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Les alterscientifiques. Par Raymond Lemieux - 15/02/2013 Ils n’y vont pas avec le dos de la cuiller… L’évolution?

Les alterscientifiques

De la foutaise! L’héliocentrisme? Une erreur d’interprétation! Le big-bang? Alexandre Moatti, ingénieur, historien des sciences et chercheur associé à l’université Paris VII, a osé plonger dans ce monde délirant, peuplé de savants déraisonnables. Rien en commun avec les altermondialistes. Ce qui a conduit Moatti à se poser la question: «Pourquoi des personnes formées en science en viennent-elles à adopter une attitude en opposition virulente à la science de leur époque?» On pourrait croire que ce mouvement est somme toute bien marginal. Sur un autre site, on rappelle que l’ADN a été conçu par une puissance supérieure. Les alterscientifiques ont une curieuse inaptitude à l’abstraction, a remarqué Alexandre Moatti. Les alterscientifiques ne démontrent pas beaucoup de choses. Serait-ce donc cela qui nous empêche de vivre dans une société pleinement sensée?

À lire dans la même catégorie Raymond Lemieux. Liste des Pseudo-sciences. Les Sceptiques du Québec. Snopes. Claim: The Tim Hortons chain of coffee and baked goods stores adds nicotine to its coffee to keep customers hooked on it.


Examples: Origins: Although Canada has its share of Starbucks outlets, the local Tim Hortons is the destination of choice for the average Canadian in search of a quick pick-me-up. The coffee vended there is exceptional, but just as important, these shops are open a day, making a stop at these donut emporiums a personal ritual that can fit into anyone's daily routine no matter what shift he might work. Tim Hortons is Canada's best-known coffee and fresh baked goods chain, established in 1964 and now boasting more than across Canada and within the United States.

The Tim Hortons special blend of coffee has been closely guarded from the beginnings of the chain, and is subject to stringent quality assurance measures by a team of coffee experts located at the Tim Hortons head office in Oakville, Ontario. Nicotine is one of the most powerful poisons known. Tim Hortons web site. The Straight Dope. A Straight Dope Classic from Cecil's Storehouse of Human Knowledge July 25, 1997 Dear Cecil: What do you know about those plastic ion laundry balls that supposedly replace detergent?

The Straight Dope

— RosenClan, via AOL Cecil replies: Here's what I know: (1) People are charging as much as $75 for a set of little gizmos that look like they came as a prize in a Happy Meal. (2) Fifty bucks a set is more typical, but even that has to be an outrageous markup inasmuch as there's an outfit in Hong Kong that will sell them to you for $3.60 a pair. . (3) If you believe Consumer Reports, even $3.60 is a rip because you can get equally good results tossing your kid's Koosh ball in the washing machine, i.e., none. Taking all this into consideration, I figure laundry balls aren't just the name of the product, they're what you need to sell it.

But we believe in fairness around here. Laundry balls and such are mostly sold via direct marketing — catalog firms and "multi level marketing" concerns. 1. 2. 3. Round two.