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Paris's best antiques and street markets | Travel. Three of the most common places to find collectable junk are marchés aux puces (flea markets), brocantes (second hand shops) and antiquaires (antique shops). The following list will give you a little taste of everything and help you discover the wonderland of Parisian knick-knacks and decor. Village Saint Paul The block in between rue de Rivoli and quai des Céléstins as well as rue Saint Paul and rue de Fourcy.

This area is filled with shops and ateliers. The best time to go is the weekend, as there are many places tucked away that are closed during the week. •, metro: Saint Paul La Tortue Electrique A shop mostly specializing in vintage trinkets and toys. • 5 rue Frédéric Sauton 75005, metro: Maubert Mutalité Carré Rive Gauche One of the classics, and definitely a higher end shop … wonderful for a peek! Au Bon Usage A wonderful shop with a variety of furniture and home décor. Et Puis C'est Tout Le Bazare Chic Au Fil du Coeur La Salle des Ventes du Particulier. Lettere di viaggio. Un italiano a Parigi - Ristoranti insoliti. L’Heure Gourmande du passage Dauphine. Marre de la foule de Saint Germain? Glissez vous dans le confidentiel passage Dauphine (entre la rue Dauphine et la rue Mazarine) et faites un break à l’Heure Gourmande. La très mignonne petite terrasse (4 tables de 2 places) donne sur le passage. L’endroit idéal pour boire un verre ou manger une glace l’été dans un cadre vraiment insolite Un véritable havre de paix entre en plein cœur du 6ème arrondissement surtout connu des étudiants de l’institut de langues qui lui fait face ainsi que les maisons d’édition du coin.

D’ailleurs, rien que le passage Dauphine vaut le détour. Côté Pratique: Prêt à Voyager: VISIT PARIS. Paris is the number one tourist destination in the world, so it’s no wonder people are always looking for tips and great spots when visiting the city. This page is designed to pull all the resources I’ve created over the years conveniently in one place. First, it is necessary to know that Paris is divided into 20 arrondissements, or districts.

Each one has a personality of its own, and each one is great in its own way. One of my favorite projects I’ve done is the Tour de France project, where I invited local bloggers to share an inside look at the neighborhoods they know best. I looked at cities beyond Paris as well. One of the things I love best about Paris is that it is a small, big city that is very accessible (except if you have a broken leg or a stroller!). I once ran across the city in just 2 hours, and I’m not a particularly fast runner. The RER commuter line is an easy way into the city from the airports. People are always curious where to stay in Paris. P.S. Vide grenier, brocante - Le calendrier BROCABRAC. Go Organic in Paris. These days it’s all about going green, natural, organic, or anything else that is friendly to the environment (and to our bodies).

When you’re home, it’s easy to support local farms through farmers’ markets or buy organic goods from the supermarket, but traveling internationally could pose a threat to your health-conscious lifestyle and eating habits…unless you know where to go to find organic products and eco-friendly services. In 2009, with the help of President Nicholas Sarkozy, Paris became proactive in supporting organic agriculture. The government cut subsidies given to large farms and redirected the financial aid to smaller organic and family owned farms.

Paris has been the center of these organic or biologique (or bio) changes and boasts a number of successful organic and natural supermarkets, bakeries, restaurants, wine shops, and even hotels. Supermarkets and Organic Markets Do as the celebrities do and shop at Marché Raspail , which is Paris’ most famous outdoor food market. Sab-s-top-ten-totally-offbeat-paris-things-to-do. By Sab Will, wannabe offbeat Paris street guru When I was asked to produce a list of my Top Ten Offbeat Things To Do In Paris for GotSaga, I thought, 'Easy-Peasy, Lemon... Squeezy! '. I was wrong. For a start, Paris is SO famous, even what seems to be offbeat, if you look into it, actually has about a hundred articles written about it already out there. I mean, there are entire books written about 'The Secret Paris' and 'The Unknown Paris' and 'The Hidden Paris' and the list goes on.

So in the end I thought, worrying about it ain't gonna get the piece written; just get started and forget what's gone before, and see what happens. That's what I did, and this is the result: a totally personal selection of places or ideas for doing something just a little different in the so-called City of Light. You'll find most of these offbeat attractons involve discovering the city through walking, and are things that can be enjoyed outside. Oh yeah, and almost everything in the list doesn't cost a thing. PARIS UNPLUGGED. 1855 - L'île de la Cité avant Haussmann. Le blog de Cendrine.