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A Ledger and a Network — Notes from a Strange World. In the world that we're used to, the world where we are born, money, like everything, uses the universe's way of remembering -- one atom in every atom's place, and every atom affecting other atoms, often in ways we can see and understand. When we transfer those atoms, be they coins or bits of candy or a bookshelf, to another place, they no longer exist where we used to have them. The very physical form of the world entraps the memory of what happened. This is over here, so it no longer is over there. Though I can see from the fade of the carpet that it used to be over there. Now we live in two worlds, the one overlaid on the other. In the world of the network, there is no past or future, there is only a constant and omnipresent now.

The net is ultimately ephemeral, lost and recreated moment to moment like an echoless song telling all of our stories, again and again, all at once. From the perspective of a network nothing is ever lost, and nothing is ever found. The How of Bitcoin. Satoshi Nakamoto Institute. Digital Currency Institute | Member Directory. Bitcoin Workshops. IRS Rules Bitcoin Is Property, Not Currency. IRS Virtual Currency Guidance: Virtual Currency Is Treated as Property for U.S. Federal Tax Purposes; General Rules for Property Transactions Apply IR-2014-36, March. 25, 2014 WASHINGTON – The Internal Revenue Service today issued a notice providing answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) on virtual currency, such as Bitcoin. These FAQs provide basic information on the U.S. federal tax implications of transactions in, or transactions that use, virtual currency.

In some environments, virtual currency operates like “real” currency — i.e., the coin and paper money of the United States or of any other country that is designated as legal tender, circulates, and is customarily used and accepted as a medium of exchange in the country of issuance — but it does not have legal tender status in any jurisdiction. The notice provides that virtual currency is treated as property for U.S. federal tax purposes. Q-1: How is virtual currency treated for federal tax purposes? A-2: No. A-3: Yes. Intro to Bitcoin Presentation. Map of coins: the history of cryptocurrencies from bitcoin to dogecoin and more.

Andreas Antonopoulos. (22) Virtual Currency: Why is bitcoin gaining currency where so many other crypto-currencies have failed. Mastering Bitcoin - Community Outline Review. The Bitcoin Education Project | Home of Knowledge. Our Goals | The Bitcoin Education Project. The Bitcoin Education Project has three goals: Goal 1: To Eliminate Misinformation about Bitcoin We all have heard the words ponzi scheme, bitcoin hacked, anonymous currency used to buy XYZ. Such statements are partly due to the complexity and experimental nature of Bitcoin and partly due to misinformation from media sources and peers. One of our goals is to eliminate or at least greatly reduce misinformation whenever it occurs through the distribution of creative commons content. Goal 2: Content Generation The Bitcoin Education Project seeks to become an engine to generate and vet content made by members of the Bitcoin community. Goal 3: One Million People New Users The more people in the ecosystem; the more Bitcoin is worth.

Bitcoin is a money platform with many APIs. Bitcoin is much more than just a digital currency. It is a protocol, a network, a currency and a transaction language. Most of all, though, it is an application programming interface (API) for money. Nowadays, bathroom scales and fridges have APIs, so why not money? Traditional money does have APIs, but they are closed.

In a traditional financial network, trust is achieved through a complex web of regulations, fraud detection, and accreditation — but most of all exclusion. On the Bitcoin network, you can programmatically check your balance, or the balance of any Bitcoin wallet. Of course, not everyone wants to open a bank or invent a new financial service. The Bitcoin network offers three distinct APIs. Beyond the M–of–N model, the scripting language can specify validation conditions that have nothing to do with keys. Finally, the third API is the “northbound” client API that exposes the Bitcoin economy as a set of JSON-RPC services for client applications. Adrjeffries : One hundred trillion dollars. Global Money Flows Into and Out of Low and Middle Income Countries. This image visualises the flow of aid to developing countries by putting these numbers in context. In wealthy countries such as the UK we like to think that rich nations help poorer nations with aid and other types of development funding.

