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Stockholding -Manuscripts Scanning services. Stockholding -Electronic records management solution. Record management System (RMS) is an application which stores, tracks and retrieves the required Records in an Organized manner.

Stockholding -Electronic records management solution

In doing so, it secures the storage and retrieval of Records. RMS enables the clients to control costs, reduce risks, improve access and protect information. Stockholding -Best document management system & solution. EDMS (Electronic Document Management Solution) is a suite of powerful electronic DMS products with rich features for archiving, managing, indexing and retrieving documents.

Stockholding -Best document management system & solution

EDMS comprises of products/tools for Digitization, Scanning, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Image Conversions, Electronic Workflow Management, Document Archival, Advanced Search and Email Data Management. EDMS allows users to electronically store, locate, filter, retrieve, share and track document based information. EDMS can reduce cost and minimize errors with respect to the Document Handling facility of the Client.

Thus increasing the profitability of the organization. Following are some of the features of EMDS:- Virtual data room in Mumbai – Stockholding DMS. A Virtual Data Room (VDR) is secure online service to store and share – critical documents, allowing only those with a password-protected access code to see your data.

Virtual data room in Mumbai – Stockholding DMS

Virtual Data Rooms are often used to manage strategic corporate transactions such as Mergers, Acquisitions (M&A), joint ventures, IPOs and fund raising and allow parties to securely and confidentially share information with the assurance that the documentation will not be lost, copied or leaked. Using a leading VDR makes transactions faster and more efficient, allowing sharing information with multiple parties simultaneously.

Paper shredding services – Stockholding DMS. StockHolding DMS offers a full range of confidential and certified information destruction services to help you ensure that your company’s confidential information is disposed of safely, securely, and responsibly.

Paper shredding services – Stockholding DMS

Our hands free operation adds another level of security to the destruction. Following the process of shredding, the client receives a Certificate of Destruction confirming completion of your request and final disposition of the batched information. StockHolding DMS offers document destruction process at client site as well. StockHolding DMS allows your business to obtain the most effective and cost efficient records destruction, disposal and recycling programs. Physical document management system – Stockholding DMS. Document Storage Digitization - Stockholding DMS. Electronic Document Management Solutions - Stockholding DMS.

Workflow Management Solutions. Workflow Management Solution is a process which automates the flow of files within the organization till the file completes its lifecycle.

Workflow Management Solutions

Workflow optimizes efficiency, enforces policies and automates redundant tasks. Workflow ties together DMS and other environments to connect people, process and information. Best Document Management System - Best & Affordable DMS.