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20 Tree House Pictures: Play-Club Plans to Big-Kid Houses « Dornob. Treehouses are more popular than ever, as play spaces for children but also as luxury hotel (and even house) designs for adults.

20 Tree House Pictures: Play-Club Plans to Big-Kid Houses « Dornob

Some of the most fantastic plans and ideas can be traced to specialist designers and builders – and pictures of their work can provide some of the best inspiration (as well as an informal visual guide) for do-it-yourself recreational, residential and commercial tree buildings. Blue Forest is one such company, but far from the only one. Tiny victorian cottage « Sharona Design. The Most Insanely Cool Home Offices On The Planet. Most Interesting Libraries of the World. The Royal library Black Diamond at the waterfront of Copenhagen owes its name to the black granite from Zimbabwe used for the facade of the building. The name was used by the public first and has been adapted officially later. Design by the Danish architects Schmidt, Hammer & Lassen. Photography by Mirage Bookmark