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Alien History: Volume 2 - President Eisenhower’s Possible Treaty with the Aliens | Planet X News. Christian deBlanc – Guest Writer for By Guest Writer Christian deBlanc (bio and articles / forum) Before Betty and Barney Hill’s abduction on Sept. 19, 1961, did President Eisenhower participate in a series of remarkable encounters with both Nordic and Grey ostensible extraterrestrials, apparently culminating in a signed treaty giving Grey aliens permission to abduct and examine human beings? Before discussing the potential of an ill-advised, extraterrestrial treaty, it is wise to ascertain if it was possible that Eisenhower was able to participate in a secret meeting at Edwards Air Force Base while he was vacationing in Palm Springs circa 1954. The circumstantial bit of evidence is the fact that Eisenhower went missing for hours the night of February 20th and this fact is conjoined with the notion of the proximity of Palm Springs to Edwards Air Force base.

Light’s words come to us through the letter he wrote in April, 1954. According to Sgt. Related: Alien History Series. Quand les présidents collaborent avec les extraterrestres. Voici un nouvel épisode de l'émission « Alien Files » où ufologues et spécialistes démontrent que les présidents américains connaissent l'existence des extraterrestres, voir même collaborent avec eux, depuis des décennies. Vous entendrez les théories de Bill Birnes, avocat et présentateur télévision, de John Greenewald, écrivain et fondateur d'un site web et Steve Murillo, ufologue où ils expliquent leurs preuves et leurs hypothèses. En 1777, à Valley Forge, en Pennsylvanie, pendant la guerre d'indépendance, George Washington est général et commande un bataillon où beaucoup de soldats sont blessés.

Complètement démoralisé, le général se rend dans une forêt pour prier. C'est en 1780 qu'un de ses hommes raconte que le général a été approché par une créature étrange. Cet être lui montre une carte de l'Amérique où des gouttes d'eaux tombent dessus et à chaque goutte, une ville apparaît. Le général a eue une autre expérience étrange à Valley Forge. Le directeur de campagne d'Hillary évoque les ovnis à Las Vegas. Nouvelles déclarations de Clinton sur les ovnis. Il faut noter que Laurance Rockefeller, qui était un passionné d’OVNI, a approché la Maison Blanche pour l’inciter à ce que l'information soit libérée. Les documents publiés au sujet des réunions de Rockefeller, en vertu du Freedom of Information Act, montrent qu’Hillary Clinton a été impliqué dans ces pourparlers. Elle a rencontré Rockefeller en août 1995, dans son ranch du Wyoming et probablement discuté de la question, selon les documents FOIA.

Rappelons que lors d’une interview accordée, fin décembre 2015, au "Conway Daily Sun" dans le New Hampshire, la candidate démocrate à la présidence a promis de « faire la lumière » au sujet des ovnis et de tout révéler au sujet de la Zone 51. Presidents and Crashed Flying Saucers. The White House Role in Crashed UFO Retrievals From a paper presented in at the Crashed Retrieval Conference Las Vegas November 16, 2003 Before considering the available evidence about crashed saucer material and the White House, it is important to view why the role of the president is so important.

It has long been rumored that the real hard evidence such as crash retrieval materials are in the hands of the military. If the critical crash material is not held by the military, but by some agency of the government such as the National Security Agency or CIA, the president should still receive the best available material, as he is the head of the Executive branch that employs most employees of the government. Most importantly, it is important to view the role of the president in any review of crashed saucer evidence, because the president is the ultimate authority.

The following presidential stories show at times the president knows, and at time doesn’t know. Franklin D. Harry S Truman Q: Mr. Dick Cheney | Presidential UFO. Candidate Dick Cheney Visits Roswell Because of Dick Cheney's high White House positions in past Ford and Bush Sr. administrations, the appearance of Cheney's name on the George W. Bush Presidential ticket, led many ufologists to feel that Cheney might represent an attempt by the government to make a disclosure on UFOs.

Dick Cheney faced even more UFO speculation, after George Bush stated in July 2000, while campaigning in Arkansas, that it would be Dick Cheney's first White House job to get the answer to the UFO mystery. Cheney had served as Secretary of Defense from 1989 to 1993 under President Bush. During his tenure as Secretary of Defense, however, Cheney did not release a single scrap of information to researchers that indicated UFOs were for real.

Roswell had been the site of the most famous UFO event in history. Roswell has, over the years, turned into a major tourism town with a UFO museum, and shops selling alien souvenirs of all kinds. Dr. Vice President Cheney and UFOs. White House Briefed on UFOs. Sarah McClendon, White House Correspondent, McClendon News Service, March 30, 1998 original source | fair use notice Summary: (This article is written by Sarah McClendon, the nation's longest-serving White House Correspondent, who passed away on 9 January 2003.) Unidentified Flying Objects, a term given for many years to unexplained sightings of craft in the skies over every state in the Union, are actual visitors from other worlds, believe a community of scientists and technicians employed by government.

