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Overman Foundation. In the words of the Mother: ‘Anyway, we have now reached a certitude since there is already a beginning of realisation.

Overman Foundation

We have the proof that in certain conditions the ordinary state of humanity can be exceeded and a new state of consciousness worked out which enables at least a conscious relation between mental and supramental man. ‘It can be asserted with certainty that there will be an intermediate specimen between the mental and the supramental being, a kind of overman [surhomme] who will still have the qualities and in part the nature of man, that is, who will still belong in his most external form to the human being of animal origin, but will transform his consciousness sufficiently to belong in his realisation and activity to a new race, a race of overmen [surhommes].

Overman Foundation embarks on the mission to inculcate the ‘urge’ to rise over our mundane aspects of life and delve deeper into our inner ‘I’. Like this: Like Loading... Max Theon – The Cosmic Tradition « spiritus93. Spiritus93. Astral Projection and Dream Yoga, a Free Online Course. Do you long to know for yourself what the world of dreams is?

Astral Projection and Dream Yoga, a Free Online Course

You can know, and you do not have to pay anyone for the knowledge, or belong to a group, or swear fealty to a guru. You only have to make the effort to awaken your consciousness. You can belong to any religion or none; you can work anonymously or socially; you can be from anywhere and be anyone, and you can learn how to experience that which exists beyond the physical senses. Here we offer to you the teachings, scriptures, and techniques of the ancient science that awakens the consciousness and illuminates the understanding.

What you will learn here is thousands of years old, was proven to work by all of those who carried the tradition in the past, and is being experienced daily by instructors and students today. "Do you want to know something from the beyond? This course is a collection of transcriptions from audio lectures and writings from various teachers. Articles and Lectures: The Laboratory of the Alchemist. The Laboratory of the Alchemist Details Written by Gnostic Instructor This is a transcription of a lecture originally given live and unscripted on Gnostic Radio.

The Laboratory of the Alchemist

You can download the audio here: Alchemy 03 The Laboratory of the Alchemist AUDIO. There is also a reference PDF: Alchemy 03 The Laboratory of the Alchemist PDF. In the previous two lectures, which were called "The Elements in Spiritual Growth” and “Transmutation," we were talking about how spirituality is based on the transformation of energy. Energy matter consciousness All things have this trinity, from the tiniest to the largest. We also described how those three components relate to the five basic elements that make up all manifested things. AkashAirFireWaterEarth The five elements are sometimes simplified to just four: air, fire, water, and earth. The Synthesis of Yoga by Sri Aurobindo - epub, mobi.

The Synthesis of Yoga is Sri Aurobindo‘s principal work on yoga.

The Synthesis of Yoga by Sri Aurobindo - epub, mobi

Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine - epub, mobi. The Life Divine is Sri Aurobindo‘s major philosophical opus.

Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine - epub, mobi

It combines a synthesis of western thought and eastern spirituality with Sri Aurobindo’s own original insights. The Life Divine covers topics such as the human aspiration, the emergence of life in the cosmos from out of a Divine Source, the evolution of matter to spirit in the universe, the division and dualities inherent in human consciousness, the way out of man’s ignorance through an evolution of consciousness, and the spiritual destiny of life on earth. The Life Divine first appeared serially in the Arya from August 1914 to January 1919. Volume I, revised and enlarged, was first published in book form in November 1939; Volume II, recast and enlarged, followed in July 1940, in two parts. These were reprinted in 1943 and 1947.

21-22TheLifeDivine.pdf. Sri Aurobindo, Mother and others : Texts (Index Page) Works of Sri Aurobindo. Works by Sri Aurobindo Sri Aurobindo Birth Century Library.

Works of Sri Aurobindo

Set in 30 Volumes (SABCL) In English Volume 1. Bande Mataram (≈ 6 vol. of CWSA) Volume 2. Volume 3. Volume 4. The Mother Reading Savitri - Book I. The Mother, SABCL, Volume 25 - Auro e-Books. Mother, "Agenda" M o t h e r's   A g e n d a   November 5, 1961. November 5, 1961 (Mother would prefer Satprem not to mention Paul Richard by name in his book on Sri Aurobindo.)

M o t h e r's   A g e n d a   November 5, 1961

I have done my best, all these years, to try to keep him at a distance. He has a power - a terrible asuric power. Between you and me, I saw him like that from the start - that's why I became involved with him. I never intended to marry him (his family affairs made it necessary), but when we met, I recognized him as an incarnation of the 'Lord of Falsehood' - that is his 'origin' (what he called the 'Lord of Nations'); and in fact, this being has directed the whole course of world events during the last few centuries.

It was not by choice that I met all the four Asuras - it was a decision of the Supreme. Stories Told By The Mother Part I. Interview with Satprem (English subtitles) Satprem - Der Weg nach Innen 1/2. Satprem - Der Weg nach Innen 2/2. Altgriechisch Wörterbuch. Universität Leipzig - Sprachenzentrum - Selbstlernzentrum (SLZ) Δῖος. Sucram notes on di vision.pdf. Θεός. Englisch - Deutsch Wörterbuch: Startseite.