We have millennium goals to eradicate poverty, surely we are helping our Southern neighbours develop sustainably! Activists from the Global South tell a very different story. This map illustrates this counter-narrative using data from World Bank depicting the hidden flows of capital into and out of low and middle-income countries. It exposes the disturbing fact that rich nations extract significantly more money from the low and middle-income nations than they give in aid. Servicing debt costs developing countries over five times more than they receive in aid. Wealthy countries do lend and sometimes give money to developing nations - but they also extract far greater wealth as debt servicing, profits to multi-nationals and illicit financial flows. Bitcoin. Douglas Rushkoff: Present Shock. When Everything Happens Now. Bitcoin. 6 New Bitcoin Educational Resources. In the fast-moving Bitcoin world, it’s crucial to stay up to date with the latest in educational resources and new media.

The last two months have seen an explosion in media attention and a desire for new users to learn as much as possible about the global bitcoin economy. It is within this spirit that I present the latest Bitcoin educational resources to hit the web: CoinDesk – This London-based resource and news operation aims to be the “Reuters of Bitcoin” according to its founder Shakil Khan. As an angel investor in Spotify and bitcoin startup BitPay, Khan noticed a gap in the news coverage for bitcoin and digital currencies in general when other entrepreneurs constantly questioned him about the bitcoin. Also just last month, Khan assisted in orchestrating the sale of his mobile news gathering portfolio company, Summly, to Yahoo for approximately $30 million.

The Genesis Block – A welcome addition to the Bitcoin blogosphere, the writing is refreshing and sometimes technical. The future of money. Bitcoin - What is it? Social capital. In sociology, social capital is the expected collective or economic benefits derived from the preferential treatment and cooperation between individuals and groups. Although different social sciences emphasize different aspects of social capital, they tend to share the core idea "that social networks have value".

Just as a screwdriver (physical capital) or a university education (cultural capital or human capital) can increase productivity (both individual and collective), so do social contacts affect the productivity of individuals and groups.[1] Background[edit] The term "social capital" was in occasional use from about 1890, but only became widely used in the late 1990s.[1] In the first half of the 19th century, Alexis de Tocqueville had observations about American life that seemed to outline and define social capital.

L. John Dewey actually used the term in his monograph entitled "School and Society" in 1900, but he offered no definition of it. Evaluating social capital[edit] Bitcoins. Bitcoin: How the Internet Created Its Own Currency. Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer decentralized digital currency. It differs from traditional, government-backed currencies in that there is no central issuer, and there are no middlemen involved for various transactions. Back in 1998, the concept of crypto-currency was described by Wei Dai on a cypherpunks mailing list. Crypto-currency is an electronic currency that relies on cryptography to regulate functions such as value and counterfeit protection. Bitcoin is the first implementation of that idea. Its protocol was published in a white paper by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008.

In 2009, Nakamoto released the first Bitcoin client and issued the first Bitcoins. The supply of Bitcoin is regulated not by a central bank, but by software. While still a nascent currency, various organizations such as WikiLeaks, the Internet Archive and the Free Software Foundation accept donations in Bitcoin. Bitcoin Mining: How Bitcoins Are Created Instead, coins are generated using a process called mining. Using Bitcoin. Getting Started with Bitcoin - We Use Coins. Step 1 - Get a wallet There are many wallets to choose from and here are our recommendations: Web Wallets - Web wallets are the easiest & most convenient to use, but are potentially less secure than wallet software run on your own computer. Software Wallets - Software wallets are downloaded and run from your computer. They're considered more secure because the user has more control and doesn't depend on a 3rd party service.

BitcoinQT - The original Satoshi wallet from bitcoin.orgArmory - (Recommended) Armory is the most mature full featured wallet.Multibit - This is the easiest to use because it doesn't require a full download of the blockchain. Mobile Phone Wallets - iphone & Android apps are available. Blockchain (Recommended)CoinJarCoinpunk (Use as a web application on iphone & Android) Hardware Wallets - Hardware wallets are the most secure because they don't expose your private keys to the network.

Trezor - (not yet available, coming soon)BitSafe - (not yet available, coming soon) Charity.