Washington, D.C. -- Unidentified Flying Objects, a term given for many years to unexplained sightings of craft in the skies over every state in the Union, are actual visitors from other worlds, believe a community of scientists and technicians employed by government. The real danger to the U. Not publicized but true is that the Clinton administration, soon after coming to office, had many briefings on the subject. Now the lid on UFOs is gradually coming off. U.S. Articles | Presidential UFO. The Shocking Truth: Ronald Reagan's Obsession With An Alien Invasion. Supermarket tabloids, that strange breed of sensationalistic American journalism, have been talking for most of the decade about Ronald Reagan's fascination with things like astrology and space aliens.

Little attention was paid to the matter ... after all, the stuff was printed in the tabloids and nobody sane is supposed to believe in them. Yet truth is becoming stranger than fiction in the case of Ronald Wilson Reagan and some of his more curious remarks. For starters, he has become the first President of the United States to talk about he possibility of an alien invasion from outer space, and he has done so not once or twice but in three speeches. Reagan is also the only President to my knowledge, who admitted -- in a 1984 Presidential debate against Walter Mondale -- [to] having "philosophical discussions" about Armageddon in the White House with some rather well known fundamentalist preachers.

Except for one headline or two, people didn't pay much attention. U.S. The Role of the President in the Politics of Disclosure - Part II: The case for and against George W. Bush. (Second in a three-part series.) Let’s get one thing straight right up front. The politics of UFOs, how the presence of extraterrestrial beings in our world, now, is going to affect you, your government, and every other person on the planet, is not only bipartisan, it’s transcendent. Transcendence is about moving from one paradigm to another, one worldview to another. It is a process so powerful, the very mechanisms involved are altered. In fact, they are not really up to the task, but being all we have, we make do. That which is about to happen to the world will affect every political party, nation, race, religion, and point of view.

And one response to this might well be, “so what.” The two main political parties don’t happen to have a plank in their platforms on this particular matter. The media focuses 75% of its coverage on who’s up, who’s down, the polling numbers, endorsements, pratfalls, scandals and peccadilloes. All of which might suggest, why not make the partisan case.

U.S. Searching for the Truth: Media Control and the Presidents Interest in Ufology. When doing radio or TV interviews and lectures, I am frequently questioned about the cover-up of the Roswell Incident and other related topics. The general public has a hard time accepting the statements I make from time to time, that the news media is controlled to some degree by the government, and that the President of the United States is not totally informed about the UFO situation. If I'm incorrect about the media, why don't we hear or read more about UFOs from them? There are several lists on the internet that report sightings from around the world on a weekly basis, but that information very seldom receives any coverage in national or local newspapers, radio or TV broadcasts. When it is reported, invariably the reporter makes light of it rather than reporting it seriously, which does nothing to advance the knowledge of the average person about this topic.

Many of us believe that Truman advised Dwight D. Eisenhower about the UFO situation when he succeeded Truman as President. Ronald Reagan's legacy goes well beyond this world. Billy Cox, - 6/10/2004 original source | fair use notice Summary: Tons of newsprint and airtime dedicated to Ronald Reagan's legacy this week, but -- surprise -- not word one about curiosity over unidentified flying objects. It'll be the same way when Jimmy Carter dies. Tons of newsprint and airtime dedicated to Ronald Reagan's legacy this week, but -- surprise -- not word one about curiosity over unidentified flying objects.

None of the Carter presidential scholars on the talk-show carousel will say anything about the former Georgia governor's UFO encounter, which was so impressive he filed a formal report. Likewise, upon Bill Clinton's death, there won't be any mainstream media discussion of his own underreported attempts to pry the door open in the '90s. What made Reagan's angle so compelling were his repeated allusions, as if he were speaking in code to the gatekeepers of classified operations. To his horror, Lt. Which is just as well. U.S. Rockefeller Tells Clinton to Tell All About UFOs (press report) New York Daily News, August 24th, 1995 original source | fair use notice Summary: President Clinton is being pressured to reopen supersecret government files on the world's most baffling UFO incident. The man who wants the secrecy ended is billionaire philanthropist Laurance S. Rockerfeller, a personal friend of the president. "Billionaire Urges Clinton: Probe UFO Mystery" President Clinton is being pressured to reopen supersecret government files on the world's most baffling UFO incident.

Rockerfeller hosted President Clinton at his western ranch during the chief executive's recent vacation in Jackson Hole, Wyoming - and insiders believe he bent Clinton's ear about the UFO issue. The Roswell Incident has been repeatedly dismissed by the Defense Dept. Read more articles on this topic: U.S. President's Talk UFOs. The President of the United States of America is considered by many to be the most powerful man in the world. If that very powerful President is in change of the UFO cover-up, then that relationship is the key relationship to study in determining what is going on.

If the President is not the head of the UFO cover-up, cut out of the loop by some Machiavellian group bypassing the constitution, then that is the key story to investigate. In short, the President’s relationship to the UFO situation is the key to understanding what happened, and how to end the cover-up. A quick look back at history shows that rarely have U.S. Presidents or vice-presidents ever commented on the UFO situation. Part of the reason for this executive silence is that no one ever asked. The first occurred on July 10, 1947, only days following the Roswell New Mexico crash, when President Truman first faced a question about UFOs.

