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Extraterrestres et MIB ~ Veritas-Europe. L’amie Ufologue J.

Extraterrestres et MIB ~ Veritas-Europe

A. du Var (Provence) me relatera personnellement sa propre expérience en ce domaine : Cela s’est passé dans le Var, secteur de Brignoles, il y a quelques années à peine. Alors que J. se rendait à son travail en voiture un matin de juin vers les 09 H. Elle avait devant elle un camping-car qui roulait sur sa route, et J. entreprend de le doubler Elle découvre alors devant elle une voiture, avec des occupants particulièrement insolites. Des » Hommes en noir » ! A noter que cela s’était passé quelques jours avant ou après, que J. soit allé effectuer une surveillance du ciel au fameux col de Vence. J. était amie avec feu l’ami Jimmy GUIEU, et avait effectué aussi des surveillances du ciel en compagnie de Jimmy, notamment dans le secteur du plateau d Albion.La revue spécialisée » Phénoména » de l’association » Sos-OVNI « , dans un numéro de 1997, nous fait part aussi d’étranges » Hommes en noir « .

En juillet 1976 (le 18, ou vers le 18), dans le Loiret. Shadow People ~ Veritas-Europe. Qu’est-ce que c’était?

Shadow People ~ Veritas-Europe

« Vous étiez assis confortablement sur votre canapé à lire le dernier numéro de votre magazine préféré dans la pénombre quand un mouvement à travers la pièce a attiré votre attention. Attention au Hat Man ~ Veritas-Europe. Il y a quelques nuits, j’ai fini de lire le nouveau livre de Heidi Hollis, The Hat Man: The True Story Evil Encounters.

Attention au Hat Man ~ Veritas-Europe

C’est un livre fascinant qui mérite d’être lu par ceux qui étudient divers champs de recherche, comme les ovnis, les hantises, les abductions, la démonologie, l’existence d’autres réalités, l’au-delà, et beaucoup plus, dont les Men in Black – une question sur laquelle je reviendrai plus tard. Je connais Heidi depuis 2005, lorsque nous avons participé à un tournage d’une semaine pour une émission de télévision, jamais diffusée, sur l’affaire de Roswel.

Je sais aussi que Heidi est un écrivain et un chercheur qualifié, et quelqu’un qui sait comment captiver l’attention de ses lecteurs et qui écrit d’une manière qui est à la fois informative et divertissante. MIB ~ Veritas-Europe. Des ufologues ont rapporté pendant des années d’étranges rencontres avec des hommes en costumes qui apparaissent, semble t’il, de nulle part, avec une richesse de connaissances, qu’aucune agence gouvernementale connue ne pourrait avoir acquise sans une vaste surveillance globale du monde entier ?

MIB ~ Veritas-Europe

Et pourtant ces visiteurs, paraissant omniscient n’agissent pas toujours de la manière dont ils sont décrits par les media. Ces hommes du gouvernement, vêtus de sombre, cassent parfois leur rôle de manière bizarre et dérangeante. Tel est le cas du MIB rieur. Notre impression sur ces personnages sombres, est tellement enracinée dans la mythologie ufo que les voir faire quelque chose de différent du schéma standard est assez étrange. Mais ce qui est plus étrange, peut-être est que ce changement de comportement est en réalité commun.

Mais ce comportement ne s’arrête pas à un simple ricanement. Et ce comportement est étrange même pour des témoins qui vivent hors du monde de l’étrange. WordPress: Women in black ~ Veritas-Europe. Dans le monde de l’ufologie, les Men in Black sont à peu près aussi légendaires qu’ils sont craints.

Women in black ~ Veritas-Europe

Ces entités, macabres pâles ont terrorisé pendant des décennies dans le silence à la fois les témoins, et les ufologues. Les théories sur qui, ou quoi, sont les MIB sont nombreuses. Parmi celles-ci, on trouve: des extraterrestres, des agents du gouvernement, des créatures démoniaques, des voyageurs temporels venant de l’avenir, et des êtres inter-dimensionnels de mondes co-existant avec les nôtres.

Si beaucoup a été écrit sur les actions sinistres, et parfois mortelles, des MIB, pratiquement rien du tout n’a été écrit au sujet de leurs compagnes tout aussi glaciales: les Women in Black. Ne vous méprenez pas: les WIB sont très réelles. Elles n’ont sans doute pas atteint le statut d’icône des MIB, mais ces femmes redoutables, et leur rôle collectif à faire taire ceux qui se plongent dans le mystère des OVNIS, est trop terrifiant.

Slender Womanby Monique141 via. MIB avec cape ~ Veritas-Europe. Who are the Men In Black? July 2, 1997 Who are the Men-in-Black?

Who are the Men In Black?

The movie opening this week is based indirectly on a sub-plot of the UFO story. At its most basic, it concerns mystery men who visit UFO witnesses and investigators and advise silence. The variations are many, as are the theories. Often noted is their immaculate dark clothing, and new appearing cars. The Sinister Men In Black. As UFO sightings increase, so does the harassment of witnesses - by the sinister Men In Black.

