a bit more than simply knowing how to create one, or that they exist. With that in mind here are ten steps to get more out of Foursquare Specials: Offer real value: Don’t come up with an offer you think is valuable – come up with an offer your customers will find valuable.Offer something remarkable: Offering real value will make customers happy, but offering remarkable value will make that happy customer tell their friends.Pick the best words: Write a Special that inspires people to unlock it. Raising $5K or $12K or more fast — Karen Zapp - Nonprofit Copywriter. There might be a problem with the requested link. The link you requested has been identified by bitly as being potentially problematic. This could be because a bitly user has reported a problem, a black-list service reported a problem, because the link has been shortened more than once, or because we have detected potentially malicious content.

This may be a problem because: Some URL-shorteners re-use their links, so bitly can't guarantee the validity of this link.Some URL-shorteners allow their links to be edited, so bitly can't tell where this link will lead you.Spam and malware is very often propagated by exploiting these loopholes, neither of which bitly allows for. The link you requested may contain inappropriate content, or even spam or malicious code that could be downloaded to your computer without your consent, or may be a forgery or imitation of another website, designed to trick users into sharing personal or financial information.

Magic Fundraising Machine Boosts ROI. For years I’ve been quietly steaming about two inventions that I suspect have done great damage to effective direct mail fundraising. Even calling them out will make me seem like a Luddite, a curmudgeon or worse. But truly, I haven’t lost my mind, so bear with me. The first technological culprit is Microsoft’s “Excel”, or for that matter any of the digital spreadsheet programs that preceded Excel going all the way back to Visicalc in 1979. That’s how long I’ve harbored this particular grudge.

Although I have nothing but admiration for the genius and grandeur of their designs and usefulness, it’s the way they’re idiotically applied that gets my goat. In the case of digital spreadsheet programs they’ve done more to stifle interpretation of results and impede proper planning than anything I know. The second – and because I’m a copywriter, by far the most horrid – villain in the Technology Hall of Horrors is Microsoft’s “Word” and all other computerized word processing programs. .@plasticjungle talking about their #TiE50 award at #tiecon today. 6-8% gift cards unredeemed each year. Wow. - pcrampton's posterous. How LIVESTRONG Uses Calls To Action In Email Appeals. 8 Important New Fundraising Trends for 2011: What Today’s Donors Want. This week everybody’s talking about Penelope Burk’s latest survey of donors.

Penelope Burk She issued her 2011 Cygnus Donor Survey this week – a moment many of us “trend-spotters” have been eagerly anticipating! And it reveals some major trends we all need to watch. 22,000 donors from all over North America responded to her survey (17,605 from the US), and here’s what she found out: 1. Three basic tools for world-class communicators. Thinking about Return on Engagement. Image courtesy of Anssi Koskinen, Flickr Creative Commons I’ve been thinking a lot about the concept of social media ROI, and how to measure it.

However, the more I think about it, the more it comes down to this: can we measure effective engagement with stakeholders, and how we move them to action? Within social media, the ROI is actually Return on Engagement (ROE). David J. Neff Discusses His Book, 'The Future of Nonprofits,' at 11NTC. Road Trip! Fundraising, Advocacy, Community Building, Storytelling and Recruitment on the Road. - Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media - frogloop. We often focus on learning from innovative online campaigns but sometimes we miss out on opportunities to integrate offline cause communities and grassroots advocacy. Road trips are an excellent platform for causes to tell important stories, engage volunteers, and fundraise in an innovative way. Diverse Goals Road trips touch on so many different goals that organizations focus on that it’s hard to believe how few major nonprofits have embraced the road trip campaign strategy.

With a bit of savvy planning, road trips can be an innovative vehicle to align with your organization’s goals. Trail-blazing Road Warriors Mark Horvath - Mark’s work with telling the stories of homeless individuals across the United States has been well documented. Mark’s infectious enthusiasm and evident passion for his cause make him an excellent story teller and his road trips have sparked a national conversation and movement.

Boaz ran his trip as a free agent story teller. The World’s Best Non-Profit Blogs. Blogs and social media are critical communication tools for non-profits. In fact, according to research by the University of Massachusetts, a higher percentage of non-profits have active blogs than any other category. And it makes sense. The Resource Alliance. Hootville Communications. Social Media: Measuring the Right Things - Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media - frogloop. Katya's Non-Profit Marketing Blog. Mon, May 09 2011. Four Ways Nonprofits Can Increase Their Impact with Data. By Holly Ross, Executive Director, NTEN. Increase the Presence of Your Non-Profit on Twitter. Blog » Blog Archive » Ami Dar: Top 10 lessons I’ve learned since starting Idealist. When Darian Heyman told me about Nonprofit Management 101 and asked me to write a Foreword for the book, two thoughts immediately came to mind.

The first was, “Really? Saving Kids, One Play Ground at a Time. Igniting Innovation In Your Organization - Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media - frogloop. Ask the Expert: Practical Tips for Every Charity - Live Discussions. A Chronicle Live Discussion Join us on Tuesday, May 10, at noon U.S. So you want to be like charity:water? 10 brand challenges between you and cool.


Conferences. Nonprofit Management 101 Giveaway - The TechSoup Blog - Welcome to the TechSoup Community - TechSoup. Nonprofit Management 101: A Complete and Practical Guide for Leaders and Professionals was released this week. I've only just started to flip through my copy, but I'm amazed by the depth and breadth of experience and insight.

As I said in my blog post last week, I think the nonprofit community has been waiting for a comprehensive guide like this for a long time. Nonprofit Management 101 Giveaway - The TechSoup Blog - Welcome to the TechSoup Community - TechSoup. Nonprofit Social Media Benchmarks: How Does Your Org Compare? eBay Acquires Nonprofit Fundraising Tool MissionFish. Two more social media experts join Socialbrite. 5 Small Busineses Who Do Facebook and Twitter Right. Five ways to simplify landing pages on your nonprofit’s website. Book: Nonprofit Management 101. Citizen Philanthropist Finds Better Way to Give to Charity For Entire Year. New Feature: Ask Idealware. Three Wishes.


Click to Donate Sites. Introducing TechSoup’s Nonprofit Social Media Curriculum - The TechSoup Blog - Welcome to the TechSoup Community - TechSoup. Group Texting: Useful or Hype?  - Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media - frogloop. You probably aren't sending spam, but you are sending bacon. Social Media For Social Good. Will It Do Any Good? — It's All About Revenue.

Katya's Non-Profit Marketing Blog. Cause Marketing. 10 rules for how nonprofits should use Twitter. Five Must-Have Characteristics of Nonprofit Mobile Websites. Katya's Non-Profit Marketing Blog. Move the Needle! Get your supporters to take action.