A reporter then asked Truman if there was "any explanation of them. " The Reagan Era "Mr. Reagan UFO Story. Ronald Reagan 40th President January 20, 1981 - January 20, 1989 "I was the Teflon in what came to be known as the Teflon presidency," Joan Quigley astrologer to Nancy Reagan, taking credit for the timing of President Reagan's actions that would deflect criticism.

It was the last day in the White House for President Ronald Reagan. He wandered into the Oval Office for the last time to look around. Glancing around the office the president spotted his National Security Advisor Colin Powell arriving for the final morning national security briefing. As Powell walked up, Reagan reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the white laminated card he had carried with him for the past eight years containing the nuclear launch codes.

The President of the United States is commonly referred to as the most powerful man in the world, ruling over the most powerful economy and military on the planet. The United States is the stage. Reagan had a strong personal view of how the world worked. Of all the U.S. Richard M. Nixon. President Nixon 37th President January 20, 1969 - August 9, 1974 I was there to welcome the astronauts home... When I talked with them through the window of their quarantine chamber, it was hard to contain my enthusiasm or my awe at the thought that the three men on the other side of the glass had just returned from the moon. I said impulsively, "This is the greatest week in the history of the world since Creation. " President Nixon’s reaction to the return of the first men to walk on the moon. The Nixon administration was one that was cut short by scandal and resignation. Even though the Nixon Presidency was short and rocky, a number of UFO stories and related space developments did take place.

Nixon was also the President who announced the development of the space shuttle in 1972. Nixon was the President in office when one of the biggest events in UFO history occurred. One of the people appearing before Nixon and his colleagues on the Committee was Dr. Where Dr. Biographer William A. President Reagan saw UFO, often spoke of a world united because of alien invasion. By.

A. Hovni Source: UFO Universe September 1988 issue Excerpt [This is this article on Ronald Reagan's reputed UFO encounter, and how that encounter may serve to explain his continued interest in UFOlogy and EBEs.] Supermarket tabloids, that strange breed of sensationalistic American journalism, have been talking for most of the decade about Ronald Reagan's fascination with things like astrology and space aliens.

Little attention was paid to the matter ... after all, the stuff was printed in the tabloids and nobody sane is supposed to believe in them. For starters, he has become the first President of the United States to talk about he possibility of an alien invasion from outer space, and he has done so not once or twice but in three speeches. And then there was the explosion about astrology in the White House, triggered by Don Regan's disclosures that Nancy had often consulted astrologers to arrange for appointments with the President. "At our meeting in Geneva, the U.S.

U.S. President John F. Kennedy. President John F. Kennedy and the UFOs: Was JFK silenced for knowing too much? President Jimmy Carter's Actual UFO Sighting Report. Jimmy Carter UFO. President Harry S. Truman. Gerald Ford UFOs. George W. Bush: His UFO Story. President Bush UFO Story. President Eisenhower Meets the Aliens? The Marcia Smith Story - The President's UFO Study | Presidential UFO. Jimmy Carter’s UFO Close Encounter. Jimmy Carter, Nobel Prize, and Extraterrestrials. Ike and the Alien Ambassadors (Eisenhower)

How Presidents Have handled The Topic Of UFOs. Former White House chief of staff supports openness of info about Area 51. The Clinton White House and the Rockefeller Initiave. Eisenhower’s 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials: The Fiftieth Anniversary of First Contact? Carter White House Denied UFO Info. Bush Says UFO Promise Still On | Presidential UFO. Reagan Spielberg. U.S. Presidents and UFOs. Podesta, le proche des Clinton et Obama, tweet sur les extraterrestres. Le directeur de campagne d'Hillary évoque les ovnis à Las Vegas. I-Team: Clinton aide seeks UFO files - Story | LasVegasNow. EISENHOWER ET SA RENCONTRE AVEC DES EXTRATERRESTRES - EISENHOWER et les EXTRATERRESTRES. That Time I asked Bush about UFOs - Weird Lectures. Bill Clinton a déclaré sur un show de la télévision américaine, la semaine dernière, qu'une invasion extraterrestre est la seule chose capable d'unir notre monde de plus en plus divisé - Chretiens2000.

Why Is Hillary Clinton Talking To Laurence Rockefeller & Holding A Book About Extraterrestrials? George Bush Père réalise une étonnante déclaration sur les ovnis et extraterrestres. Vie Extraterreste, Maison Blanche et communiqué... New book claims US presidents have secret information about extraterrestrial life. Obama plaisante sur les "aliens" - "Ils exercent un contrôle strict sur nous" Un ufologue sceptique parle de R.Reagan et des ovnis… - Le blog de Merlin... Bill Clinton affirme qu’un débarquement extraterrestre serait le seul moyen d’unir un monde profondément divisé !