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Blog. Django 2. Overview — Sphinx v0.6.1 documentation. CairoPlot. Stj / pyflakespanel. Openpyxl - A Python library to read/write Excel 2007 xlsx/xlsm files — openpyxl v1.5.0 documentation. 1.

openpyxl - A Python library to read/write Excel 2007 xlsx/xlsm files — openpyxl v1.5.0 documentation

Please start a new fork ( for each independant feature, don’t try to fix all problems at the same time, it’s easier for those who will review and merge your changes ;-) 2. Hack hack hack 3. Don’t forget to add unit tests for your changes ! Gdata-python-client - Google Data APIs Python Client Library.

Web Framework. A Conservative Metaclass. I use metaclasses in several of the projects I've written.

A Conservative Metaclass

In just about all of the cases, the metaclasses have been very minimal (or at least would be if I was clear ahead of time what I was doing), but all metaclasses have an air of mystery about them. The metaclasses I've used have been primarily to support a sort of declarative style of programming. For instance, consider a validation schema: Slacy/minimongo - GitHub. Python - Py2exe - win32api.pyc ImportError DLL load failed. MySQL-python 1.2.3 for Windows and Python 2.7, 32bit and 64bit versions. Last Updated on Sunday, 19 September 2010 04:58 Written by Ioannis Lalopoulos Sunday, 19 September 2010 02:27 I have added to the downloads page two distributions of the mysql-python module 1.2.3 for python 2.7 The distributions are: MySQL-python-1.2.3.win32-py2.7.exe (1,023.1 KiB) (1.0 MiB) Some quick notes: The choice of 32bit and 64bit depends on the version of python you have installed in your computer and not in the operating system or the server you want to access.

MySQL-python 1.2.3 for Windows and Python 2.7, 32bit and 64bit versions

Following are the results of the test suite that comes with mysql-python on the newly build distributions (I had to edit the tests in three places to replace deprecated test methods in 2.7 that were giving, for that reason, warnings and subsequently two failures in the facebook. Package Index : bbfreeze 0.97.2. Create standalone executables from python scripts bbfreeze creates stand-alone executables from python scripts.

Package Index : bbfreeze 0.97.2

It's similar in purpose to the well known py2exe for windows, py2app for OS X, PyInstaller and cx_Freeze (in fact ancient versions were based on cx_Freeze. And it uses the modulegraph package, which is also used by py2app). It has the following features: easy installation. PyInstaller. Python - py2exe - generate single executable file. Flask (A Python Microframework)

Winpaths. Winpaths is a Python module for retrieving common path names for Windows.


It relies only on ctypes, and retrieves the path names as Unicode strings. S Python Class - Google's Python Class - Google Code. Welcome to Google's Python Class -- this is a free class for people with a little bit of programming experience who want to learn Python.

s Python Class - Google's Python Class - Google Code

The class includes written materials, lecture videos, and lots of code exercises to practice Python coding. These materials are used within Google to introduce Python to people who have just a little programming experience. The first exercises work on basic Python concepts like strings and lists, building up to the later exercises which are full programs dealing with text files, processes, and http connections. The class is geared for people who have a little bit of programming experience in some language, enough to know what a "variable" or "if statement" is. Beyond that, you do not need to be an expert programmer to use this material. This material was created by Nick Parlante working in the engEDU group at Google. Twisted. Twisted is an event-driven networking engine written in Python and licensed under the open source ​MIT license. Twisted runs on Python 2 and an ever growing subset also works with Python 3.

Twisted makes it easy to implement custom network applications. Here's a TCP server that echoes back everything that's written to it: from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor, endpoints class Echo(protocol.Protocol): def dataReceived(self, data): self.transport.write(data) class EchoFactory(protocol.Factory): def buildProtocol(self, addr): return Echo() endpoints.serverFromString(reactor, "tcp:1234").listen(EchoFactory()) Learn more about ​writing servers, ​writing clients and the ​core networking libraries , including support for SSL, UDP, scheduled events, unit testing infrastructure, and much more. Daily Python-URL. Neopythonic. Planet Python. Project SIKULI. Beautiful Soup: We called him Tortoise because he taught us.

[ Download | Documentation | Hall of Fame | For enterprise | Source | Changelog | Discussion group | Zine ] You didn't write that awful page. You're just trying to get some data out of it. Beautiful Soup is here to help. Since 2004, it's been saving programmers hours or days of work on quick-turnaround screen scraping projects. Unladen-swallow - Project Hosting on Google Code. Tornado Web Server. Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed.