The Sinister Men In Black

Albert Bender, director of the International Flying Saucer Bureau, an amateur organisation based in Connecticut, USA, once claimed to have discovered the secret behind UFOs. But unfortunately, the rest of the world is still none the wiser - for Bender was prevented from passing on his discovery to the world by three sinister visitors: three men dressed in black, known as 'the silencers'. It had been Bender's intention to publish his findings in his own journal, Space Review. But before committing himself finally, he felt he ought to try his ideas out on a colleague. The Men-In-Black of Legend. The Men in Black are beings who appear anywhere major UFO sightings take place.

The Men-In-Black of Legend

They go about threatening people who have claimed to have seen UFOs into not asking about what they witnessed. They wear sunglasses. The Men in Black Phenomenon. Space 2001 original source | fair use notice.

The Men in Black Phenomenon

The Men in Black. While attempting to do a bit of research on the MiB, I have had quite a bit of trouble.

The Men in Black

The KRILL papers: Men in Black. O.H. Krill (pseudonym) original source | fair use notice. Sightings: Men in Black. Paul Greenberg original source | fair use notice Summary: A professor of humanities and folklore at New York's Julliard School by the name of Peter Rojcewicz didn't tell anybody about his encounter with the Men in Black for years -- for fear of how people would react. A professor of humanities and folklore at New York's Julliard School by the name of Peter Rojcewicz didn't tell anybody about his encounter with the Men in Black for years -- for fear of how people would react.

MIBs, UFOs, and the Carlos Allende Letters. Ever since organised flying saucer research began in the early 1950`s a disturbing number of serious UFO investigators have suffered personal harassment, unusual accidents and even mysterious deaths. In some cases, sinister voices have whispered threats over the telephone and warned certain researchers to terminate specific investigations. Recently an increasing number of civilian UFOlogists have been visited by ominous strangers who have made it physically clear that their orders to discontinue all UFO investigations would be violently enforced.

Official disclaimers have only served to intensify the mystery of the bizarre incidents currently seeding chaos within the rank of civilian UFO investigators and instilling fear among those who witness flying-saucer activity. It was in September 1953, that three agents of a silence group made their first in-person visit. Men in Black: The UFO Terrorists. I have never dared to tell this story before. First off, nobody would believe me, and second of all, how does one go about coming to terms with a terror so unbelievably real that it literally make the hair on your arm bristle, and your flesh crawl? Men In Black, An Investigation.

Men In Black Among the attachments included here are responses to questions submitted regarding CURSE.TXT, Guardian, "Original Guardian", Alien Liaison book reference authored by Timothy Good, etc. and the following file listings. 11] Biographical Information Sheet - BoB Oechsler 12] Guardian Investigation - UFO Video Case (February 1993) 13] Insider's Report - Investigating the Guardian Enigma. Men in Black Facts. Appearance Often described as having olive complexions with Asian or Gypsy- like features. Eyes are often described as strange, sometimes glowing. Men in Black - Where Do They Come From. James A Hill original source | fair use notice Summary: It has often been reported after making an unidentified flying object report that those, that have made the report have often been harassed and intimidated by the enigmatic, Men in Black or M. I. B. as they are more commonly known. Men in Black - The UFO Book: Encyclopedia of the Extraterrestrial.

Men In Black In the midst of a religious revival in Wales, a young rural woman was visited three nights in succession by a "man dressed in black," the Barmouth Advertiser reported on March 30, 1905. "This figure has delivered a message to the girl which she is frightened to relate. " The revival owed its inspiration to the charismatic Mary Jones, a 38-year- old farmwife and recent convert to ardent Christian faith, who had quickly become a preacher of exceptional power and persuasiveness. Exploring The Myth of The Men In Black. This section explores the myth of the MIB(Men In Black). It is mainly based on my MIB research regarding incidents after 1976 in England. Part 1: The making of the myth Many seem to feel it was divisions of the USAF that created the MIB myth, but this could not be further from the truth.

There is strong evidence to suggest that MIB have been co-existing with us, since we care to remember and this leads one to ask why there was ever such a need. The actual basis of their origin lies deep within the recesses of the UFO witness, as research suggests that MIB normally make an appearance after somebody has witnessed a UFO. I tend to back away from the alien hypothesis mainly due to my consistent analysis of English cases pre 1976, which tend to emphasis a more direct link with military, normally RAF or MoD.

Close Encounters with Mysterious 'Men in Black': Part 2. Part 2 Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 5, #3 (April-May 1998). PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia. Telephone: +61 (0)7 5442 9280; Fax: +61 (0)7 5442 9381 From our web page at: © by Albert K. Bender 1963 Extracted from his classic book: Flying Saucers and the Three Men First published in 1963 by Neville Spearman Limited, London, UK and more recently by Illuminet Press, USA as a limited edition We informed state and foreign representatives not to accept any further memberships because changes were in the making. Close Encounters with Mysterious 'Men in Black': Part 1. Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 5, #2 (February - March 1998).

Agents of the Dark. About Mothmen and Men in Black. A Review of MIB (Men in Black): A History. A Secretary of Defense and the M.I.B. Parasciences. THE REAL MEN IN BLACK!: MIB Terror! UFO Men in Black caught on security camera. Investigations UFO et Science. Men In Black: The “Other” Silencers - The Real Men In Black. Men In Black Connection to UFOS. The Real 'MEN IN BLACK' - Complete Accounts. Men Black. Men in Black (MIB)