Tornado Web Server

By using non-blocking network I/O, Tornado can scale to tens of thousands of open connections, making it ideal for long polling, WebSockets, and other applications that require a long-lived connection to each user. Upgrade notes As of Tornado 3.2, the backports.ssl_match_hostname package must be installed when running Tornado on Python 2. This will be installed automatically when using pip or easy_install. Hello, world Here is a simple “Hello, world” example web app for Tornado: Formalchemy - Project Hosting on Google Code. FormAlchemy is now hosted on GitHub The full documentation is here FormAlchemy greatly speeds development with SQLAlchemy mapped classes (models) in a HTML forms environment.

formalchemy - Project Hosting on Google Code

FormAlchemy eliminates boilerplate by autogenerating HTML input fields from a given model. FormAlchemy will try to figure out what kind of HTML code should be returned by introspecting the model's properties and generate ready-to-use HTML code that will fit the developer's application. Of course, FormAlchemy can't figure out everything, i.e, the developer might want to display only a few columns from the given model. Profiling Django object size and memory usage with Pympler. Home > Python and PyQt4 > Django > Profiling Django object size and memory usage with Pympler Pympler is a set of Python modules that can assist in profiling memory usage, or debugging memory leaks.

Profiling Django object size and memory usage with Pympler

It's a good tool for testing multi threaded network script-services, but you also can use it to profile Django views, especially if they use complex Python modules (generate PDFs, images, other). To profile a Django view we can use a middleware like this one: In we add this middleware to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES and start the development server (if you have media files not in site_media - change the name in the middleware code). Integrating Python, C and C++ MapPoint Programming: Using Python to Control MapPoint. Python is an easy to use but powerful scripting language.

MapPoint Programming: Using Python to Control MapPoint

Python is ideal for processing data and text. This sounds a bit like Perl, but Python is much easier to read and maintain. A wide range of available extensions make Python an ideal tool for MapPoint scripting. The first half of this page shows you the basics of controlling MapPoint with Python. The second half uses some basic Python text processing to read a file of summary US Census data and plot the filtered results in MapPoint. VideoCapture - A Win32 Python Extension for Accessing Video Devices (e.g. a USB WebCam, a TV-Card, ...)

Blog Archive » drive a webcam with python. I bought a USB webcam off of eBay quite some time ago, and I decided to connect it to my telescope with a little bit of hardware hackery. I’ll have to see about posting a writeup on how I did that at a later time. Anyway, when I installed my camera software, I quickly found how horrible the program was. It gave a tiny preview of what the camera saw, and had no way of capturing images or video without waaaay too many clicks of the mouse. That’s when I decided to write my own in Python. The main libraries that I ended up using were VideoCapture, PIL, and pygame. Here’s the code: I decided to use pygame in order to build this because it can actually handle the fps that I need for video. A couple of noteworthy points: The function on line 15 is simply there to help automate displaying information on the screen.

If you’re trying to write a webcam app of your own, I hope this gets you pointed in the right direction. WebCamSpy - Python Webcam server. An Ordered Dictionary. The odict Module This module provides two classes: OrderedDict, and SequenceOrderedDict. The module is written and maintained by Nicola Larosa and Michael Foord. StandOut - The Flexible Output Object. Logging and Output Control Note This module is not under active development and is in 'bugfix only' maintenance mode. Python. Pyro - About. Python. WxMozilla - Embedding Mozilla in wxWindows. PyXPCOM - MDC. Pywebkitgtk - Google Code. Webkit2png.

Webkit2png is a command line tool that creates screenshots of webpages: With tall or wide pages that would normally require scrolling, it takes screenshots of the whole webpage, not just the area that would be visible in a browser window. webkit2png makes use of WebKit, the rendering engine used in Safari. Installing To install using Homebrew: brew install webkit2png If you don't use Homebrew then download the webkit2png script to somewhere in your path (I suggest /usr/local/bin). I want a pony: Django Cheeseshop - Django developers. Building an Application with PyGTK and Glade. After working with PyGTK and Glade for my first tutorial, I decided to write another more complex tutorial but I couldn’t think of a topic (Note: If you have any suggestions for any tutorials or posts I’d love to hear them) so I decided to work on creating a simple application and hopefully useful topics would arise from there.

The idea I came up with (which will hopefully be simple) is to create a program that will allow me to keep track of the different types of wine that I drink and how much I like them. Silicon Island: My chrismas present: All-in-One win32 python installer. Since my Cherokee patch, I've been playing around with NSIS, the Windows tool for building installers. One of my obsessions with software is that entry barriers should be as low as possible in order to have a successful product and let people enjoy with it. I've been using Python and PyGTK for five years, I think that right now, are probably the easiest and funniest tools to get introduced into software development and gui programming on the free software world. One of the most interesting feature is that they're both cross-platform, so you can write software that can run in 90% of its code on almost any UNIX, Windows and Mac OS X. Although, the problem with PyGTK is that is hard to setup on the most popular enviroment, Windows, which kills its potential success on the mass audience.

Pyglet. Package Index : pisa 3.0.26. PDF generator using HTML and CSS PLEASE SWITCH TO THE MORE RECENT VERSION AT: pisa is a html2pdf converter using the ReportLab Toolkit, the HTML5lib and pyPdf. It supports HTML 5 and CSS 2.1 (and some of CSS 3).